Natural Remedy for Children with ADHD Through Yoga

Colette Barry, Contributing Writer
Waking Times

Is your child affected with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)? Do they often show lack of attention to important matters, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, hyperactivity, and low self esteem? Well, if your answer is in the affirmative, get your child enrolled for a yoga program and help change their lives forever. Regular practice of yoga can help your child manage ADHD, since different yoga poses promote a better mind-body connection, which is often found missing in the affected children.

  • Yoga for ADHD Children

    According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an increasing number of children are being diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), with over 9% of the kids between 5 and 17 years affected with the syndrome. However, an increasing number of people are now turning to yoga for a better mind-body connection to improve attention, focus, balance, relaxation, and mood.

    • Researchers reveal that 80% of children with ADHD display a diminished academic performance. Any child with ADHD can greatly benefit from yoga and experience reduced stress levels, better concentration and attention, and improved self awareness, which establish a better balance between the body and the mind. With a better mind-body connection, your child can perform better in any field and concentrate more in studies and other productive activities.
    • A great alternative to medication, yoga can help ADHD children experience improved behavior and gain better self control.
    • A number of children with attention problems display aggressive behavior, poor social skills, and non-adherence to rules. If your child displays any such symptoms, yoga asanas can help them balance production of neurotransmitters in the brain, which creates a feeling of calm, resulting in better mood, more contentment and relaxation.
    • Yoga helps improve supply of oxygen to all parts of the body, which increases lung capacity. As a result, there would be more oxygen supply to the brain, improved respiration, better motor balance, thus helping your child with ADHD control their hyperactivity and impulsivity and incase concentration.
    • Yoga changes the internal state of mind and consciousness while balancing the endocrine system and nervous system, thus helping tone the internal organs and rejuvenating the mind.
    • Yoga works on the alignment of skeletal and muscular systems, thus enabling better energy and blood circulation, which strengthens the brain cells and adds balance in the body.

    Children affected with attention disorders, including ADHD, Down’s syndrome, Autism, show remarkable results if they regularly practice yoga poses, which help release the pent up energy that otherwise tends to make them disruptive.

    Help your child overcome attention deficit disorder by attending a regular yoga class and help them rediscover life!

    About the Author
    Author and Illustrator of  Wall Yoga the Art of Centering, Colette Barry is a licensed massage therapist, certified yoga and Pilates instructor. Through Colette’s lifelong work in rehabilitation with her husband and her father, physicians of Chiropractic, she developed two programs “Wall Yoga” and the “Barry Method”.  Colette’s programs goes far beyond muscle isolation creating a technique that includes using visual cues to connect the mind and body. These programs results in a harmonious muscle and overall body alignment. Claiming, “perfect alignment produces perfect results!”
    Join Colette’s online training programs at Udemy, “The Complete Wall Yoga Strength Program”, “Introduction to Wall Yoga”, “The Whole Body Wall Yoga Makeover” and “Barry Method”. These programs are available to anyone who would like to experience a profound new level of healing.  Please visit Colette’s excellent blog at

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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