The Solstice Vibe

Flickr - green planet - NASAIda Lawrence, Contributor
Waking Times

The season of peace, the solstice, the inward time, the feeling of the womb; there we know that night is equally as beautiful as day. When it is quiet, and dark, and we are together and trusting, heart-centered exchange of energy is ours to enjoy… if we make it so. Higher understanding comes from this: communication from the place where love and truth dwell.

A few weeks ago I started an article that I called “In the Groove”. I was trying to get a grip on that moment in live music where the mind drops away and the musicians are not only in sync but are communicating instantaneously and intuitively. That’s such a cool feeling… when the mind drops away.

And we can experience it not just in music, but in so many ways. One of my favorites is in the kitchen, with a partner, cooking a meal… delicious.

I never finished the groove article, but the subject stayed on my mind, especially the instantaneous, intuitive communication part. Now I know we humans are constantly bombarding each other with thoughts… negative or positive. In the consciousness movement we know enough to watch what we’re projecting, and we do what we can to protect against negative incoming. But ego-based thoughts are not what I’m talking about.

  • I’m talking about back and forth, heart-centered, nearby or at-a-distance conversations. It happens to me frequently with my down-syndrome granddaughter. She has no barriers to it, it seems. I just shine in on her, from miles away, and if I can catch her attention she shines right back. There is only one thing in our communication… love. It seems the rule is: heart communication doesn’t convey the ego’s need or desire or concern because it doesn’t have an ego. It’s just light shining back and forth…a safe place.

    I wonder sometimes what we can grow into with this, especially collectively. I get emails from the readers of my blog, strangers from halfway around the world, and it seems like the barriers are down already. We can laugh and joke as if we’re neighbors having lunch. This leads me to wonder about our ever expanding consciousness community… what will we eventually be able to create? It seems to me a possibility, that one day we’ll be masterful enough with our instruments to slip ‘in the groove’.

    Moving back to the solstice… I know there will be a number of quiet, sacred, heart-centered gatherings, perhaps for no other reason than to honor the experience of ‘vast and beautiful night’ from which light is born. It is a time for reverence, and many will gather in that spirit. There will also be global group meditations, and these meditations have meaning… they can hold space and create peace. I suspect the numbers of people involved nowadays is becoming quite large.

    It hasn’t always been so, and I haven’t always trusted in our collective intent. My thoughts at an outdoor reggae concert some 30 years ago reveal much about personal growth. Toward the end of the concert I watched a few members of the audience slip away to gather in a separate area. When I asked what was going on, I was told, “It’s a Nyabinghi. We will be drumming and chanting for peace, probably all night.” Inside, I kind of scoffed at the idea, thinking that a few people in a field aren’t going to bring peace. That was a jaded opinion of course, but at the same time, other musical influences were incoming.

    During the 1980s we received a song written by Foreigner. It was a big hit: I Want to Know What Love Is. I was absolutely taken with the song, and so were millions of others. What do humans want… well, millions, at that time, wanted to know what love is. I believe millions still do… it’s what we yearn for at the deepest level: to change this heart of mine… to end this loneliness.

    We are a feeling – the feeling of us that we used to call a ‘vibe’. It’s our energy/information. We are crammed full of thoughts; magnets helping to create our circumstances. We experience emotional states, ever changing. Sometimes they arise from ego getting or not getting what it wants, or in a very deep sense, they can arise from the soul’s yearning. We are physical body… a seasonal existence, just like all things in nature. And we are eternal spirit wherein all is forever, and nothing is erased.

    Gradually realizing the power of our intent, and having come this far, we know that heart-based communication is possible… we know because we’re doing it. We’re exiting that traumatized space full of memories of failure and hurt and abandonment and struggle; full of manipulation and competition and opinions and fears. Everyone is disarmed in the heart space… we can’t hurt each other, and we can’t misunderstand. It’s just a flow… a dropping into the groove.

    Surely during the solstice we will be influencing the global possibilities, not only for ourselves but for the millions of people who want to know what love is. But we don’t do this for a purpose of changing the world… for then the mind would come back in. We do it for Being… our soul’s yearning… be love, and it is.

    About the Author

    Ida Lawrence is an author, blogger, copywriter and editor based in Atlanta, Georgia. She has contributed to and edited two books on racial justice and human rights, and numerous articles on human rights, self-empowerment and related subjects. Her latest book is entitled The Warrior’s Way to Heaven on Earth. Ida has also published a companion book of blog favorites from

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