TV: Mind Control Programming Is Dangerous To Your Health

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer
Waking Times

Truly, the HDTV (aka the Television or TV) and all the purposeful programming that goes with it should come with a warning label that reads like this:

CAUTION: Mind Control Programming Is Extremely Dangerous To Your Health

For those of us who have been privy to the true intentions and hidden purposes behind the proliferation of the television set, one common understanding became perfectly clear. As follows:

The TV has been transformed into the ultimate Weapon of Mass Deception.

So, there you have it. Now, do you still want to turn that idiot box on while you’re eating … napping … reading or exercising … sleeping or ….?

Let us make one very serious qualification before we continue this health coaching ‘rant’.

  • For those who are not addicted, and who truly are able to exercise self-control about what to watch, when to watch it, how long to watch, etc. have at it.
    We know that in those cases the TV is only turned on when necessary — to check out inclement weather; to get details on a calamity that has affected friends, family or business associates; to watch a spiritual movie or informative piece on real history, among many other wholesome and good reasons to engage this medium.

    In our experience, very, very few know how to exercise the discrimination necessary to shield themselves from the pap and piffle which dominate the TV-waves. This becomes especially critical when young, impressionable children are involved, as they often are.

    Reality Check:

    Much like the political realm, the integrity of television media can be described as follows:
    “They’re lying whenever their lips are moving.”

    Said another way: “If they’re moving their lips, you can be sure they’re not telling the truth.”

    There goes all the news programs, news channels, talking head shows, TV guest interviewers, etc. Just knocked a LOT out of the box, didn’t we?!

    What’s left? Infotainment!

    Infotainment represents visual and audio pablum of the highest degree. Only those who are really bored with life would waste their time … and energy … and psychic space being entertained by such nonsensical programming.

    Now what’s left? Watching and hearing the inside of the American version of the coliseum? Listening to the crash of collisions of the modern-day gladiators (football, basketball, baseball games) from the safe 10 foot distance on your couch? Do you have any idea how deeply ingrained the unhealthy and divisive competitiveness throughout all of American society has become … even among the grandmas and grandpas?

    Even the young children are immersed in this inordinately mind-controlled frame of mind known as “win at all cost”. Whether it’s on the football field or fields of Iraq, all that ever seems to matter is winning. So strong is this facet of the mind control programming process that many of our strongest and sincerest young adults are stampeded into any war that’s been made to appear fashionable. This has been made very easy after herding so many in front of the TV set for generations.

    So, what remains of television fare after those aforementioned have been sufficiently exposed for what they truly are and do … to our minds, our emotions, our bodies and our souls?!



    Now for the real juicy stuff about TV.

    If ever there was a defining piece written about TV and what it’s really all about that would be TELEVISION AND THE HIVE MIND written by Mack White back in 2003.

    Just a rudimentary understanding of the concepts which are advanced in this highly revelatory article ought to be sufficient enough to scare you off the couch for the rest of your lifetime. If they don’t, you’ve simply watched one to many sitcoms. Which means there’s only one antidote. (See “Humorous, But Serious Health Coaching Advice” below.)

    There are two very interesting allegations about TV frequencies which have been circulating in certain circles for many years. There was a study posted on the internet many years ago exposing this quite sophisticated facet of the “TV Mind Control Program” agenda, but it has since disappeared along with the author. As follows:

    I. Those who control TV frequencies at the point of origination can also beam through the wires and cables ELF (Extremely Low Frequencies) some of which are designed to target specific sites in the colon that quite predictably stimulate the urge to buy and impulse to spend. It doesn’t take very much imagination to understand how those advertisers, who keep the whole television industry afloat, would be well served by such a frequency manipulation, does it?!

    II. Many of us initiated into the realm of ‘occult’ TV quite purposefully keep our TV unplugged when we are NOT watching it because the device can serve as a two way transmitter, not necessarily in the way that you receive reception, but in other much more clandestine and harmful ways. Also, in spite of the TV being turned off, those who control the frequencies can beam in whatever they want into your home without your knowledge as long as the TV is plugged in. As to what type of frequencies they are able to send into your home, we wonder ….?

    How would you feel if someone was beaming energy into your living space without your consent and full understanding of the purpose?!

    The television set should always be unplugged when not being watched.

    The TV should only be watched when there is truly inspired, uplifting, informative programming available.

    Particular discretion should always be observed the younger the child. TV does not help the socialization process of children; on the contrary, it impedes the normal development of a healthy conscience, ethical behavior, and appropriate response to the challenges of life.

    For many single people the TV has become a companion, a distraction, or familiar voice that chases away loneliness. In this way it can serve a vital purpose, but as always the type of programming selected should be seriously considered before hitting the remote.

    The constant din of TV in the background at the airports, banks, restaurants, and especially homes represents an unfortunate social calamity which has plagued Western society for decades. Unplugging yourself from this ongoing catastrophe is really essential if you are to find peace. Because true peace can only be found in silence – silence within is more easily attained when there is silence without. Getting to that point does require that we cultivate a quiet living environment and wherever we go, work or play.

    May you enjoy great health!
    The Health Coach

    Author’s Note:
    We haven’t even talked about the more unseemly aspects of TV in this session because we assume that readers have long left behind all TV content that is violent, sexually inappropriate, full of profane language, disrespectful of any particular group of people, or just plain BAD programming. What’s the point of watching dark plots in dark places with dark characters anyway?

    It was once said by a great spiritual observer of modern man: That the society has become transfixed by those who have committed heinous deeds, mesmerized by the madmen dictators who rule the world, and forever focused on the most evil historical personages.

    Question is: Why would anyone ever want to give so much time and energy to that kind of stuff? Truth is, we don’t. It’s just foisted upon us and through laziness we settle for it. This insidious process can be short-circuited at any time, as soon as you shine the light of awareness on it. Then, it’s gone in a flash!

    TV Wisdom:
    “Would you rather live your life, or watch fake people pretending to live a fictitious life?”

    Humorous, But Serious Health Coaching Advice:
    This antidote is one that The Health Coach has given for years to those who present the profile of a TVholic.

    We simply recommend that the individual grab ahold of his/her TV and walk it up the stairs to the 2nd or preferably third floor (the higher the better), assuming they live in at least a two-story dwelling. This particular TVholic therapy won’t work in a one-story home or apartment, btw. Then we ask them to balance the TV on a window ledge above a very hard surface and make sure no one is walking by below (VERY important that the area is people-free). When they are ready, they can push the TV out the window … and hopefully be free – once and for all – of the clutches of all the mind-control programming that will go along with it! If you don’t hear a crash and shattering of parts, you may have to ‘re-run’ the entire procedure. It’s just a test to see what your resolve is.


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    All content found at The Health Coach and Waking Times is for information purposes only. Therefore, the information on this website is not a substitute for professional medical care and should not be construed as either medical diagnosis or treatment. All recommendations contained herein ought to be considered within the context of an individual’s overall level of voluntary or necessary health care and prescribed treatment plan.

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