Good Vibrations and the Song of Din

Flickr - Frequency - Jason PrattJulian Wash, Contributor
Waking Times

Dear Humans,

Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition so ubiquitous that virtually every cell in the body is governed by the influence. The aspect I speak of is the photo-stimulated resonance of protein molecules within cellular boundaries. Like strings of a harp, these molecular structures vibrate in an enigmatic manner that has long been speculated but only recently observed.

The protein molecules within every cell are not the quiet, static little structures one might assume. They are not soft or mushy either. The unique structure of protein molecules are an epitome of design, capable of sustained resonance and vibrate in accordance to their own… song.

This magnificent symphony, however impressive in scale, remains essentially silent to the ear. I suppose it would be reasonable to assume that if one could actually hear (the din within) it could prove a bit uncomfortable. But I have my own take on this matter which I’ll touch upon in a moment.

Ringing of a Bell

That’s how the lead researcher described the results observed recently when analyzing the vibration of a protein molecule. The team, headed by Professor Andrea Markelz from the University at Buffalo, was able to detect rapid, tiny movements of the molecule and compared its sustained resonance to the “ringing of a bell.”

  • Her research team determined that protein molecules would vibrate at the same light frequency they were absorbing, and like a wine glass in a room with an opera singer, the molecules would resonate when struck by the right frequency and intensity. This action allows the protein molecule to move in a precise manner and perform a great number of functions, including DNA replication.

    Light of the Strand

    But where does the light come from? The exposed surface of the skin receives a great deal of light so that is clearly one source. Sunlight frequencies change throughout the day and throughout the seasons. Different frequencies will stimulate different proteins and in different ways. Many of the light frequencies go beyond the visible spectrum and will offer varying degrees of influence and penetration. Be mindful of this and allow yourself a wide spectrum of light frequencies throughout the year.

    Deeper tissues might rely on a different source of illumination. Is there light in the darkest regions of the body? Past studies have validated the presence of light (referred to as biophoton emission) in the DNA molecule. It’s a narrow leap of logic to suggest that perhaps a good deal of light/protein interface happens by way of biophotonic interaction at the molecular level.

    Rife machineRife’s Beam Ray and the Healing Frequency

    The ability to now observe the vibrating nature of proteins should open some old doors with renewed vigor. Back in the 1930’s, Dr. Royal Rife, the American inventor of the high-intensity Rife microscope purportedly found a way to use light frequency to neutralize and reverse the effects of cancer and many other disease causing conditions. Rife stated that his “beam ray” device could weaken or destroy pathogens by “energetically exciting destructive resonances in their constituent chemicals. This was accomplished by transducing light frequency into a corresponding ultrasonic resonance.” In other words, Dr. Rife used vibrations.

    Rife was able to demonstrate that different types of cells have their own electromagnetic signature based on its unique genetic and chemical makeup. He suggested that viruses, bacteria, and parasites are particularly sensitive to their specific bio-frequencies and could be destroyed by intensifying those frequencies until the cell fragmentized. Once again, the wine glass analogy sort of fits.

    Though largely discredited and criticized by a biased academic community and the AMA, Dr. Rife’s technology and research dovetails with recent developments regarding light-stimulated protein activation.

    The Sound of Silence

    If one were to remove the sounds of the outside world they would eventually begin to hear some of the inner workings of their body such as heartbeat, respiration and maybe even a high frequency din. The (din-within) can tell a great deal of how the body is feeling and operating.

    Clinicians are often quick to point out that the high-pitch resonance is associated with low-level hearing damage. They seem to dismiss any suggestion that this sound just might be (in part) the song of the body. Sometimes people become overly aware of this sound and it can become a conscious nuisance. But just as a good car mechanic can isolate a problem with an engine by listening, so can you. We can learn to acclimate to our “normal” sound and be mindful of any changes.

    White Noise

    What is it about the sound of a blowing fan that helps so many relax and go to sleep? What about the sound of ocean waves?  How about a tumbling dryer? For some it’s even the din of the city- the hustle and bustle of a busy street streaming into an open urban window.

    Individual sounds are somehow lost in the cacophony of noise of the big city. This level of saturation can allow a resting mind to relax and not hone in on any particular sound.

    These sounds offer a sort of counter pressure to the sounds within. For my take, the sound of the blowing fan mimics (to some extent) the song of din and the vibrations of the body. When a certain balance is achieved, the body begins to feel calm and relaxed.

    Final Thought

    In December of 1966 a band known as the Beach Boys released a song called “Good Vibrations.” The unusual, high-pitched sound in this song was produced by using an instrument called a Theremin, which produces an energetic field that one must wave their hand over to change the oscillation and pitch. No touching necessary. It’s seems uncanny that a song about “vibrations” would incorporate a device of this nature. The song was admittedly “LSD” inspired and somehow transcended consciousness and resonated with millions of people. After nearly fifty years, Good Vibrations remains popular, iconic and incomparable.

    Dear Humans, you are tuned to a number of frequencies and every cell of your body oscillates in an ocean of vibration. When you harmonize with another the frequencies comingle in a beneficial way. These “good vibrations” amplify and lift your mood and stimulate wellbeing. Be mindful of these frequencies and minimize exposure to those things that take this energy from you.

    There are “energy sponges” that will unknowingly (and sometimes knowingly) subdue this vibration. This is not a question of good or evil but rather an issue of harmonic compatibility. It would not be my recommendation for one to stay in an environment of “bad vibes” any longer than what is absolutely necessary.

    Vibrations are fun to play with and musicians know only too well just how profound their energetic impacts can be.

    So having said all that, I’d like to wish you all “good, good, good, -good vibrations.”

    -Until next time

    About the Author

    There is a certain obscurity that follows Julian Wash.  After all, any writer that starts off with “Dear Humans” might be a little hard to nail down. We sense he’s benevolent, a little crazy and we think rather enjoyable to read. Email:


    Picture credits:

    **This article was originally published at The Rattle Report.**
