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4 Examples of Alternative Cancer Therapies

Joanna van Bijsterveld, The Underground Waking Times Cancer is one of the scariest health concerns of our times, with numbers climbing over the years and once rare or new aggressive forms of cancer appearing every day. Over the past century, many people have discovered and attempted alternative (natural) ways to manage, treat and even cure

What Happened to the Elephants of Bouba Ndjida?

Christina M. Russo, Mongabay Waking Times Editor’s Note: This is an incredibly difficult story to look at, as it highlights in graphic detail how poachers are slaughtering the last remaining wild elephants on planet earth. While Americans and Europeans trouble themselves with entertainment, political news and the narratives set up for us by the mainstream

China Destroys 3 US Shipments of GM Corn

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Could the global tide in support of GMOs be turning? A new report reveals that the formerly pro-GMO Chinese government, one of the largest consumers of GMO food crops in the world, is beginning to crack down on GM corn shipments from the US that have not followed

More Power To The People As Fluoridation Is Slowly Being Defeated

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times A broad coalition of Portlanders have resoundingly rejected adding fluoridation chemicals to the city’s water supply. By a 61% to 39% margin, Portland voters agreed with the position of most western nations that there are safer, more effective, and less intrusive ways to promote oral health than adding a

Indigo Children and the 3 Stages of Life in a Capitalistic Industrial Society

Kees Deckers, Contributor Waking Times So-called new-age and spiritualistic believers think that new generations of children are more intelligent than past generations of children. Although it is important to finally start recognising that children are human and no less stupid than their so-called elders, I doubt very much that this is the case. But again

Who Really Runs the World? Conspiracies, Hidden Agendas & the Plan for World Government

Andrew Gavin Marshall, New Dawn Waking Times So, who runs the world? It’s a question that people have struggled with since people began to struggle. It’s certainly a question with many interpretations, and incites answers of many varied perspectives. Often, it is relegated to the realm of “conspiracy theory,” in that, those who discuss this

What is Energy Medicine?

Ingrid P. Dickenson BRCP EMR, Guest Waking Times By now most of us are aware of the fact that the human body has a bio-electric field. The strength of this energy field varies with age and state of health in every individual. The mind plays an important part in the make up of this energy

Ayahuasca – A Plant That Teaches

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Before he left for Ecuador, I asked my godson, Steve, if he would check in with me now and then. He said he would if he could. He was traveling there to participate in an Ayahuasca retreat. The first time he messaged I asked him, “What have you learned?” “Respect…

No Historical Benefit in Vaccines: Polish Study

Heidi Stevenson, Green Med Info Waking Times Yesterday’s article, Vaccines Do Irreparable Harm: Study from Poland, documents the revealing information brought out by Polish scientists’ review of the scientific literature on vaccination’s adverse effects and immune system effects. Today, the rest of the study covering neurological symptoms following vaccination and a history of vaccines demonstrating little

10 Signs of A Fake Guru: Weeding Out the Psychopaths from the True Teachers

Christina Sarich, Staff Waking Times Kumare, the documentary, makes fun of our eagerness to give someone else sovereignty over our highest selves. Let’s face it – sometimes spiritual work is hard. Why should we do the true work required of a developing soul? We have to look at some pretty dingy mirrors sometimes to overcome

Ecocide or We Decide?

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times When you take a closer look at it, you see that the choices we make each day of our lives add up to the grand price that nature must pay in her role as the sustainer of life on this planet. What do I mean by that? Well, it’s simple

Consciousness: The Bridge Between Science and Religion

Peter Russell, Spirit of Now Waking Times Science and religion often seem poles apart–and in many ways they are. But I believe the two can, and will eventually, be united, and their meeting point will be human consciousness. That we are conscious beings is the most obvious fact of our existence. Indeed, all we ever

Sacred White Sage: A Way to Clear Negativity

Eileen Nauman, Guest Waking Times Every Nation has its sage for ceremonial purposes. I was shown specific white, ‘female’ patches of sage a long time ago by my medicine man teacher, who was western Cherokee. Sage is used for clearing negativity inside and outside ourselves, from our dwellings, a room, an office, an attic or

Still Eat Conventional Meat or Poultry? Preservatives, Antimicrobials, Antifungals, and Viral Sprays Saturate Factory Farmed Sources

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times 70 percent of all beef and chicken sold in the United States, Canada, UK and Australia and many other countries contain a growing number of preservatives, meat glues, and antibacterial/antifungal/antiviral sprays. They also are commonly treated with carbon monoxide gas injections to make meat appear more fresh than it

How Garlic Can Save Your Life

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Research on garlic indicates that it may provide an ideal low-cost and safe alternative to drugs and vaccines in reducing the three most common causes of death in the world. In a world mesmerized by the false promises of pharmaceutical industry marketing copy, as well as inundated with

The Vagus Nerve and the Healing Promise of The Sudarshan Kriya

Frank Huguenard, Staff Writer Waking Times At the center of our bodies resides a long, sinewy nerve that extends all the way from our medullas down through our chests to beyond our stomachs. This nerve, known as the Vagus Nerve, happens to be at a most fascinating intersection, not only between our two physical nervous systems

Are You Really Free?

Colin Bondi, Contributor Waking Times Freedom is a powerful word for most of us. Here in America people are always talking about freedom, living in a free country, defending freedom and maintaining our freedom. Some like to say – freedom isn’t free. In the course of daily life, most people like to think of themselves

Monsanto Planting New GM Soybeans in 20 Locations Despite Recent Activism

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Waking Times The imperative nature of marching this Saturday, May 25th, in the March Against Monsanto couldn’t ever be more stressed than now, with recent news that Monsanto keeps forging ahead with its repugnant plans to poison us all by planting more altered seeds – yet again. Monsanto and other mega- pharmaceutical companies, with

Inefficiency of Privatizing – Outsourcing Prisons, Public Services, Education and Justice

Michael Thomas, Guest Waking Times Many nations, including the US, have taken to the idea of “privatisation”, which really means giving the ownership or responsibility of a certain service to a privately owned institution -corporation- instead of opting for a transparent representative or democratic control. The argument most often given in support of these privatisation

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