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4 Reasons Why Change Is Good for You

Victor Reyes, Guest Waking Times “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” ~ Lao Tzu I was terrified of Change. Seven years ago I was on the precipice of losing all of those intrinsic qualities that defined me as a unique human being, I was at a loss

Devastating Report: Cancer Misdiagnosed in Over 1.3 Million Cases

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times The National Cancer Institute has just confirmed via a newly released report that the ‘war on cancer’ over the last 30 years has led to more than 1.3 million people (primarily women) being wrongly diagnosed with cancer. This is not to mention that cancer rates have been continuously rising while

4 Steps To Detox From Fluoride and Heavy Metals

Dr. Marianna Pochelli, Prevent Disease Waking Times Your body is naturally equipped with a self-sufficient detoxification process. But too much sugar, caffeine, processed foods, fluoride, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, cosmetics, dioxins, stress, and too little exercise can slow the body’s natural detox function to a crawl. And then your body can’t clean itself when it is

Does Humanity Even Want Freedom?

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times The most precious gift given to humanity besides its very existence and innate connectivity to universal Source is the gift of free will. We can choose. We ultimately have the power to make decisions for ourselves. Unfortunately this concept is buried under the rubble of ignorance and social engineering and

Reverse Engineering the Illuminati Mind Set

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Pt.1 ‘On the Inside of Darkness’ When a US army drone got on the wrong side of the Iranian border a year or two ago, some clever hackers found a way into its coded electronics and guided it down to earth. From there it was “taken into custody” by Iranian

14 Incredible Photos of Brazilian Activists Liberating Beagles from Cruel Lab

Will Potter, Green is the New Red Waking Times Animal rights activists in Brazil rescued nearly 200 beagles last week from a laboratory that was experimenting on the dogs for the pharmaceutical industry. According to one activist I spoke with in Brazil, the protest began with about 40 people outside of Instituto Royal in San

Hawaii and Mexico on Forefront of GMO Bans

Amanda Froelich, Guest Waking Times The latest news regarding opposition to GMO crops comes from two actions passed in Hawaii and by Mexico. Limiting pesticides, herbicides, and genetically-modified food sources in exchange for natural, organic options is a vision of the people which continues to make progress! Hawaii For bio-tech companies, life in paradise just

Agrichemical Companies Have Destroyed Argentina’s Farming Towns With Soaring Cancer Rates And Quadrupling Birth Defects

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times Argentina’s agricultural industry was dramatically transformed by the introduction of genetically modified plants in 1996. A country once known for its grass-fed beef is now dominated by genetically engineered soy, corn and cotton. Farmers in the Latin American country use twice as much pesticide per acre as farmers in the

FDA Approves Investigational Studies on Drugs Developed From Cannabis

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Just last year, I reported on a British company, GW Pharmaceuticals which was in advanced clinical trials for the world’s first pharmaceutical developed from raw marijuana instead of synthetic equivalents. It was only a matter of time before a medication was formulated on the powerful properties of Cannabis. In response

How Coconut Oil May Rescue The Brain From Alzheimer’s Disease

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times The internet loves a good “natural cure” recovery story. For instance, when Dr. Mary Newport, MD, dramatically reverses her husband’s symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease after just two weeks of adding coconut oil to his diet, thousands enthusiastically share the story. But despite their popularity, anecdotes rarely stand the test of time, nor

Spiritual Traveler: Form to Essence

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times “At the beginning I was mistaken in four ways. I sought to remember God, to know Him, and to seek Him. When I had come to the end, I saw that He had remembered me before I remembered Him, that His knowledge of me had preceded my knowledge of

Acupuncture Used in Treating ADHD

Monica Robbins, Guest Waking Times The ability to focus and tune out distraction can be challenging for anyone. But for children and adults with ADHD, it is a daily, frustrating battle. Medication and behavioral therapy are traditional methods of treatment. Now, an alternative form of medicine with ancient roots is being used to ease the

The Law of Assumption

Beverly Blanchard, Contributor Waking Times Although there has been a significant amount of emphasis on the Law of Attraction, I believe the Law of Assumption is really the cornerstone in creating your reality. Under the Law of Assumption, the world that you see depends not so much as what is there but the assumptions you

Meditation Is Rest: Rest Makes Your Mind Efficient

OSHO Waking Times Meditation makes you a master and the mind becomes a slave. And remember: the mind as a master is dangerous because, after all, it is a machine; but the mind as a slave is tremendously significant, useful. “When I say, “Drop the ego, drop the mind,” I don’t mean that you cannot

Setting Science Free From Materialism

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, Guest Waking Times **Editor’s Note: Reprinted with permission from Rupert Sheldrake, the ideas in this article are further explored in Rupert Sheldrake’s book, Science Set Free: 10 Paths to New Discovery. Please also visit his website,, for more of his fascinating articles and insight into nature and human consciousness. ** The

Proposed Belo Monte Gold Mine Means More Devastation for Amazon & Indigenous People

Waking Times For years now the world has watched as native peoples of the Amazon along the Xingu river have battled against the government and corporate development of the Belo Monte Dam, a massive hydro-electric power station that will displace tens of thousands of indigenous people and destroy the natural eco-system along this important Amazon

Let Go of Who You Are to Become What You Might Be

Paul Lenda, Guest Waking Times We all have dreams, hopes, and aspirations. Most of these are left to the confines of our minds, acting only as seemingly-unattainable realities that are nice to think about in order to escape the daily reality we find ourselves in, day after day. It doesn’t have to be this way.

What Can We Learn From How Grandma and Grandpa Used To Eat?

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times Every successive generation seems to be getting sicker, with more illness and disability. This despite government claims that the science of diet has mostly improved from just 50 years ago. These claims are far from the reality the modern world and its population experiences. Our grandparents used to make their

Los Angeles Set to Be Largest GMO-Free Zone in USA

Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society Waking Times International outrage against Monsanto and GMOs by activists and concerned citizens at large is paying off once again. Just days after Mexico announced a complete ban on the growth of GMO corn, Los Angeles lawmakers have now gone on record in setting up Los Angeles to be the largest

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