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Common Additives in Processed Foods

Melissa King, Guest Waking Times Besides large amounts of sugar and sodium, Big Food companies love to add unnecessary additives to their foods.  Think about it.  They produce foods that have a very long shelf life and some are designed to NEVER rot.  That can’t be safe for human consumption. The FDA will try to

Living In A Hologram: Our Holographic Reality

Paul Lenda, Guest Waking Times We grow up thinking and believing that the world and reality in which we exist in is something tangible and physical and is just as is perceived. However, not only does this thought-process become disillusioned with various difficult-to-explain phenomena, but perceptions becomes realized as completely subjective that do not reflect

Meditation and “Drugs”

Jay Michaelson, Reality Sandwich Waking Times It’s a not-so-dirty little secret that most of today’s leading meditation teachers were interested in drugs. By “drugs,” of course, I don’t mean alcohol or Oxycontin, but rather that subset of chemicals which our society has deemed unfit for human consumption, including cannabis, psilocybin, MDMA, and others. Many of today’s

4 Examples of What Happens When You Follow Hollywood’s Health and Medical Choices

Raluca Schachter, Guest Waking Times It is much, much easier for people to place responsibility for health in ”authorities” hands. Conventional medical industry, pharmaceutical companies, scientists, celebrities… They know what they are doing and saying, right? Your relation to your own body, its reactions, your instinct, your body’s natural healing abilities, common sense and ancestral

Researchers Prove Link Between Arsenic In Rice and DNA Damage

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times Rice is a staple in diets around the world, but tests have recently detected alarming and worrisome levels of arsenic in hundreds of rice products ranging from infant cereals to rice cakes, rice pastas, rice drinks and rice itself. The Rice Industry says arsenic occurs naturally and concerns are

Garlic Beats Drug in Detoxifying Lead Safely From Body

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Last year, a remarkable study published in the journal Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology revealed something very special about garlic: it is a natural detoxifier of lead and is not only as effective as a common chelation drug known as d-penicillamine at pulling this metal out of the body but is

Earth Chakras: The 7 Key Energy Vortices of Mother Earth

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times  Just as the physical body has seven (or more) identifiable energy centers, or swirling vortices of subtle energy, so does the planet have chakra centers that govern her health and act as a reflection of her energetic evolution. Dr. Hiroshimi Motoyama developed a way to measure the chakras of the

Size Matters: Are Nano-Particles Found In Common Processed Foods Safe for Consumption?

Jill Richardson, Guest Waking Times Even food manufacturers often don’t know if nanoparticles are in the food they sell and no one knows if they’re safe to eat. They’re found in M&Ms, Dunkin’ Donuts, Jell-O pudding, and even Pop-Tarts. Scientists don’t know if they’re safe to eat. The government doesn’t regulate these things. Even food

Yoga as Integrative Medicine: Why Health Care Professionals Should Offer It

Ginger Garner, Guest Waking Times In a 2002 study of people with chronic heart disease, more than 80% of patients used integrative medicine. (1)  Patients cited numerous benefits to the use of integrative medicine, including maintaining better health and sleep, boosting self-esteem, hope, and peaceful mind, and reducing anxiety, stress, and pain. The integrative therapies

Are Probiotics the New Prozac?

Dr. Mercola Waking Times While many think of their brain as the organ in charge of their mental health, your gut may actually play a far more significant role. The big picture many of us understand is one of a microbial world that we just happen to be living in. Our actions interfere with these microbes, and

Your Perceived Emotional State Is What Determines How You Feel Pain

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times Brain imaging technology is allowing us to see the potential for the mind to influence our physiology, and how this influence should not be underestimated in determining how we feel pain. A recent report published in the European Heart Journal showed that our perception of stress may be the most significant indicator

4 Things You Should Know About Your ‘Third Eye’

Scott Thill, AlterNet Waking Times We still lack a complete understanding of the pineal gland — but that doesn’t stop us from speculating. Located in nearly the direct center of the brain, the tiny pinecone-shaped pineal gland, which habitually secretes the wondrous neurohormone melatonin while we sleep at night, was once thought to be a vestigial leftover from

Ag-Gag Lawsuit Challenges Corporate Attempts to Criminalize Free Speech and Journalism

Will Potter, Green Is The New Red Waking Times The first lawsuit against ag-gag laws will be filed in Utah today, arguing that it is unconstitutional to criminalize investigative journalists and animal welfare advocates who expose cruelty at factory farms and slaughterhouses. The lawsuit brings together activists, academics, and journalists who are directly targeted by the law:

9th Grade Science Project Finds Plants Don’t Grow Near Wi-Fi

April McCaarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times Five ninth-grade young women from Denmark recently created a science experiment that is causing a stir in the scientific community. They found that when garden cress seeds are placed near Wi-Fi, they simply will not grow. Wi-Fi connects electronic devices to wireless computer networks (wireless LAN) using electromagnetic radiation.

Medical Authority’s System Kills: FDA-Approved Drugs Kill over 100,000 People Annually

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times Greed, fraud, and corruption within Big Pharma and the FDA are the constructs of deception, with the mantle of authority leading to over 100,000 American deaths each year from correctly prescribed FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs. That’s an earlier conservative figure based on Dr. Barbara Starfield’s study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association July

3 Signs That Anti-GMO Activism Is Working In Europe

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Waking Times There are days that Monsanto’s efforts to dominate the food supply through its patenting of GMO seeds seem so malicious and abhorrent, that any possibility of regular people and family farms taking back control over agriculture and our food source appears insurmountable. Yet, there are also days when it appears

What Gorilla? Why Some Can’t See Psychic Phenomena

Dean Radin, New Dawn Waking Times Imagine you’re watching a basketball game. Your favourite team is wearing white and the other team is in black. In the midst of the action, someone in a dark gorilla suit calmly walks to the centre of the court, waves to the crowd, then walks off the court. Do

How Solar Flares Directly Affect Human Consciousness

Paul Lenda, Guest Waking Times Everything within this dense configuration of Reality that we call the Universe is inter-connected. Through this inter-connectedness, everything affects everything else. From the dawn of human spiritual experiences to present-day scientific discoveries, the reality of oneness and inter-connectedness has continued to permeate as a recurring aspect of existence within the vastness of what we

Losing Just One Pollinator Species Leads to Big Plant Declines

Jeremy Hance, Mongabay Waking Times A shocking new study finds that losing just one pollinator species could lead to major declines in plant productivity, a finding that has broad implications for biodiversity conservation. Looking at ten bumblebee species in Colorado alpine meadows, two scientists found that removing a single bee species cut flower seed production

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