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10 Reasons Canada Needs to Rethink the Tar Sands

Kevin Grandia, DeSmogBlog Waking Times As a Canadian it blows my mind that we can have the second largest deposits of oil in the world, but our government remains billions in debt and one in seven Canadian children live in poverty. I feel like we are being played for fools here in Canada, because foreign owned

The Reality of Chemical Terrorism In Our Food

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Is it really that hard for most people to believe that we are being assaulted on a daily basis by chemical terrorism? Genetically modified foods, artificial flavours, colors, preservatives, emulsifiers, and sweeteners all made with toxic chemicals, all of which are proven toxic to human health. We are being

The Other IRS Scandal: Outright War Against Marijuana Dispensaries

Clarence Walker, AlterNet Waking Times “Should the IRS campaign be successful, it will … eliminate tens of thousands of well paying jobs, [and] destroy hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenue.” Dispensaries providing marijuana to doctor-approved patients operate in a number of states, but they are under assault by the federal government. SWAT-style raids

Family: Our Inherited Evolutionary Ladder

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Have you ever wondered why you were born into your particular physical family? Family: It’s a grouping of higher selves that start out and grow together, and then begin to track along different paths. When I started looking for the truth in things beyond the system-sanctioned information, I knew it

Will You Be At The International March Against Monsanto?

Heather Callaghan Waking Times Nick Bernabe, Emilie Rensick, and Tami Monroe Canal’s organizational and social media directing gifts have been pivotal in garnering support for one of the largest worldwide peaceful protests to date. Initiative from hundreds of activist organizers online, activist media writers and tens of thousands are sharing the message. Any other divergent opinions are

A New Look at the Five Rites of Rejuvenation

James Borges, Borderlands Waking Times The Five Rites are a form of simple stretches that among many things stimulate the gland of the body to increase in vitality and stamina. The Rites are not rigorous exercises. The Five Rites are simple postures that activate the body’s nervous system on the etheric level to restore optimal

The Goodness of Coconut Water For Replenishment and Weight Loss

Mae Chan, Prevent Disease Waking Times Just like its oil, coconut water has many health benefits including electrolyte replenishment and weight loss. This ‘nut’ is packed with anti-aging properties and has the right number of calories to keep you going. The water inside green coconuts is a hydrating super liquid. One cup of has around

Waking From Sleep: The Causes of Higher States of Consciousness

Steve Taylor, New Dawn Waking Times Higher states of consciousness (HSCs) – or awakening experiences, as I prefer to call them – are moments of revelation, when we perceive reality at a heightened intensity. The world around us comes to life, and is filled with an atmosphere of harmony and meaning. A spirit-force seems to

The “Long Emergency,” Permaculture, and Towns that Food Saved

Andrew Willner, Guest  Waking Times We live in dangerous times, when economic collapse, climate chaos, and peak oil threaten the foundations of society, abundance, and all we hold dear. “Business as usual” will no longer suffice, because that way leads to certain pain, peril and impoverishment. Unspeakable acts of violence like the slaughter at the Sandy

Ayahuasca and Cancer: One Man’s Experience

Donald M. Topping. Ph.D., MAPS Waking Times A year ago I never dreamed that I would be writing about two subjects, both of which are generally considered taboo. One of these is cancer. We avoid talking about cancer – “the Big C” – because it speaks of our fears of mortality and pain. When an

9 Ways to Deepen Healing with Cannabis and Consciousness

Uwe Blesching Ph.D., Contributor Waking Times The clinical cannabis experience and consciousness research have independently demonstrated 9 mechanisms to deepen our healing process. Each of these mechanisms are subject to conscious intervention, and the more we know and understand about them the easier we can achieve the kind of healing that goes beyond the mere

Try This Health Care Plan: Soil Health is the Root of Health

Brook Le Van, Guest Waking Times None of us easily comprehends how much a trillion dollars is, or a trillion anything, for that matter, but as taxpayers we are investing more than 2.3 trillion dollars into our current health care industry. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us three quarters of health care

Can Chinese Herbal Medicine Treat Cancer? The Research Says Yes

Case Adams, Naturopath, Green Med Info Waking Times A large scale review of research by Australia and Chinese University scientists has proved with thousands of studies using hundreds of thousands of cancer patients that Chinese herbal medicine offers significant treatment for most types of cancers – including breast cancer. The research comes from Australia’s University

5 Things No One Tells You About the Military Industrial Complex

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Contributor Waking Times “If you want to tell people the truth, make ’em laugh. Otherwise, they’ll kill you.” –Oscar Wilde Writing a comedic article about militarism is a lot like trying to escape a straightjacket: finding leverage in the midst of constriction is not nearly as easy as you think it is, and

The Spiritual Eye: How to Decalcify & Activate Your Pineal Gland

Christina Sarich – Activating your pineal gland, or spiritual ‘eye’ and detoxing it are two different things. In essence, the detoxification allows you to remove the crystallized deposits, which keep the gland as a caged bird, or a princess jailed in her own ivory tower.

How Enlightenment is the Process of Creation in the Universe in Reverse

Belsebuub, Guest Waking Times The process of creation of matter and spiritual life at the beginning of the universe is one of the greatest of mysteries and understanding its basic principles is important for understanding how enlightenment works, as enlightenment is the re-absorption back into the one, the divine source of creation. An ancient Taoist

From Mexico to India: Monsanto is Killing More Than Just Biodiversity

Jen Wilton & Liam Barrington-Bush, Guests Waking Times In late April, world renowned Indian ‘seed activist’ Vandana Shiva travelled to the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca to join a gathering of Mexican farmers, indigenous leaders and environmentalists, fighting to protect Mexico’s native corn crops against the imposition of genetically modified alternatives. The group gathered for the ‘Pre-audiencia

Colony Collapse Disorder Is a Fraud: Pesticides Cause Bee Die-Offs

Heidi Stevenson, Green Med Info Waking Times Years ago, Gaia Health informed that bee dieoffs are a direct result of pesticide nerve agents called neonicotinoids. The term, Colony Collapse Disorder, is fraudulent, designed to direct attention from the known cause. Agribusiness, the poison manufacturers making death-producing pesticides, is the other face of Big Pharma. The

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