Consciousness or Selfishness. Your Choice.

Flickr-leaves-Edward.rhysRene Descartes, Contributor
Waking Times

Selfishness concerns itself with one’s own welfare regardless of others and with giving less than the best to others. It may take the form of self-aggrandisement, self-glory, self-centerdness, self-doubt and many other “self” words, including self-control. Selfishness includes smugness, complacency, egotism, narcissism, conceit, perfectionism, arrogance, manipulation, denial, avoidance, fears, false pride, pretension, hypocrisy, pomposity, mistrust, condescension, indifference, presumptuousness, expectations, martyrdom, addictions, ambitions, jealousy, possessiveness, weakness, greed and control of others. All selfishness is a type of so-called sin. All evil is a type of selfishness. All selfishness is sinful and evil.

Unselfishness, besides being the opposite of the above, means giving generously to others as well as oneself for all the right reasons. It is being good when no one is watching, caring longer than anybody, loving anyway. Unselfishness is doing what you know to do even when you don’t feel like it. It’s not giving in to the impulses of the moment. It’s not making excuses for your own or anybody else’s failure. It is taking responsibility for what you are responsible for, and absolutely nothing else. It’s letting everybody do their own growing in spite of caring that they hurt. It is not letting them hurt alone. It’s intimate honesty and honestly intimate.

It’s letting others know what you want from them, and it’s lovingly letting go if they can’t give it.

Everything, and we really mean absolutely everything, is vibration. All vibrations seek their own level. Like begets like. Those who love unselfishly will ultimately, between earthly lives, experience the heavenly vibration of that attitude, while those who are negative and selfish will ultimately and rightly so experience the hellish vibration brought on by that. It doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not.

  • What we are trying to tell you is that there is nothing you can’t do when you are fully conscious. There is nothing you don’t know. And there is no place you consciousness can’t be. This of course is very scary for highly intelligent people who like to control others. Unselfish love is that which a person, who knows that he, is one with the universal spirit, does. Unselfish love is the way of the flow of the universe, the way of oneness. Unselfishness is the way of being in harmony with the universe. And is an instrument for doing the will of the Universal Consciousness. Unselfish love is both the end result of breaking our illusion of separateness, and a way of attaining oneness.

    In retrospect, in times of suffering people are more aware of the constant, painful gnawing that exists from lack of inner peace. It reminds them, at least internally or subconsciously, about the great fact that suffering is caused by remaining separate and selfish, and this will never end unless we return to oneness with the Universal Spirit. We can never really be happy as selfish separate selves, never. We may have temporary high points, but that is it.

    On the other hand, the pain of crucifying our selfishness is just temporary. And when we are done doing that, we have inner peace, which is the only true happiness, and the only happiness that never leaves us. Only those who have learned that the greater pain lies in separation from the oneness will choose the spiritual path. Are you willing to surrender?

    If a person has attained Universal Consciousness they, by the very nature of that, cannot be simultaneously selfish. And if a person is still selfish, they cannot be one with the Universal Spirit, nor have Universal Consciousness. Many people’s spirituality excludes this simple fact, and many use sophisticated spiritual rationalization to actually maintain their selfish selves. Travelling on the spiritual path is made easier by humility, compassion and unselfish love. The greater our degree of humility and compassion, the easier, and shorter, our path back will be. Spiritual growth can be experienced as agonizing torture that we must endure, or as an enlightening, learning experience that we desire and relish. It all depends on our attitude.

    True spiritual growth moves us away from the world of separateness and selfishness, towards Universal Consciousness and At-one-ment. Such a shift in consciousness can only result in caring for all, because we realise that all beings are us, all are in the Universal Spirit. Unselfish love radiates to all without exception, so powerfully that it transcends your separate self and is the Creator’s love flowing through you to others. You become the vessel channelling the universal spirit (while also being the universal spirit). It gives to all who would receive. Unless you approach the Universal Consciousness within yourself very soon, you will be left behind.

    The opportunities for incarnating will be greatly diminished in the very near future, if at all. There simply won’t be enough bodies to go around, to incarnate into. As was said…”My spirit shall not dwell in man forever”, so stop wasting your time and, more importantly, don’t let other people waste your time. If you don’t try to get rid of your selfishness, and regain your Universal Consciousness, you are wasting your time and life. (That is what you are supposed to be doing here in this world) Ascension is in consciousness, going from a lower to a higher vibration. There are no physical rapture, that is an error. Flesh is flesh, and Spirit is Spirit. You don’t go to heaven; you grow to heaven by being kind to other people.

    If man really knew better, he would do better. So be kind to others and know that ignorance and selfishness are the real evils. We are our brother’s keeper. If those intelligent people who are in a position to give of their means, talents, wealth, education and positions do not take this truth into consideration, then there must be that levelling which is to come. To our intelligent and intellectual friends, know that every other individual has as much right on Earth as we ourselves have, even though in some respect they may not be as far advanced in their learning.

    Most people have lost so much awareness that they are not even aware of the fact that they are not aware that they are part of the great oneness. At present, as well as in the very near future, you will see tyranny, oppression, control and enslavement on a scale that is unprecedented. A helping hand will be offered to a collapsing world, a crime-ridden world. This hand will welcome you and want to take care of you, but watch out, for if you grasp it, it will make you a servant for the dark side. Think not that evil does not exist. True evil disguises itself and points fingers at innocents. Evil people are arrogant, feel mentally and intellectually superior, are greedy, speak lies and love power over others. They are masters of deception and secrecy, and are totally selfish. Evil seeks, with all its might, to destroy all those who would shine light into this world of darkness. That is also why I am using a previous name in penning this short script. From a higher perspective, the greatest evil on earth and in the hearts and minds of individuals is contention, fault-finding, lovers of self, selfishness and lovers of praise, because these forces separate consciousness. You create your own reality by attracting what you think about. The greatest good in the world is love, patience, kindness, forgiveness and understanding, because these forces unite. Evil is man’s misuse of the gift of free will. The creator allows this because free will is the only way for any soul to reach its original reason for existence: to know itself, to be itself, yet choosing to be one with, and in harmony with the whole, with the creator and the creation. If free will is taken away, then the soul no longer has the potential to become an eternal loving companion and co-creator. This is why souls who misuse their free will are allowed and given more time and lives to discover their true purpose, even if they do much harm along the way. Man will eventually learn that the Creators creation is better than his own feeble attempts. That Creators ways are better than his own funny ways, and that Creators Universal Consciousness is better than the little physical consciousness/intellect that men have in their primate like bodies. As can be seen at this time (2013), mankind is fast separating into two groups, the wheat and the chaff, the good and the bad, the loving and the hateful, the unselfish and the selfish, and most people gravitate towards one or the other. Where are you going? Like-minded people are now separating more and more from the opposite group to be among those of similar persuasion. If you don’t actively join in the cause of light, you are aiding the darkness, whether deliberately or not, whether you think so or not. Some people are becoming more and more kind and loving toward each other. Some are becoming more and more selfish, greedy and power hungry, showing very little love toward others. What do you think you are becoming? Your choices determine what you become, not your religion, not your religious belief or faith or intellectual reasoning; only your free will. Please use your free will with great humility and compassion to uplift your brothers and sisters, and to the glory of The Creator. Do not confuse this with what is mostly understood as religious dogma or theology, this is not.

    Surrender to the universal one. Get back to Universal Consciousness any way you can, as quickly as you can. Time and times and half-time is at an end. At present we only live with a special and short-term dispensation. Selfishness is what must be crucified. Selfishness is what must die, and soon. Unless that is dead, you cannot be born again with Universal Consciousness.

    All those who do not work for the light (toward universal consciousness) are, to varying degrees, pawns of darkness. You can meditate, you can pray, you can worship, you can do yoga, and you can go to church or the gym and look at the primate like ape in the mirror all day long. You can snort coke or smoke weeds or whatever. It is all a waste of time, it doesn’t help you become enlightened.  You should be kind, loving, caring and a harmless person. Just start by being really nice, kind and loving all the time to everybody. All human nature has one thing in common; they only operate at full potential when their concerns are directed away from self-preoccupation and towards the assistance of their less fortunate brothers.

    From the other side with love,

    On behalf of Leinep Noj, I am humbly Rene’ Descartes

    About the Author

    Rene’ Descartes is a frustrated desert veggie farmer in South Africa who ponders and wonders much about truth. Having sailed around the world on a small yacht over a 4 year period, Rene’ is now interested in healing the terminally ill and in being of assistance to the all the souls entering earth right now. Email Rene’ at

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