9 Concepts Kids Should Learn About Health That They’ll Never Learn In School

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

When it comes to health, children today are guided by an illusion of reality. Teachers in the educational system have only the best of intentions, but unfortunately even they are led by a curriculum so distorted from our natural world, that it is nearly impossible for children to learn any semblance of how to obtain a healthy body. A new health paradigm is creeping up and it’s not under the radar. It’s in your face, assertive, wide-reaching with well-organized supporters numbering in the millions. They don’t agree with GMO, vaccines, fluoride in our water, toxins in our food and nobody can prove them wrong. More parents, teachers and leaders in society need to instill these same assertions in our children to transform a completely misinformed generation into one that is informed.

Gone are the days when children are required to be enlightened on the dangers of smoking, alcohol and fast food. This is ingrained in our culture and in the educational system itself. However, the most relevant health dangers facing future generations are far reaching and no longer confined to the obvious threats from the past and more related to what supporters of the new health paradigm have been stressing for years. It’s time to pay attention kids.

1. Vaccines 
The emerging generation of unvaccinated children will be among the healthiest in the world, and they’ll have their parents to thank. The refusal of significant numbers of parents to vaccinate their children has created a sizable population numbering in the millions around the world and has raised a number of important public health issues, namely why do we continue to vaccinate at all? As these children learn more about the myths and dangers of vaccination they will promote a healthier childhood for future generations to come.

  • 2. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
    When it comes to teens and young adults taking care of their bodies, appearance is much more important than health. Only a small percentage of men and women from this age group recognize the link between genetically modified foods, nutrition and health. Research conducted at the University of Missouri suggests appearance is the motivating factor in how college-age individuals take care of themselves. It will take an educational revolution at the primary level to ensure children understand that hundreds of organic foods on earth have been genetically modified to look and taste the same as nature’s source, however it must be stressed that the information on GMO foods have been widely manipulated to distort the truth. Junk science typically dominates headlines when it comes to organic food and children need guidance in learning why GMO foods such as tomatoes and apples are not as nutritious as their organic counterparts and present serious threats to human health.

    Ninety-nine percent of GMO crops either tolerate or produce insecticide which also damages a child’s health. This may be the reason we see bee colony collapse disorder and massive butterfly deaths. If GMOs are wiping out Earth’s pollinators, they are far more disastrous than the threat they pose to future generations of all humans and other mammals.

    3. Fluoride In Drinking Water
    Fluoride is officially linked to the leading cause of death and entire textbooks will need to be rewritten since there is no definitive evidence on the harmful effects of ingested fluoride. As more biological dentists are permitted entry into schools, they will further educate the youngest children on exactly why fluoride was initially injected into the water supply and why it now needs to get out to reverse long-standing myths relating ingested fluoride to the prevention of cavities.

    4. Blocking Exposure To Sunlight
    This is perhaps one of the biggest misinformation components of primary school curriculums that needs reform immediately. Millions of children are slowly relearning the sunlight is not our enemy. In fact, using sunscreen leads to mental health disorders and critical illness. Despite our presence on Earth for countless millennia and the fact that people closest to the equator have the lowest incidence of skin cancer, the sun is always cast as the culprit. It’s time to set the facts on sunlight exposure straight in schools and once and for all teach kids the growing body of evidence which shows that blocking the sun’s rays from reaching our skin dramatically influences our optimal vitamin D levels, leading to higher mortality, critical illness, mental health disorders and ironically, cancer itself.

    5. Toxins In The Food Supply
    Artificial flavours, colors, preservatives, emulsifiers, and sweeteners all made with toxic chemicals, all of which are proven toxic to human health and they are saturated in the foods marketed to children. There is a level of chemical terrorism in the food supply that is far more dangerous than the terrorism which governments insist we fear. Slowly introducing children to how and why these toxic chemicals have infiltrated the food supply will better prepare them for advances in nutrition and supplementation to counter these foods which make up at least 70% or more of the Standard American Diet.

    6. Dangers of Mainstream Medicine
    The largest public misconception about mainstream medicine and the healthcare system is that it helps sick children. Nothing could be further from the truth since physicians and psychiatrists alone are extremely dangerous to the health of children. They are the ones who prescribe the dangerous medications, vaccines, antibiotics, and debilitating psychotic drugs. When we examine how medical science will cut, poison and burnvia surgery, chemotherapy and using CT scans and radiation to diagnose and treat cancer, or if investigate how the use of psyche drugs to manage symptoms are usually at the cost of interfering with other precious physiological functions in young bodies, or any of the othermyths medical doctors have been parroting for the last several decades, it’s a no brainer that children must be further educated on the downfalls of a system which is designed to keep us sick rather than healthy.

    7 Chemical Toxicity in Consumer Products 
    BPAfluorideparabensphthalatesPFOAfiberglass, oxybenzone, BHA and dozens of other chemicals makes up a very long laundry list of environmental toxins affecting every household. Combine this with geoengineering initiatives polluting the entire atmosphere with toxins, and you have a toxic planet from soil to sky. Developing children are at even greater risk than adults for harm from the above chemicals. The toxic effects are far reaching affecting almost every body system, so it is imperative that they learn how we must change our planet into one that is environmentally friendly with consumer products that benefit the planet and all its organisms rather than destroy it.

    8. Dangers of Radioactive Waste
    The problem of radioactive waste is still an unsolved one. The waste from nuclear energy is extremely dangerous and it has to be carefully looked after for several thousand years (10’000 years according to United States Environmental Protection Agency standards). Radioactive isotopes, which are released from every nuclear reactor in the world, cause debilitating disease and deformities affecting several generations DNA. Both the nuclear waste as well as retired nuclear plants are a life-threatening legacy for literally hundreds of future generations. It flagrantly contradicts with the thoughts of sustainability if future generations have to deal with dangerous waste generated from preceding generations. Yet children never learn about this in school. We must set a precedent for future generations by educating them on why nuclear power needs to be banned worldwide. Children must learn about how the global ecological crisis demands radical changes in the way in which we use energy and why free energy is an absolute imperative for the future of the earth and humanity.

    9. Free Thinking Society
    More important than any of the above, children must learn that all of these things can evolve and transform to benefit society if we encourage a free thinking society. Conventional thinkers have many problems letting go of the perceived reality they’ve set up for themselves to understand the world, regardless of its harm to themselves or others.

    We can no longer cast blame on controlling mechanisms in institutions or corporate culture which dictate our behavior on a daily basis. At some point, we must realize that every person is responsible for their own awareness regardless of what they have been taught by others. Real education enables you to think, to discover the principles of life, and to correctly evaluate your experiences. Education gives you the ability to know the difference between the achievable for the good of humanity as opposed to the achievable for malevolent masters whose only desire is power and greed. Education empowers your strengths and allows you to excel in all the right areas that embrace your uniqueness.

    It is only then that our youngest generations will change our world to one of beauty, harmony and balance…any they will.

    About the Author

    Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.
