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Break the Ban: Tell a Solutions Story Today!

Frances Moore Lappé, Small Planet Institute Waking Times “If it bleeds, it leads”… ever hear that maxim of journalism? If you want readers, go with the scary, gruesome story — that’s what gets hearts pumping and grabs attention. Yeah, but what grabs our attention can also scare the heck out of us and shut us

Brain Scans Show The Real Impact Love Has On A Child’s Brain

Prevent Disease Waking Times You comfort them over a skinned knee in the playground, and coax them to sleep with a soothing lullaby. But being a nurturing mother is not just about emotional care – it pays dividends by determining the size of your child’s brain, scientists say. Both of these images are brain scans

Breaking the Barriers of Belief

Brandon Pearce, Contributor Waking Times Last week, I had a few interactions that reminded me how much our attachment to our beliefs can keep us from truth, growth, and freedom. I was surprised at how often we choose comfort over truth, even when it means restriction and repression. And how terrifying it can be to

7 Things They Should Teach You in School but Don’t

Luminita D. Saviuc, Guest Waking Times “It is hard to convince a high school student that he will encounter a lot of problems more difficult than those of algebra and geometry.” ~ Edgar W. Howe You know what I realized recently? That I don’t really remember much of the things I have learned in school.

11 Ways to Access the Field of the Heart

Melissa Joy Jonsson, Contributor Waking Times The field of the heart provides us with direct access to our inner voice, our inner wisdom, and our inner chamber of limitless potential. The field of the heart creates a coherent connection with universal consciousness. There are no limitations when accessing the field of the heart, and similarly,

Federation or Ferengistan: the Choice is Yours

Balzac, Contributor Waking Times “Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.” – Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #13 Fear exists for one purpose: to be conquered – Captain Janeway (Voyager) If like me you’re a Star Trek fan (particularly Deep Space 9, Voyager and Enterprise), it would hardly be surprising that at some point you’ve

Fear of Death Means a Partially-lived Life

OSHO Waking Times Often the fear of death comes up, intense and strong, and the fear of having to leave all this beauty, this friendship and love. How is it possible to relax in this certainty of death? First, it is possible to relax only when death is a certainty. Relaxing is difficult when things

The Modern Day Slavery Epidemic

Aaron Jackson, Guest Waking Times “As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.” – Martin Luther King, speech, Aug. 16, 1967 The history of slavery across the centuries and in many countries

‘Magic Mushrooms’ Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term

Maia Szalavitz, Time Waking Times The psychedelic drug in magic mushrooms may have lasting medical and spiritual benefits, according to new research from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The mushroom-derived hallucinogen, called psilocybin, is known to trigger transformative spiritual states, but at high doses it can also result in “bad trips” marked by terror and

Quantum Physics Proves That There IS an Afterlife, Claims Scientist

Victoria Woollaston, DailyMail Waking Times Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism says death is an illusion He said life creates the universe, and not the other way round This means space and time don’t exist in the linear fashion we think it does He uses the famous double-split experiment to illustrate his point And

Photos Reveal Ecuador Building Secret Oil Roads Deeper Into Richest Rainforest on Earth, the Yasuní National Park

Massimo De Marchi, Mongabay Waking Times In August 2012, professional photographers Ivan Kashinsky and Karla Gachet were on assignment for National Geographic in Yasuní National Park, home to arguably the most biodiverse rainforest in the world. While there, they happened to take an aerial shoot above an area known as Block 31 (see Map), a controversial oil concession located

The Synchronicity and Meditation Connection

Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D., Meditation for Health Waking Times You’re talking to a friend and there’s a pause in the conversation. You break the silence by saying what just popped in your mind. Your friend responds with, “No way! I was thinking the exact same thing.” You stumble upon a friend’s number in your address

Common Insecticides May Be Linked to Kids’ Behavior Problems

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Organophosphate pesticides are known for their hazards to human health. Prenatal exposure, for example, has been linked to delayed brain development, reduced IQ, and attention deficits1. As a result, pyrethroids2—synthetic chemicals derived from natural chemicals found in chrysanthemums—have risen in popularity over the past decade.  There are currently more than 3,500

The Secret Protects Itself

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times The sight of someone eating will not appease your hunger. The spiritual experiences of others cannot satisfy your yearning. –Traditional Q: Daily, I pray, regularly give to charity, do good works and always try to be a good person, yet spiritual experience eludes me. O I am so frustrated. Please,

Socialized Medicine: A Pill That Makes Me Ill

Elizabeth D. Samson, Contributor Waking Times The so-called Affordable Health Care has been hovering over the heads of 330 million prospective customers (a.k.a. beneficiaries). Amidst all the “glitches” (a.k.a. debacles), there have been admissions by the program’s authors that they are looking forward to a single payer system (a.k.a. socialized medicine, or SM). Government takeover

Antioxidants: Beyond the Hype

Waking Times The body’s trillion or so cells face formidable threats, from lack of food to infection with a virus. Another constant threat comes from nasty chemicals called free radicals. They are capable of damaging cells and genetic material. The body generates free radicals as the inevitable byproducts of turning food into energy. Others are

What Is The Deadliest Of All Vaccines According To The Data?

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times The standard DTP or DPT (diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus) vaccine is acknowledged to be the deadliest of all vaccines, causing more disability, illness and the highest risks, even exceeding MMR (measles, mumps and rubella). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services set up the National Vaccine

Man and Woman Use Carrot Juice to Cure Stage 4 Cancer

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times Ann Cameron, an author of 15 children’s books, ‘cured’ her Stage 4 cancer with carrot juice only. She states, “I believe from personal experience that carrots can cure cancer – and rapidly, without chemotherapy, radiation, or other dietary changes.” Stories of unusual natural cancer treatments are quite astounding. I trust

Free Will: A Guide to Conscious Being

Adam Lanka, Contributor Waking Times Free will is the constant of all consciousness. The ability, the power, the great responsibility of choosing how we define, perceive and experience our reality. What we choose to concentrate upon, the ideas that we entertain, where we focus our attention, and the actions that we take are how we create and shape

How Food With Palm Oil Is Wiping Out Orangutans and Enslaving Workers

Piper Hoffman, Nation of Change Waking Times “Adam,” a poor 19-year-old Indonesian, found a job driving trucks for a palm oil plantation that paid $6 a day. The foreman picked him up for a three-week, two-thousand mile journey to the worksite in Borneo. Along the way the terms of employment changed: Adam wouldn’t be paid for two

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