Everything I See is Me

Flickr - Cat's Eye - NASA Goddard Photo and VideoAdam Lanka, Contributor
Waking Times

I AM . . . life.

In life, every single instant and interaction exists for the growth of the self and the universe into the highest harmony of All That Is.  Toaists like to refer to this as the Tai Chi, or the Supreme Ultimate, which can also be described as Unity.  At the center of all existence is the infinite singularity of All That Is Here and Now, the roar of Ohm, the spark of transcendent being-ness that permeates the entire universe.

This is the universal substrate from which you and I and every single being of energy in the universe arises.  An amazing thing about the Supreme Ultimate is that it holds within itself all of the infinite potential and possibilities in the universe, yet it itself is beyond differentiation.  In this way it is referred to as chaotic unity, and is at the center of all being.

What happens next is the story that is told in countless different cultures in countless different ways, yet with one penultimate constant.  Creation, differentiation, the unfolding of the tree of life, the fractioning of the whole into the boundless possibilities of existence in the universe.  In this process arose the myriad forms and states of being that energy manifest in and occupy.

  • At the center of being lies a paradox, for Unity contains within itself the possibility of its own negation, it’s own opposite.  This is the perspective of separation, the linchpin of theego mind, and is the root of all injustice, negativity, pain, and darkness in the world.  And it is completely necessary.  As infinite beings of consciousness within Unity, the illusion of separateness exists for us to understand the difference between the two.

    This is the penultimate question, penned so simply by William Shakespeare in ‘Hamlet.’  To be, or not to be.

    These concepts appear to be contradictory, appear to be negate and deny each other, yet they are only different perspectives, different manners in which to view the vastness of the universe.  Duality is not a static state, as our dominant cultural and scientific paradigms would have us believe.  For from this separation arises the constant integration and balance between these two ‘opposing’ perspectives.

    We are in the midst of this process, called the moment, which is the endless integration of duality into itself.  We are a part of the endless ebb and flow of energy in the perpetual, dynamic equilibrium of existence.

    The mechanism that allows us to navigate and experience the boundless aspects of the universe is called choice, a concept that we are all aware of.  This is the free will that is fundamental to all being, and this is what allows us to experience the universe from different perspectives.  Some may be darker than others, some may be more comfortable, there may even be a particular flavor in infinity that you enjoy more than others.

    No matter which way we choose to view the universe, our perspective is valid.  It may, however, not be the most effective or the most harmonious.  It may only encompass a fraction of the infinite being-ness that is present, and that is ok.  In fact, it’s great.  Yet it is still a part of the whole as well, an integral factor of Unity, and an essential part of the journey home into All That Is.

    To be infinite is our natural state of being, it is where we come from and where we always are and will be.  We don’t need to do anything to be in this state.  On the contrary, we actually need to un-do, we need to no longer choose to be fractured and separate.  We need let go of our attachments to specific outcomes and moments in space and time.

    We allow ourselves to be infinite by not creating any limits upon our being.

    In doing so, we return to wholeness.  In All That Is, we are all of the infinite potential and all of the infinite form.  We relax, we let go, and we enjoy the glorious dance of existence through the endless eternities of the now.

    Unconditional love, and gratitude.

    About the Author

    Adam Lanka, originally from North Carolina, is a traveling philosopher, energetic arts healer, and physicist. His passion and interest are in bridging the gaps in the dominant paradigm, uniting science and spirituality into one journey of consciousness, and elevating the vibration of humanity. To learn more about Adam, please visit his personal blog, The Wanderlust. Find him on Facebook at Gateway Explorations.

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