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Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect the Pineal Gland, Limiting Human Consciousness?

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  As humanity continues into the new millennium, technology and communication continue to play an increasingly important role in human life. Today, most people in developed countries are completely connected through cell phones, tablets and computers. Today’s households have an increasing array of electrical devices, from wireless modems to intelligent appliances to

The Great Mexican Maize Massacre

ETC Group Waking Times Gene Giants Prepare the Genetic Wipe-out of One of the World’s Most Important Food Crops Agribusiness giants Monsanto, DuPont and Dow are plotting the boldest coup of a global food crop in history. If their requests to allow a massive commercial planting of genetically modified (GM) maize are approved in the

Have We Stripped Our Food Of Its Story?

Sayer Ji & Tania Melkonian, GreenMedInfo Waking Times  Food has lost its story. Stripped of context, meaning, and reduced to its molecular composition, ancient recipes for health and joy long to be recovered. Recipes are ancient prescriptions for health, loved and labored into being by our ancestors.  Responding to necessity and a primordial desire to

European Officials: Antibiotic Resistance a Global Crisis

Lisa Garber, Natural Society Waking Times On Sunday, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) cited the widespread misuse of antibiotics for the global rise of antibiotic resistance. The concern is greater than the sum of ailing patients, the ECDC emphasized, since antibiotic resistance forces hospitals to care for people longer with progressively


Is Money Just Another Drug?

In our world, there are likely as many money addicts as there are drug addicts, although, it is not yet illegal to crave more money.

Coping with Awful News Headlines: 6 Steps Toward Resilience

Brad Waters, Guest Writer Waking Times The Colorado theater shooting, the Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting, drought and wildfires– if you watch or read the news things might seem pretty bleak. But whenever we hear ourselves making blanket statements like, “What is the world coming to?” or “Everything’s going to hell!” we can look to these words

7 Ways to Detox Pesticides from Your Body

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times If you don’t know by now, pay closer attention—pesticides are everywhere. They are on our food, in our water, and in the air. They find their way into our bodies through a variety of vehicles. We can buy organic, grow our food, and use fancy water filtration, but we

Monsanto Back at it Again in Costa Rica with GM Corn

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times In the small Latin American country of Costa Rica, where agriculture is king and enormous corporate plantations have dotted the country-side, a subsidiary of Monsanto is making a push to plant several hectares of genetically modified transgenic corn in the Northwestern province of Guanacaste. However, this month, a group of

20+ More Reasons You Should Meditate

Waking Times Spiritual benefits of meditation For millennia, meditation has been an exclusively spiritual practice for serious seekers. By quieting the mind and deeply relaxing the body, the meditator experiences deep states of inner peace, and ultimately, higher states of awareness. There are many subtle benefits of practicing meditation—greater intuition, compassion, awareness, focus, among others—but

Polyphasic Sleep – Fast Pass to REM Sleep and Lucid Dreams

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times What do Leonarda da Vinci and Thomas Edison have in common? They were both proponents of polyphasic sleep, which refers to the practice of sleeping multiple times during a 24 hour period, versus the monophasic sleep cycle where we sleep for 6-8 hours and then are awake the remaining

‘Proof of Heaven’ Documents Existence of Afterlife, Multiverse, Intelligent Life Beyond Earth, Multidimensional Realities

Mike Adams, Divinity Now Waking Times  There’s a secret that’s much bigger than politics, health freedom, science or even the entire history of the human race. That secret remains entirely unacknowledged — even condemned — by the scientific community, and yet it is the single most important secret about everything that is. Yes, everything. That

Perpetual Victim Mentality is Doomed to Fail

J.P. Hicks, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Do you ever say “nothing good ever happens to me?” Or do many of your conversations with friends end with “can you believe what that person did to me?” If so, you may be suffering from a classic case of victim mentality.When I meet people like this, I always

Reincarnation, the ‘Interlife’, Universal Consciousness & the Holographic Soul

Ian Lawton, New Dawn Waking Times Modern studies repeatedly suggest that a significant proportion of people in the Western world now believe in reincarnation. Although this phenomenon can be traced back to various esoteric movements that flourished from the second half of the 19th century, it gained significant ground with the explosion of popular interest

What Happens When I Die?

Eric Allen Bell, GlobalOneTV Waking Times In order to answer the question, “What happens when I die?” I feel it is important to take a look at something a bit less speculative and that is the question of what happens when we live. There is no way to understand death if you don’t know what

Thoughts On Detaching From Ego And Walking In Peace

Dr. Ben Kim, Prevent Disease Waking Times As I approach the last few years of my fourth decade on planet earth, I find myself feeling grateful for some of the conclusions that I’ve been able to draw from various life experiences. One in particular that I try to hold close to my heart, especially in

Recreating Our World With the Spirit of Life

Barbara-Lynn Freed, Contributing Writer Waking Times  From the dawn of history to the advent of the Roman Catholic Church, the veil between the worlds was much thinner than it is today.  This meant that the people enjoyed a symbiotic relationship with the natural spirits of the heavens, and land, making their lives interdependent with the Law

Toxic Tar Sands: Scientists Document Spread of Pollution, Water Contamination, Effects on Fish

Carol Linnitt, DeSmogBlog Waking Times  Today federal scientists from Environment Canada presented research at an international toxicology conference in the U.S. that indicates contaminants from the Alberta tar sands are polluting the landscape on a scale much larger than previously thought. A team lead by federal scientist Jane Kirk discovered contaminants in lakes as far as 100 kilometers

Spain Halts Evictions Under Popular Pressure

Ter Garcia, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times After two years of struggle for housing rights, the Spanish government and the country’s banks have announced an end to evictions for two years in cases of extreme need. Although activists say that this will not stop the “drama of the mortgages,” as it is called by the

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