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Waking Up to Vladimir Putin’s Uncommon Common Sense

Balzac, Contributor Waking Times First and foremost we should be governed by common sense. ~ Vladimir Putin (Time Magazine, 2007) President Vladimir Putin is audaciously attempting to remove the brush covering from atop the common sense rabbit hole, which is not only a truly rare and subversive act in the eyes of the Con, but

Multiple Scientists Confirm The Reality of Free Energy – Here’s The Proof

Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution Waking Times Who is benefiting from suppressing scientific research? Whose power and wealth is threatened by access to clean and free energy? Who has the desire to create a system where so few have so much, and so many have so little? It’s become extremely obvious, especially within the past few years,

Labeling Is Not the Only Thing About GMOs We Don’t Know

Catherine J. Frompovich, Guest Waking Times Genetic modification of plants—along with cloning of animals, remember Dolly the Sheep (1996)—has been going on without apparent second thoughts being given to the ramifications of what such technological advances do to the biosphere. Recently, concerned citizens have taken a second look at GMO technology relative to the toxic

Fracking Coming to Washington D.C.’s Drinking Water?

Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog Waking Times Over the past several years, the battle over fracking has brought Congressional hearings, protests and huge industry money to Washington DC. But in recent months the topic has taken on a new, more local turn in the nation’s capital as oil and gas companies push to drill in a national

What The Cancer Industry Does Not Want You To Know About Chemotherapy and Radiation

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times They tell us chemotherapy saves lives, boosts long-term survival rates and does not damage healthy cells. All these statements by the cancer industry are false. Poison kills indiscriminately– always has and always will. While damaging healthy cells, chemotherapy also triggers them to secrete a protein that sustains tumour growth and

Understanding True Love & Twin Soul Relationships

Jona Bryndis, Guest Waking Times If we are thinking, dreaming or hoping to find our True Love, ‘Soul Mate’ or TwinSoul, or if we believe that we found our ‘perfect’ relationship, we may be in for an ego surprise…. Relationships can be based on True Love or on Ego (see article ‘Understanding True Love’); on

Avalon and The ‘Oneness’ Matrix

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times In the introduction to this series on Avalon, I mentioned this as an idea for considering: “We hardly ever encounter the same metaphysical reality package. Perceptions alter and transcend between shared reality and personal reality. Personal reality not to be understood as: Ego, but merging out of the conception differences in

8 Branches of the Tao Healing Arts

Jeff Nagel, MA, LAc, Guest Waking Times According to the ancient “Keepers of the Knowledge” from the Taoist Tradition, the evolutionary roots of Chinese Wholistic Medicine came into being at least 8,000 years ago through the first two of the 8 Branches of the Tao Healing Arts. Over the centuries the other 6 branches evolved

Despite No Safe Level, 140 Countries Sign UN Mercury Treaty Ban Excluding Vaccines and Some Cosmetics

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times More than 140 nations have agreed on the first legally binding treaty to curb mercury without setting meaningful controls and reductions on specific cosmetics or vaccines because “no effective safe substitute alternatives are available.” Earlier this year, delegates at UN talks in Geneva approved measures to control the use of the

Green Tea and Tai Chi Team Up to Protect Bones

Margie King, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Green tea is one of the latest superfoods making its way into bottled waters and energy drinks.  You’ll even find it in energy bars, mints, chewing gum and ice cream. It has many claimed health benefits.  Texas researchers add to the list with evidence that green tea aids in the prevention of

Resonance in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids

Alex Putney, Guest Waking Times Archeological and geophysical research on monumental pyramids all over the globe have informed a significant turning point in our collective understanding of the great antiquity of human civilization on this planet. Among the many recent discoveries of buried pyramids in several regions of the world, a few densely populated European

Financial War: Quantitative Easing as a Weapon

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times  For those of us who thought quantitative easing, QE, was just another incomprehensible mad policy created by the helicopter-Ben Bernanke guy, the book “Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis” (2011) by James Rickards, an economist and investment banker, corrects this misunderstanding with intelligent evidence that quantitative

5 Steps To Uncover Your Destiny

Marc Oromaner, Contributor Waking Times Destiny is the path that leads you to the most terrifying thing in your life that most excites you. It’s a journey that requires you to grow to do what you are most passionate about—to do the thing you were born to do. If you think of your life as a

In the Beginning There Was Monsanto

Barbara H. Peterson, Farm Wars Waking Times Yes, life as we know it is ending. It is being replaced by designer genes constructed in a lab and set loose on the environment with reckless abandon. We eat them, breathe them, drink them, absorb them through our skin, and pass the genetic changes on to our children.

All Truths Are True, Get Over It

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times It is often a painstaking process to attend to this subject without having to counter the millions of strong egos who simply refuse to accept such a simple concept. It is the struggle of the ages to move from a position of duality to one of acceptance that all truths

Ayahuasca, Alternative Medicine and the Amazon Rainforest

Jonathon Miller-Weisberger, Guest Waking Times The awakening offered by ayahuasca, an alternative medicine practiced by the native tribes of the Amazon rainforest, requires deep reflection, and carries the risk of misinterpretation. Excerpted and reprinted with permission from Rainforest Medicine (North Atlantic Books, 2013) by Jonathon Miller Weisberger, which chronicles the practices, legends, and wisdom of the quickly

Meditation – The Rise of Futuristic Medicine From An Ageless Practice

Debbie West, Contributor Waking Times Meditation, an ageless practice that involves clearing away the information overload that builds up in our psyche, is gaining popularity to deal with today’s fast-paced environment where our minds are constantly inundated with a steady stream of information. Stress often caused by “mind clutter” is identified as the primary cause of

The 12 Keys of Spiritual Activism

Humanity Healing Waking Times The embrace of the path of Spiritual Activism enables individuals or groups to develop the noble qualities of compassion, wisdom and gratitude. It is in itself a Path of Transformation – a Spiritual Blueprint for living. We can shift our perspectives of reality through seeking service beyond self by practicing the

A Promising Alzheimer’s Treatment for Pennies a Day

Deane Alban, Contributor Waking Times Vitamin B-complex contains 8 different vitamins, and all of them are vital for your health. But three of them — B6, B12, and folic acid (B9) — are especially critical for your brain. Studies have shown that these vitamins may prevent mental decline, dementia, and even be an effective treatment

Study Proves Sustainable Farms, Organic Farming Beats Factory Farms

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times For those who are appalled at the way animals are treated in conventional livestock production, there is a better way. Sustainable livestock production practices include providing greater animal welfare, increasing biodiversity, and extending good working conditions to those who care for the animals, all while maintaining a profitable business. A

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