Astral Projection Technique – Lucid Dreaming

Belsebuub, Guest Writer
Waking Times

Here’s a simple technique through which to become conscious in the astral plane by waking up in a dream, which is commonly known as lucid dreaming. With it, you can carry out exactly the same investigations in the astral world as you would do when you project from your bed.

In the normal course of sleep, dreams occur in the astral plane. When dreaming there is no recognition of being in a dream; it just happens and there is no self-awareness to enable us to realize where we are. But it is possible to know that we are in a dream, to become self-aware and know that we are out of the body in the astral plane.

This experience happens to many people and is commonly called ‘lucid dreaming’. However the term does not distinguish between the two kinds of experiences we get while becoming aware that we are dreaming. There is a difference between knowing that you are in a dream, yet still dreaming, and knowing you are in a dream and seeing what is actually there around you in the astral plane, rather than still being in the projections of the mind. As I refer to seeing what is actually there, I usually use the term ‘waking up in dreams’ rather than ‘lucid dreaming’.

There are exercises that can be done to become conscious in the astral plane while dreaming. They basically involve questioning during the day to see whether you are in the astral world or in the everyday world, in order to record that question in the subconscious and to repeat it while dreaming, and thereby to realize that you’re there.

  • The things that are done during the day naturally become recorded in the subconscious. The subconscious then projects what it has recorded onto the astral plane, which combines with what’s actually there and becomes the scenes that form the dreams. In most cases, they seem real to the dreamer, but they are mostly just the dreamer’s own creation. Yet everything that exists here actually has its counterpart in the astral plane. Every physical form has its astral form because things are multidimensional, so if you were awake in that dimension, you could see your house, town, friends, etc., but in a dream what you see tends to be altered. Even if you did wake up in the astral plane, you could see what’s there, but sometimes the dream images continue due to the projections of the subconscious.

    Reality Checks

    During the day, if you make reality checks by repeatedly asking yourself where you are and whether you are in the physical world or in the astral, that questioning eventually gets recorded in the subconscious and you will eventually ask that question at night while in a dream. Then, in the dream, you can realize that you are in the fifth dimension.

    That dimension has different laws than here; we can fly and move through objects. So if we question ourselves here using things that only occur in the fifth dimension, for example flying, then we know what dimension we are in if they happen.

    There are various things you could do to check where you are, but two that have proven to be very successful are jumping and pulling your finger.

    The Astral Jump

    The first involves jumping slightly into the air with the serious intention of floating or flying. Obviously, we’re not going to fly here, but if we do it in the astral plane then we will fly. If you do that enough here, you will begin to do it in dreams. Then when you jump and you actually float or fly, you can easily realize where you are and become conscious in the astral world.

    When you practice this you don’t need to jump very high, just slightly, but you do need to seriously question where you are and whether you are in the physical world or in the astral. It is important to do this questioning sincerely, really asking yourself the question. If you do it and you think that you are really in the physical world, you will jump in the dream but you will think that you’re in the physical world and it won’t work; you may just land straight back down or may fly convinced that you are in everyday life. You also need to really do it with the feeling that you’re going to fly. When you have flown a few times in the astral plane you know how that feels.

    Pulling a Finger and it Stretches

    The second check you can make is to question and to pull your finger at the same time. In the astral world, matter is different, so if we pull our finger there it stretches.

    This is useful when it is inappropriate to jump in the air no matter how discreetly, and we want to check where we are (you don’t want to look like an idiot bounding around the office for example).

    Questioning Which Dimension You are in

    To make all this questioning work, it’s important to do it very frequently, to be checking often during the day. Eventually this will become recorded in your subconscious and you will start to do it in your dreams.

    When you question, it’s best to do it with awareness, looking around carefully at the place you are in, the objects around you, etc.

    You need to genuinely question where you are, actually doubting and wondering. If you don’t, when you question in the dream, you can be convinced that you’re in the physical world even to the extent of jumping up into the air, floating and wondering how you could float in the physical world, or thinking that you can float in the physical body. This has happened to me and to many students very often.

    I used things to trigger off the remembrance of jumping by jumping whenever I saw certain things, knowing that whenever I saw those things in a dream I would be likely to question where I was and to jump. I used to help myself to remember to jump by jumping every time I saw the stars at night, then I would often be helped to wake up by being shown the night sky in a dream. Whatever you use to check, do it safely. Don’t abandon safe behavior in order to check for the astral plane.

    Once, in a dream, I saw a spiritual being in front of me and he jumped up in the air doing somersaults. I thought that it just couldn’t happen and realized that I was in the astral plane. In fact, I woke up in the mental plane, which is a higher plane than the astral plane, but still in the fifth dimension.

    Strange things that you see sometimes can also be used to remind you to question where you are because strange things happen very often in dreams. You might be looking into the night sky and see something strange flying around for example. Whenever you see something strange or unusual, use it to question whether you’re in the physical world or in the astral world. Then either pull your finger or jump to check where you are.


    About the Author

    Belsebuub is an author and practitioner of esoteric knowledge. He writes primarily on the transformation and exploration of consciousness from over 30 years of dedicated metaphysical experience. He has authored a number of books on out-of-body experiences, consciousness, and spiritual awakening, including The Astral Codex and Gazing into the Eternal, which are free to download on his website

    Belsebuub is the name of his spirit/soul/consciousness. Everyone has their own unique spiritual name; it’s a matter of knowing it.

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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