New Research Once Again Disproving Doctor’s Advice – The Risks of Aspirin Outweigh The Benefits

Flickr - Aspirin - InanimattMarco Torres, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Mainstream medicine has been claiming for decades that aspirin lowers our risk of heart attack, stroke and even reduces the risk of cancer. All of these assumptions, which were never conclusively proven in any study have been subjected to the scrutiny and criticism of hundreds of health experts. Now, the most comprehensive review ever undertaken by Warwick Medical School for the NHS National Institute for Health Research has concluded that people should avoid aspirin all together.

The review, conducted by the research arm of the NHS, said the dangers of bleeding in the brain and stomach caused by aspirin exceed any benefit of the long standing recommendation by millions of physicians worldwide.

The conclusion by researchers was to avoid taking the drug until there was more evidence. Prof Aileen Clarke, who led the research, said: “The risks are finely balanced and for now there is not the evidence to advise people to take it.”

Aspirin is so inexpensive that some doctors in recent years have recommended a daily dose of about 100 mg for anyone to prevent heart disease. But the very large, European-based Aspirin for Asymptomatic Atherosclerosis (AAA) study, among others, suggested it was very irresponsible and very risky for doctors to make the claim.

  • By taking aspirin, people seriously increase the risk of a hemorrhagic stroke or internal bleeding with absolutely no benefit to compensate for the risk.

    Highly controversial and poorly designed studies have even suggested aspirin cuts the risk of some cancers, something even oncologists regard as very unlikely adding more doubt to the thousands of scientific publications biased towards pharmaceuticals.

    Aspirin is also associated with up to 25% of asthma-related hospitalizations. Aspirin has been found to be responsible for conditions that involve multiple attacks of asthma, sinusitis, and nasal congestion. Such patients who have been hospitalized in such cases have also been diagnosed with polyps (small benign growths) in the nasal passages.

    “Lots of people believe that these medications are completely safe because they’re available over the counter,” says Dr. Gary C. Curhan, an epidemiologist at Harvard School of Public Health. “But we know that (they) can have multiple other effects. This would be one more thing that people should consider if they use these medications on a regular basis.”

    Amy Thompson, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, added: “The jury is still out as the risks are likely to outweigh the benefits.”

    According to a study by the University of East Anglia, people who take aspirin regularly for a year or more are also at increased risk of developing Crohn’s disease.

    Daily aspirin therapy can have a rebound effect that may increase your risk of heart attack. Many who decide to suddenly stop daily aspirin therapy have been found to trigger blood clots due to the dependency on the drug. Gastrointestinal bleeding, allergic reactions, tinnitus and even stroke are all complications related to taking aspirin.

    Several studies related to routine low-dose aspirin therapy it was found that any benefit was offset by gastric bleeding in men and women. On top of that, both sexes have been found to suffer bleeding in the brain while consuming aspirin.

    The review by NHS further demonstrates the growing dichotomy between mainstream medicine’s recommendations and actual health promoting substances designed to work with the body rather than against it.

    About the Author

    Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

    Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of WakingTimes or its staff.

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