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Things to Consider Before Getting the Flu Vaccine

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Did you know that during the 2012-2013 flu season, the flu vaccine’s effectiveness was found to be just 56 percent across all age groups reviewed by the CDC —in essence, the statistical equivalent of a coin toss. In seniors, aged 65 and over, the US flu vaccines were only nine percent effective. The

Killing Them With Kindness?

Julie Umpleby, Contributor Waking Times Most of us at some stage will have reached into our pockets and made some kind of financial contribution to assist those in the ‘third world’ so desperately in need of nourishment, help and support. After all, how can any decent human being not be affected by the images of emaciated,

The Companion Called Experience

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times A few months ago I started to write an article on the archetypical ‘wise woman’… the grandmother, the crone or the elder woman. I searched online for some information about the attributes of this archetype in different cultures and found that quite a number of people have been giving thought

Russell Brand Predicts Global Revolution – Is He Correct?

Waking Times Firebrand actor and comedian Russell Brand, famous for his roles in the films Get Him to the Greek, Despicable Me, and Rock of Ages, was recently interviewed by BBC Newsman Jeremy Paxman where he eloquently chides Paxman over the futility of voting in a political system that serves only the few, creates enormous disparity

Singing the Song of Love

James C. Wilhelm, Contributor Waking Times The sun had risen above the horizon billions of times before anyone took meaningful notice of it. Then, after billions of unnoticed sun cycles, a being witnessed the dawn of a new day and wondered. Though its eyes had seen this glowing object rise into the sky many times

Is Your Daily Wheat Bread Healthy?

Raluca Schachter, Guest Waking Times Wheat is everywhere and in everything. There is no food store that doesn’t have at least several isles with foods containing wheat! In my practice, it’s interesting to observe the reactions people have when we talk about wheat and I recommend to eliminate it from their diet. I often get

Man Heals His Excruciating Pain With Cannabis After A Battery of Pharmaceuticals Failed

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times A man with excruciating pains following multiple traumas was monitored, daily, over one year while managing chronic pain by self-administering quantifiable amounts of natural cannabis. Tetrahydro-cannabinol, Cannabidiol, and Cannabinol were all measured in tinctures, capsules, smoke-able product plus some baked goods, prior to their administration. By allowing standardization, the

The Awakening Soul – Floodgate of the Apocalypse

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times More and more terrific folks are stepping out and making serious conscious-driven life changes and it’s absolutely thrilling. When we’re led by our hearts it can’t go wrong. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be trials, tests and obstacles. We all have them. But acting in response to the awakening

Trained for Violence: How Video Games Affect the Brain

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times The brain is a very adaptable organ. It has the cognitive ability to adapt to stress, whether real or imagined, but do violent video games and movies actually help us to adapt to a sadistic world, or help to create one? Gamers and researchers have been on both sides of this

Appalling Lack of Progress in Factory Farm Policies Despite Increased Public Awareness

Kaye Spector, EcoWatch Waking Times A comprehensive analysis of the U.S. meat, egg and dairy industries in 2008 excoriated  producers for their business practices. A new assessment of progress since then says industrial livestock production remains just as destructive, and little has been done to address any of the problems. The report, from Johns Hopkins University Center for a

5 Foods As Addictive As Cocaine

Indian Country News Waking Times Just looking at a photo of a stack of cookies or freshly baked bread can make your mouth water. Research says simply seeing tempting food releases the chemical dopamine in the brain. The neurotransmitter, often referred to as the “happy hormone,” helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers. When you indulge,

Using Meditation to Overcome Ego

Debbie West, Contributor Waking Times In order to combat the harmful illusion of self that is created by our ideals of who we are based on past experiences and judgments of ourselves and others, we must overcome the ego. The ego-self is created by a complex and powerful overlay of our mind that is designed as a

2012: Time for Change

Waking Times 2012 has come and gone, and the world remains. Has anything actually changed, is there any hope for human kind now that we have exceeded the limits of the Mayan calendar? Is there still hope that we can transform our unsustainable world into a re-generative planetary culture capable of providing for the world’s

Higher Knowledge & Spiritual Experience: What to Buy?

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Guest Waking Times There are a thousand forms of mind. –Rumi The goal of the mystical process is to help complete human evolution. The Sufi asserts that humanity is evolving to a higher spiritual condition and this evolution is purposeful and directed. The end result of this process is more complete travelers who

Worldwide Protests Challenge Fracking Industry

Farron Cousins, De Smog Blog Waking Times On Saturday, October 19th, from Romania to Canada and beyond, protests of varying size took place all over the globe to bring attention to the dangers of hydraulic fracturing (fracking). The events, part of a worldwide effort by Global Frackdown, are designed to raise public awareness about the environmental and health

Five Categories of Qi Gong Exercises

Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, YMAA Waking Times It is very important to keep the qi or internal energy circulating smoothly in your body. Many different kinds of qigong exercises have been created to achieve this, but they can generally be categorized into five groups according to the main purpose of the training: 1. Maintaining Health The

Close Encounters: Comet Ison

Julie Umpleby, Contributor Waking Times The space-weather community is abuzz with Comet Ison, dubbed by many as ‘The Comet of the Century’.  As it travels deeper into our solar system en route to a close encounter with our sun later in November there are many watching with intense interest. As some spectacular images of this

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