Holistic Cancer Research: Marijuana, THC and Hemp Oil

Flickr-oil-SB ArcherGregg Prescott, M.S., In5D Guest
Waking Times

One of the more promising holistic cancer treatments involves hemp oil, as promoted by Rick Simpson.

According to Simpson, there are three different ways to use hemp oil: you can ingest it, vaporize it or use it as a topical oil. As evidenced by eyewitness testimonials, Hemp Oil not only cures cancer but also helps to alleviate other medical issues such as back pain, migraine headaches, ovary cysts, arthritis, upset stomach, diarrhea, depression, anxiety and panic

“I would like someone to show me what it can’t heal.” ~ Rick Simpson

Simpson believes Hemp Oil can be used on a plethora of medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes, infections, glaucoma, arthritis, chronic pain, burns, ulcers, warts, moles, migraine headaches, skin conditions, asthma, insomnia, anxiety and depression and any condition involving mutating cells.  Additionally, Simpson stated Hemp Oil helps to regulate your weight, heals scar tissue and rejuvenates vital organs.  Simpson added, “In fact, I would like someone to show me what it can’t heal.”

In conjunction with other eyewitness testimony, many people successfully used hemp oil to specifically treat skin cancer by applying the oil directly to the affected mole.

Terminal cancer survivor James Albert LeBlanc stated, “The chemo and radiation just kills everything inside of you, it doesn’t give you a chance to live.”  Because of hemp oil, according to LeBlanc, “That’s why I am sitting here today telling you that hemp oil does work!”

  • After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal hemp oil. When Rick discovered that the hemp oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C.) cured cancer and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could, free of charge, curing and controlling literally hundreds of people’s illnesses… but when the story went public, the long arm of the law snatched the medicine,  leaving potentially thousands of people without cancer treatments and leaving Rick with unconstitutional charges of possessing and trafficking marijuana.

    A new video on marijuana corroborates Simpson’s claims:

    Even a Harvard study has proven that THC can cure cancer:

    Additional medical research:

    Watch ‘Clearing the Smoke’: The Benefits, Limits of Medical… on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.

    Throughout man’s history, hemp has always been known as the most medicinal plant in the world. In the 17th and 18th centuries, you could be jailed for refusing to grow marijuana! For more interesting marijuana trivia, watch this:

    Hemp oil can cure cancer, but Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about this because there’s no repeat customers when any cure is found. Big Pharma learned this lesson when Polio was cured. Rick Simpson believes that hemp oil can cure ANYTHING. Because marijuana is a natural substance, Big Pharma cannot place a patent on it like they can with products like Zoloft or Adderall. Is it any wonder why Big Pharma doesn’t want to see hemp oil used in any kind of treatment?

    While HolisticCancerResearch.com does not advocate the use of any illicit substances, we do however, promote holistic methods for healing. The following video is intended for research purposes only.

    As Dr. Leonard Coldwell has stated, “As nature creates a problem, nature creates a solution.’ The use of Hemp Oil should be researched by a third party organization who has no affiliation to Big Pharma, the medical industry or Rick Simpson in order to gain empirical data of the efficacy of Hemp Oil in holistic cancer treatment.

    Testing Hemp Oil would be ideal for those who have been diagnosed with terminal cancer. What do they have to lose?

    Once cancer has reached a certain point, it usualy is terminal, regardless of what form of treatment is being used. The late Steve Jobs opted for alternative medicine at the end of his life, to no avail.

    The timing of the diagnosis and how far along the cancer has progressed appears to be the most significant factors in determinging what the potential outcome might be. If the cancer is caught early, then most holistic professionals would likely agree to use alternative medicine as a form of treatment. If the cancer has gone too far, then most traditional and non-traditional methods will not work.

    Please educate yourself in as many ways as possible. Bookmark HolisticCancerResearch, as this website is continually updated with holistic and alternative cancer research.

    Please note: Any information presented in this article is for educational research ONLY. This particular article and author is not making any recommendations and is not giving any personal medical advice in the following material.

    Copyright Information: Copyright HolisticCancerResearch.com and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in digital form with full attribution to the author and a link to HolisticCancerResearch.com. Please contact us for permission to reproduce this content in other media formats.

    **This article originally appeared on HolisticCancerResearch.com.**

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