Monthly Archives

25 Safe, Natural Alternatives to Getting This Year’s Flu Shot

Daisy Luther, Contributor Waking Times Want $10 off your bill at the grocery store?  Stop by our pharmacy and let us jab a needle full of toxins into your arm! Want to avoid killing off your newborn, your elderly neighbor, and some random unvaccinated cancer patient?  Do your part by getting stabbed! Want to circumvent

Oregano – One of The Most Beneficial Spices For Our Health

Karen Foster, Prevent Disease Waking Times Oregano is widely considered as nature’s antibiotic. It is an indispensable spice in Turkish, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish, Latin American and Italian cuisine, oregano is the must-have ingredient in tomato sauces and pairs well with capers and olives. It may be one reason why people who eat a Mediterranean diet

The Ancient Disc of Life

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times In my view, 6000 years ago the peoples of India either were far more advanced than NASA and then somehow mysteriously forgot — or the Mahabharata is the history of and evidence for an off-world civilization that did colonize this planet. In 1988, Lana Corrine Cantrell, a brilliant mysterious,

Is Compassion for Suckers?

Rebecca Gladding, M.D., Guest Waking Times I recently saw what seemed to be an inspiring quote attributed to Mother Teresa: “People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people

Your Power is in the Now Moment

Beverly Blanchard, Contributor Waking Times What is the thought you thinking right now? Is it an empowering thought? Is it a thought about the argument you had yesterday? Is it a thought about what you have to do tomorrow? Is it a thought about what you saw in the news? Whatever that thought is; you are

Amphibians Evolve Resistance to Popular Pesticide

Bradley Fessenden, Mongabay Waking Times Rachel Carson and, more recently, Sandra Steingraber have successfully drawn popular attention to the risks of pesticides on wildlife. Many of the environmental consequences of pesticides have now been well documented by scientists; however, studies investigating the evolutionary consequences of pesticides on non-target species are largely missing. Not surprisingly, most

Ginseng Benefits: an Energizing Medicinal Plant

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times Ginseng has been a prized medicinal root for thousands of years. Due to the numerous ginseng benefits, the herb is often considered a ‘cure-all’. From increasing energy levels and improving memory, to boosting sex drive and encouraging vascular health—this is truly a healing plant worth talking about. As reported by

Chi and DMT – Two Accessible Mysteries That Evade Scientific Validation

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times “Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” –Max Planck,  ‘Where Is Science Going?’ There are some mysteries in life so common that nearly

Levels of Consciousness

Steve Pavlina, Guest Waking Times In the book Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, there’s a hierarchy of levels of human consciousness. It’s an interesting paradigm. If you read the book, it’s also fairly easy to figure out where you fall on this hierarchy based on your current life situation. From low to high, the levels

How the West Was Lost… Tar Sands Oil Catastrophe Coming to Utah

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times The iconic landscapes of Utah and the American West are among the most breath-taking natural landscapes on planet earth, home to abundant wildlife and a source of life and inspiration for many people. In the Northwest Territories of Canada’s wilderness, over 50 years of oil shale mining have turned enormous

Potential Long Term Dangers of LASIK Surgery

Dr. Ben Kim, Guest Waking Times Research out of Otago and Oxford Universities in New Zealand indicates that having LASIK surgery can lead to permanent problems with vision over the long term. More specifically, it appears that having laser surgery for near-sightedness (myopia) may lead to excessive glare, haze, and blurred vision as people enter

Why Bananas Are Good For Weight Loss and Immunity

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times The misinformation about bananas on the internet is fairly extensive, especially relating to weight loss. There are some people out there actually trying to convince audiences that bananas are as bad to consume as cookies and french fries…I kid you not. If we look at the facts on bananas,

Is DNA the Next Internet?

It is well known from biological laboratory experiments that if you blast a cell with UV light so that 99 per cent of the cell, including its DNA, is destroyed, you can almost entirely repair the damage in a single day just by illuminating the cell with the same wavelength at a much weaker intensity. To this day, scientists don’t understand this phenomenon, called photorepair, but no one has disputed it.

12 Ways the FBI Has Radically Expanded and Abused Its Powers Since 9/11

Will Potter, Green Is The New Red Waking Times Since September 11th, the FBI has radically expanded and abused its authority in the name of fighting terrorism. Much of this came with the blessing of the U.S. Congress and attorney general, but even with loosened legal restraints, the FBI has repeatedly reached for more power

The Violent Side Effects of Antidepressants that Many Ignore

Dr. Mercola Waking Times In light of a long list of mass shootings over the past several years, the causative role of psychiatric drugs in violent events will undoubtedly have to be evaluated and addressed at some point. Personally, I’d vote for sooner, rather than later. Antidepressants in particular have a well-established history of causing violent side

Research Proves Wheat Can Cause Harm To Everyone’s Intestines

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times The myth that you need to have ‘bad genes’ to experience intestinal damage from consuming wheat was disproved years ago. It is a common myth that wheat only causes immune-mediated intestinal damage within those with a rare genetically based aberration called celiac disease. Still relatively unknown research from 2007 clearly

Humanity is Waking Up to the Intelligence of Nature

Paul Lenda, Guest Waking Times There’s a heightening level of awareness within the human race with regards to nature and all that is contained within it. Everything from the discoveries of the rudiments of language in monkeys, metacognition in dolphins, self-awareness of elephants, the ability for animals to tell “right” from “wrong”, to the creation

Simplifying Probiotics – A Path To Improving Your Gut Health

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Billions of beneficial bacteria, commonly referred to as probiotics, live in the human body. These bacteria are part of what keeps the body in balance in order to maintain overall good health. They reside in the human digestive system, specifically the intestinal tract also referred to as the gut, (as

Junking Food Is Bad for Everyone

Jill Richardson, Guest Waking Times The food Americans waste could help end hunger in this nation. Several years ago, I worked in a grocery store bakery. At the end of each day, we threw away piles of perfectly good food. Before the store closed, employees walked down each aisle, checking the expiration dates of bread,

What’s Wrong with Cycling in the United States?

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Holland is world renowned for its cycling transportation infrastructure, and if you’ve ever had the pleasure of spending a few days biking around Amsterdam, then you know just how pleasant, easy, and affordable cycling is there. People from every demographic use the bike routes for daily transportation, intersections are controlled

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