La Pequeña Muerte – Plant Medicine Healing with Ayahuasca

Waking Times

La Pequeña Muerte is a short, beautiful film by Republic of Light Productions about the healing journey that 2 North Americans took to the Peruvian Amazon to find cures for physical and emotional ailments that were seemingly un-treatable by Western medicine.

It has been said that many illnesses are purely psychosomatic, that is, physical ailments that are affected or caused by hidden emotional issues.  In modern Western medicine, ailments of this nature  often go undiagnosed as there really is no paradigm or framework for modern physicians to asses the emotional condition of the patient and to address emotional wellness.  And sadly, when emotional issues are discovered, the treatment almost always falls within the purview of the psychiatrist whose primary tool is typically an arsenal of psychotropic pharmaceuticals.

So, what does a sick person do who has visited numerous doctors, received widely conflicting diagnosis and has been prescribed myriad medications to consume for life?

  • Ayahuasca and Shamanic healing offers another possible solution to seemingly incurable ailments of this nature, and can lead to restored and vibrant health when modern medicine can only offer prescription addiction and expensive technological treatments.

    Some mysteries are certainly worth exploring, and the stories of transformation and regained health in this eye-opening short film offer a glimpse into the possibilities of Shamanic and plant medicine healing for Westerners.

    Ayahuasca: La Pequeña Muerte from Republic of Light Productions on Vimeo.

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