Titles and Templates of Conformity

Flickr - Bar Code - Hey Paul StudiosJulian Wash, Contributor
Waking Times

Dear Humans,

Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that readily conforms to labels and titles. Titles come in all flavors, shapes and sizes, so everybody gets to have one. Some seem rather impressive, whereas others are a bit more diminutive indeed. But in most every case, we assume our respective roles and seek to further refine our character. Like an actor on stage, we wear our persona as if it were a type of costume, then parade about as if the show must go on.

So the question becomes just how intrusive are these titles and labels? Do they adequately define who we are or do they merely press into shape what others expect of us? Do we create our label or does it create us? One would hardly expect the pastor of a local church to get tanked-up at the corner watering hole. His label does not permit it— although he may desire it. So there would certainly appear to be a thin line between title and self-image. One must wonder just how deeply rooted these labels really are? If suddenly stripped free of our title and role, would we cease to be who we thought we were?

Essentially every day I see people working their jobs, trying to earn their pay. They all have titles. Society loves to add varying degrees of authority to the seemingly infinite array of titles. You may, for instance, converse with a cashier at a grocery store. You might notice that she’s a “lead” cashier. She’s not as jovial or forthcoming as the cashier from the other day, but she’s admirably efficient and dutiful. You remember the other cashier was not near as proficient, but considerably more effervescent. She was designated as a “trainee.” It said so right on her badge. They both seemed to have adopted their roles accordingly, and maybe in some ways, their roles adopted them.

  • In the following paragraphs I invite you to explore whether a title makes the person or the person makes the title. I strongly suspect both elements are tightly woven together. Some people can slip into their respective role as comfortably as a favorite pair of jeans. Others must stretch and pull and begrudgingly admit how they never found comfort with the fit. Still others are simply unaware that there’s a big, shiny label stamped across their forehead. Should you ask them who they are— they will predictively respond by stating name and title. This is a vestige of societal de-education. Should they find the clarity to ask themselves the question— one might wonder if the answer would be the same.

    Titles and Templates

    Throughout our lives we choose various labels and titles and play the roles accordingly. Sometimes others are more than happy to choose a label for us. It may start as something as simple and seemingly innocuous as a nickname. You may hate the nickname but it sticks anyway. Soon you begin to associate and be associated with something you dislike. So either one finds an acceptable place to break the link, or they become ultimately chained to an external label that never represented how they felt in the first place. This can be especially difficult for a child when others latch onto a certain birth anomaly, weight or stature issue, speech impediment or something to this effect.

    Some seek higher education and desire a title that will bring them distinction and influence. That’s an honest pursuit. There’s often a connection to a particular field of study that’s a natural fit for the student. The title is an added perk that comes with the package. But then there are those who are title seekers. It’s about the power and prestige that accompanies a certain position. They may wield authority like a butcher waves a knife. For them, a title is a tool for leverage. –Exit stage left.

    But one thing all titles have in common is their respective templates of conformity. You’ll notice when speaking with most any professional, they assume a professional persona. This is an energy that is fairly easy to detect. As the conversation continues, there’s a tendency to conform to their template of expression. Usually we do so subconsciously. It’s a form of energetic modeling that comes very naturally to Humans. When the exchange of energy is fairly coherent and the templates are meshing, the conversation proceeds with little to no stress. We all know that feeling.

    These templates are everywhere. Whether it’s a medical doctor, grocery clerk, bank teller, policeman, soldier, school teacher or an owner of a flower shop, the templates are in place and are clear as day for those who can see them. But it’s an artificial extension of who we really are. Society mandates that we build a synthetic construct around us. We pin a label on it, then surrender to it. So we look to our title and assume the role— and the next thing you know we’re calling ourselves something that we’re not.

    Is this truly our Human nature— or is it yet another example of how our race has been cultivated for the kill? I wonder. I make this point because we are always a little on guard when assuming a persona that may not be the person we truly are. So we go through life pretending to be something we’re not, with the hope of someday breaking away from this nightmarish construct we’ve found ourselves trapped in. But that’s only true for the ones who are conscious of the templates. Most are not. Most are so steeped in the illusion of the matrix they wouldn’t know a template if it smacked them dead on the head. They don’t realize they are assuming roles of compliancy and have been pressed into service with templates of conformity.

    Who Are We Really?

    I sense a good number of people would wrestle with this question. I know I do. Some claim to know, but seem unable to elaborate. Others have tried very sincerely to get to the bottom of it all and make it clearer for the rest of us. I can tell you this much. We likely had a sense of who we were from the day we were born. Thinking back to when I was about four years old, I can remember feeling a certain exuberance that I would later lose as an adult. I had a sense of being the center of my world, and I was happy with that. Sometime later I would discover that this state of mind was labeled “egocentrism.” Well I sure didn’t want any part of that. In hindsight, I now realize that being at the center of your world is a very good thing and not at all associated with being egotistical. But the inference was there none-the-less.

    No way can you be thinking you’re “the center of your world” in a mind-controlled society. Society is the center of your world, so get that straight right now young man! I remember feeling what could only be described as an Eternal love in those very early years. It gave me considerable comfort. Yes— I can remember bits and pieces of this state of mind. It was from this point, several years ago, where I made the conscious choice to rebuild my life one stone at a time. I set out to retrace the steps of my life so that I could reexamine at what point I was pulled away from my true self, then asked to assume a new role.

    And so along my journey I began to see the world from a different perspective. The matrix became obvious. So did the templates. So did a good many other things. The world was looking more and more like a silly game to me. But some of the “players” were clearly not so nice— downright creepy at times. I began to feel like an alien in my own world. In a sense, I still do. Now I walk around with curious fascination. I think to myself, “do people not see the roles they are playing?” Perhaps it’s all here merely for my entertainment, I muse. But I don’t much care for this play. -Too violent for my liking. As many of you know, walking through this world with an ability to “see” is perhaps the strangest show of all— bizarre and intricate with an ever-changing plot. Bravo! Actors— please take a bow! Now will someone lower the damn curtain? I have to pee and the meter is about to run out on my parking spot.

    So who are we and where did we come from? The best time to approach people with this novel question is when they are very young. The plasticity of a developing mind is such where wonderful ideas come about easily. They have not been strained through the rigid channels of conformity or templates of normalcy. But instead of asking children to express themselves so that we might learn from them, we proceed by funneling all kinds of nonsense into their fertile imaginations. Soon they are bombarded with religious dogma and assorted twisted tales that cloud their inner awareness. Such information is often presented as the “gospel truth” and so you better believe it—or else! The child begins to separate from “their” truth and conform to the societal templates that dictate truth, authority and normalcy. —Sort of makes me want to cry.

    Final Thought

    I understand the need for certain labels and titles. They give us some inkling on who we’re speaking with in terms of their knowledge and assumed expertise. I’m not out to change this bit of reality. But a word to the wise, we are all expert at something whether the “label” shows it or not. This hierarchical society does not see us as all as equal. It has instilled upon us rank and file and arrogant, ego-bloated titles to help make this distinction and separation ever so clear. My intent today was to simply remind people that this is all a stage and we’re the actors in the play. This way we can at least be somewhat cognizant of it all. In my opinion, few things are worse than having an “unconscious” involvement with that dreadful stage. Somebody keeps feeding us our lines and they’re not saying what’s going to happen in the final act.

    I know my role is not to wear the suit with the hangman tie and assume a silly title. It’s not that I’ve never been there— it’s just that I no longer find comfort in that world. Finding “me” was my ambition and adventure—and it’s ongoing. But now I’ve come to a place where I can disengage a bit with my own concerns. I like making small ripples in the collective pond just in case someone else is listening. I do it because I love Humanity. I see how infinitely powerful the Human expression is. I also see how our race has been divided, cultivated, hypnotized and essentially conquered as we were lured away from our higher consciousness. It is not my nature to idly stand by when I recognize such unconscionable assaults—and so I make tiny ripples.

    There are some in society who try to counter-balance the skewed scale of the matrix. Among them are songwriters and comedians. John Lennon helped pull the skirt down on the NWO and the matrix with poignant messages in songs such as “Working Class Hero” and the profoundly beautiful, “Imagine.” Bill Hicks and George Carlin were absolute shining examples of people who saw the inner-workings of the machine and devised an ingenious method of bringing their message to the masses. They used humor. Of course society did not label them as philosophers or enlightened thinkers, but rather entertainers and comics. Yep- they were just there for a good laugh or two. Funny when you really stop to think about it.

    -Until next time

    About the Author

    There is a certain obscurity that follows Julian Wash. After all, any writer that starts off with “Dear Humans” might be a little hard to nail down. We sense he’s benevolent, a little crazy and we think rather enjoyable to read. Email: jwash@rattlereport.com

    **This article was originally published at The Rattle Report.**

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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