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Creation of Care: Occupy Bohemian Grove 2012 Heats Up This Weekend

Waking Times If the Bilderberg Group is the geopolitical tentacle of the New World Order, Bohemian Grove is slippery underbelly of occultism that is the ultimate expression of the misanthropy inherent at the highest levels of global elitist thought. Similar to Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove was flatly denounced as tin-foil hat conspiracy nonsense until the alternative

Some Stretching Qigong Exercises for Back Pain

Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming YMAA Out of all the Chinese martial Qigong developed in the last fifteen hundred years, there are only a few styles which pay attention to the torso’s strength, especially the spine. These styles are: White Crane, Snake, Dragon, and Taijiquan. The reason for this is simply that these styles are classified as

Gluten-Intolerant: Myth, Meme or Epidemic?

Peggy Gannon Waking Times  Gluten-free foods seem to be popping up everywhere. Is this just another diet fad? Just five years ago, asking your server for gluten-free choices would get you the proverbial blank stare. Today it’s more likely to elicit a menu page of choices. Family chains, some fast-food outlets, even ball park vendors,

Alan Watts – The Way of Waking Up

Waking Times What does the world look like when you are fully awake?  In what ways does God appear to you each day once you have realized that you are also God?  Do you define yourself as a victim of the world, or as the world? Enjoy this short video featuring timely meta-physical wisdom and

Why NOT to Give Your Doctor an Anti-Vaccine Liability Form

Alan Phillips, J.D. Waking Times Every so often, information circulates around the alternative vaccine community recommending that parents take a form to their child’s pediatrician and ask the doctor to sign it, to prevent their children from being vaccinated and to educate the doctor about vaccines. Typically, these forms list vaccine ingredients and ask the doctor to

Yoga for Depression and Anxiety – Help without Drugs

Michael Auryn Waking Times  Nearly one in five Americans suffers from an anxiety disorder, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Stress and stress-related diseases have skyrocketed since the industrial revolution, with stress being a daily reality for most Americans. Those with anxiety disorders are at higher risk for coronary heart disease, heart

Fukushima – A Crisis Far from Over

Lisa Bland, Wake Up World Waking Times It has been well over a year since March 11, 2011 when a 9.0 magnitude earthquake rocked the east coast of Japan, leaving in its wake unfathomable consequences for the Japanese people and many unanswered questions in Japan and the rest of the world regarding the safety of

Legal Weed: States Where Cannabis is Decriminalized

Waking Times The legalization and decriminalization of marijuana is an issue that has been making more and more appearances in legislative agendas throughout the America. What was once a taboo topic that kept supporters closeted with their opinions has made its way into open forums. Lawmakers around the country are laying the groundwork to make

Fracking Site Shut Down by Earth First

Chris Longnecker, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times  Following their annual week-long Round River Rendezvous, occurring this year in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest, Earth First! activists from across the United States successfully shut down a hydraulic fracturing site in the nearby Moshannon State Forest. The action on Sunday, July 8, marked the first time protesters have

The Four Pillars of Health

Osho Health is not only a physical phenomenon. That is only one of its dimensions, and one of the most superficial dimensions because basically the body is going to die — healthy or unhealthy, it is momentary. Real health has to happen somewhere inside you, in your subjectivity, in your consciousness, because consciousness knows no

Whoever Controls The Media Controls The World

Cosmic Convergence, Contributing Writer Waking Times Perhaps the greatest unknown fact about life on Planet Earth concerns the MEDIA, and in particular, the Mainstream Media (MSM). The etymology of Media takes us back to the time of the ancient Persian Empire to a people known as the Medes. According to Herodotus, there were six primary Mede

Why The Law Forbids The Medicinal Use of Natural Substances

Sayer Ji Waking Times  According to the FDA’s legal definition, a drug is anything that “diagnoses, cures, mitigates, treats, or prevents a disease.” The problem with this definition is that there are numerous substances, as readily available and benign as found on our spice racks, which have been proven by countless millennia of human experience to mitigate,

Must We Change Our Hearts Before Throwing Off Our Chains?

Cynthia Boaz, Waging Nonviolence Contributor Waking Times  One of the consequences of the Occupy movement’s emergence onto the scene over the last nine months is the escalating disagreement about the role of various strands of nonviolence and nonviolent action in the struggle. In the process, misconceptions about nonviolent strategy are being unfortunately perpetuated by earnest

Can We Eat Ourselves Out of the Globalization Dilemma?

Tania Melkonian Waking Times When Vancouver couple Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon began their experiment – to eat only foods grown and produced within 100 miles of their home – they reported dubiety. This doubt was reflected in the first chapter of their book, The 100 Mile Diet (now among the locavore’s principal reference manuals) when Smith

An Animal’s Perceived Intelligence Decides Whether or Not We’re Ok With Eating It

Marcia Malory Prevent Disease A recent study in the journal Appetite suggests that an animal’s perceived intelligence is the main factor in determining whether or not we will be disgusted by the thought of eating it. Remember when cans of tuna used to say they were dolphin friendly? Some wise guy would always say, “They’re not friendly to tuna,

The Seven Sustainable Tactics of a New-hero

Z, Contributing Writer Waking Times “If the world is saved it will be saved because the people living in it have a new vision.” –Daniel Quinn “You never change things by fighting the existing model. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” –Buckminster Fuller Holistic-Moderation (or Middle-way Tactic): Everybody

Does Chemo & Radiation Actually Make Cancer More Malignant?

Sayer Ji Waking Times Video Option: Youtube Review of this Article Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the developed world, and yet we are still in the dark ages when it comes to treating and understanding it. The colossal failure of conventional cancer treatments reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of what cancer – the “enemy” – actually

My Big TOE (Theory of Everything)

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times  When NASA scientist Tom Campbell talks about his big TOE, he is really describing his fascinating theories that unify modern science and human consciousness.  In this must see talk, his effort to create a unified theory of Quantum Physics and the nature of reality is an inspiring and refreshing

Children’s Healthcare Costs Blazing Past Adults

Kelsey Coy Waking Times According to a report released last week by the non-partisan research organization Health Care Cost Institute, healthcare costs for Americans under the age of 18 have risen 18.6% since 2007, significantly more than costs for the rest of the population. Healthcare Costs Blazing Past Adults, Much in the Form of ‘Regular’ Checkups The data in the

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