Spirits in the Flesh

Flickr - Body -  F. C. PhotographyIda Lawrence, Contributor
Waking Times

People need encouragement: we really do, because we’re in for some changes that we might experience as painful and unjust. We also need information and honesty. Justice can be welcomed… or not. But it will come because it’s natural law… energy goes out, energy comes back around: everything gets resolved perfectly in the end.

We can accept it as mathematics; truth, light of different densities, information, and love, plus grace. Grace: that’s the little fraction in our favor – life favors life. To me it just adds up that way, and it makes sense. So that’s my encouragement… nurture the virtue within and trust in Grace.

Lightness of being: I heard Deepak say we want that. Yes, I do agree to lightness! I meditate; and the benefit is superb. I read articles online and listen to videos: so much info it’s like a consciousness superhighway. I cherish the moments of detachment, pausing in the ‘Now’. Life is a precious evolutionary experience and we’re here… in it! This is our chance to evolve; maybe clean up some past stuff, or help out in the renewal.

We can do virtue and truth, and love and lightness: this is the beauty of being human. And yet, we live within an ‘edge of the abyss’ darkness: we call it the matrix, or the control system. It operates on deceit and feeds on fear, and so is tightening the grip on us as we awaken.

  • The task for those with warm hearts, born at this extraordinary time: dwell in courage, prepare for valor, stay in love with Self and others and nature, and ‘dig’ the truth… humble up to it wherever it goes. No worries… you’ll be safe in the heart space.

    I’m going to start this ‘crone-style’ essay by taking a look in the matrix. What we’re looking for is our blind spots.

    We are individuals: spirit in body. Perhaps the information of us has reincarnated after a life experience in a totally different place with a totally different people, i.e. maybe I lived in a rain forest… the smell is so familiar… but that is simply speculation. If it helps that’s fine… but you can’t stand on it. Let’s keep going.

    In this life quite a few of us in the consciousness movement were born into the identities and cultures of ‘white people’. Why mention race? Aren’t we all parts of one vast consciousness? If you listen to an Afrodescendant or Indigenous leader, they’ll say the earth has four families… four peoples: black, brown, red and yellow. If it matters to them, and they are far older in the earth than we are, it matters in the renewal. So I mention race because… why dodge it? That would make it a blind spot.

    We learn from the spiritual experiences of racial and tribal groupings… collectives contain ancient knowledge. In the matrix there are races, cultures, peoples, tribes; and they have relationships with each other, and histories. The individuals within these races have ‘feeling’ memories as well as DNA memories.

    Karma: Perhaps long ago races and peoples made collective spiritual agreements to experience certain things, somewhat in the same manner that individuals enter into life to gain empirical knowledge and evolve through experience. Maybe white people made a ‘collective evolution’ agreement too – we agreed that a number of us would awaken, understand, and assist in the great change. I don’t see it as far-fetched. Over the years I’ve observed and listened, and warmed to the idea.

    It’s an attribute of the ‘white’ race to get out there and explore, and we’re doing it. It’s also an attribute of ours to borrow from older peoples’ spiritual knowledge. Some people say we ‘co-opt’ it, while others say… as long as you humbly acknowledge where it came from, understand it properly, and show reverence for the originators, it’s all good.

    The consciousness movement has acculturated much ancient knowledge. We have been intellectually consuming it, and rapidly, as if we are heading back running… and that’s good too. Growth and transformation of ourselves is one of our hungers, and our ‘positives’. We have run with the information, modernized it, westernized it, bravely explored its boundaries, and widely shared. Have we understood it properly? One would hope that a certain percent have.

    As the youngest of the human families we display that self confidence and foolhardiness of the young. We also show a very strong motivation to act. What do we know and feel? If a karmic tsunami is on the way, well, we’re stuck in a geographic location, national and cultural identity, and racial grouping that has done, and is doing, some major dirty work on the families of the earth and the earth itself. If what goes around is coming around, change is a Priority for us.

    I remember listening to a television host who is well known for his ‘rants’. He was talking about the plan of the control system… they want to eliminate us! Genocide! He talked about their plan to put us in camps. Slavery! As I was listening, I thought, “Damn… has he no memory?” He lives in the U.S. The genocide and slavery he anticipates look an awful lot like a karmic return. We just haven’t experienced it happening to us… the white folks. Now that the fear of it is rising, what element are we missing? Do we need a healing strategy?

    I suspect that we do have a role to play, a healing impulse if not a strategy, and we have evolved into it over the past 50 years. I see us tipping the scale toward renewal and restoration for those who received, and are still receiving the brunt of the matrix grab for power and resources. That is a tremendous change in our collective consciousness, and I have watched it happen in my years of life. I like it very much. We have been putting our hearts in order.

    Far more than before, Indigenous and Afrodescendant peoples can look to us for back-up. And we haven’t gone through this transformation to save our butts… we’ve done it because we see the truth of it. We have turned toward our mothers and fathers. What a good move.

    It seems to me that white people need restoration too. Now you might ask why, since we are the ones who have been consuming the world’s resources. Well, in the comments section on one of the websites I visit, I saw a statement that pretty much said it: “We have been used, abused, manipulated… and given a false sense of who we are.” Amen to that!

    Who has given us a false sense of who we are? Was it the mystery God in the sky or the wise serpent? I’m thinking it was both: in the form of the families at the top, always with us, feeding us a sense of separation and specialness. “Be the great white hope, dominate with your intellect, manifest your destiny, you’re a ‘civilized’ race, go forth with your culture and religion, the world and all in it is yours to use and take… because you could be like us if you try hard enough, and we’re special.”

    There’s a cure for that specialness disease and we have been studying it: oneness, humility, and an attitude of reverence and service… and remembrance. These things are not that difficult to achieve… not now.

    Finally… on the matrix: it’s structured by the minds of the powerful, greedy, great deceivers. Even the Bible told on them: the wicked in high places. We talk about exposing them, resisting them, opposing them, or slipping away and out of the grid. We truly don’t know what they are capable of… but we do know they have no mercy, no love of life. And they have no law that rules them, except the karmic one.

    Are you still in the heart space? I know… it is a stretch to tie detachment to remembrance to healing. It’s another stretch to tie lightness of being to karmic return to action. But I have no doubt we can do it, and we are doing it… we are choosing.

    “They will retrace their steps to find what was left by the trail… It is this time that the light skinned race will be given a choice between two roads. If they choose the right road, then the Seventh Fire will light the Eighth and final Fire, an eternal fire of peace, love, brotherhood and sisterhood.” The Voice of the Ojibway

    About the Author

    Ida Lawrence is an author, blogger, copywriter and editor based in Atlanta, Georgia. She has contributed to and edited two books on racial justice and human rights, and numerous articles on human rights, self-empowerment and related subjects. Her latest book is entitled The Warrior’s Way to Heaven on Earth. Ida has also published a companion book of blog favorites from http://talk2momz.com/.

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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