Manifesting Personal Power With Remote Viewing

Flickr - Dreams - sophieaMary Rivas, Contributing Writer
Waking Times

Can goals, such as increased inner peace, optimism, intuitive powers and creative breakthroughs, be realized more easily by changing our brain states?

The answer is yes.  All our thoughts start out as brain waves. And like radio waves, our thoughts can be transmitted from our minds to the universe.  The universe responds to repetitive and consistent thoughts, especially when they are energized.

Thoughts and goals can be energized when you focus on them during deeper mind states, such as alpha and theta.  There are five brain wave patterns:  beta, alpha, theta and delta and gamma.  Each mind state is associated with distinct functions and abilities.   The deeper mind state of theta, for example, relaxes the mind and increases our imagination, intuition and creative powers.  Deep relaxation also helps us release mental and emotional blocks that keep us from achieving our goals.

There are many practices we can do to help us manifest our goals.  Remote influencing is one practice, and a highly effective one.  To appreciate remote influencing, it is helpful to understand remote viewing.

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is a technique for gaining information not available to the ordinary physical senses.  It enables a person to sense and use intuitive abilities to perceive knowledge, objects, places and people, which are hidden or separated from the viewer by distance.  In scientific studies involving remote viewing, some people can, under the right conditions (i.e., mental relaxation) accurately report visual descriptions of objects or locations hundreds of miles away without any previous knowledge about them.  This type of visual imagery must presumably come from a source other than physical sight since the “viewers” were nowhere near the objects and locations described.  It is presumed that such imagery comes from the quantum field, a mysterious world that is outside the realms of Newtonian physics.

  • While remote viewing became well known to the public in the 1970’s, it has actually been around for a very long time.

    Certain Native Americans have been using remote viewing and other forms of mind control for thousands of years.  While they didn’t label it as “remote viewing”, ancient wise elders, such as Sitting Bull, and scouts, such as Geronimo, used mind technologies to time travel, walk without leaving foot-prints, be invulnerable to bullets, find medicine plants and discover miraculous cures.

    Of course, they approached remote viewing in a different way than how it’s commonly used today.  To the elders, it was a sacred process that was used along with fasting, prayers and vision quests.  Remote viewing can be practiced to gain important insights, wisdom and guidance about one’s life direction.

    Also, many yogis/yoginis, saints and mystics have been known to see their apprentices in distant locations and perceive their thoughts from afar.   We all have the right to use the powers of our mind to help us evolve and live our highest potential.  Shamans, saints and mystics serve to remind us how powerful we truly are.

    Remote Influencing

    Remote influencing is an outgrowth of remote viewing.  Remote influencing refers to an advanced technology by which one can influence thoughts and manifest reality by mind power and high vibratory energy.  Similar to remote viewing, this form of mind practice touches the quantum world. 

    Remove influencing enables us to unleash mind powers to increase inner peace, improve health, boost our intuitive abilities and change the probable future.  It integrates ancient wisdom and secrets of mystery schools with modern knowledge of quantum physics and neurobiology.

    The reason it can help us manifest is because thoughts that are focused on during deeper mind states get energized.  The first step is learning how to deeply relax the body in order to access theta and delta mind states.  Deep relaxation is key because when we relax the mind, we release mental and emotional blocks that keep us from materializing our goals.  Also, in relaxed states, we can further empower goals with increased imagination and creative powers.

    Anyone can learn how to remote influence.  However, there are caveats.  Sacred knowledge teaches that one must use the powers of higher consciousness with an ethical attitude towards life; all life is sacred and must be honored.  It is dangerous to use higher consciousness to purposefully harm others. The highest form of manifesting involves having a purpose beyond the self. 

    About the Author

    Mary Rivas is the founder of, which was created to teach people about basic shamanic techniques and mind power secrets.  Mary is the author of The Warrior SpiritHow To Use Mind Powers & Ancient Wisdom To Create Wealth and Much More! She is also the creator of The Journey, a guided audio for journeying.

    She has a degree in psychology and attended graduate school in clinical psychology. For over ten years, she has immersed herself in shamanism and ancient wisdom.

    Visit and sign up to receive a free audio download to deeply relax the body and mind and reach theta, plus free monthly wisdom tips.

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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