Anti-Vaccine Backlash: Thousands Refuse to Enroll in Austin Community College

Craig Stellpflug
Natural News

Administrators at the Austin Community College (ACC) admit that some 10,000 students have refused to enroll at ACC because of their vaccination requirements. Meanwhile, a Washington State rock band named The Refusers is storming Youtube with their latest hit “First do no harm.

Vaccine refusal is a basic human right that has been often challenged by the pro-vaccine “authorities” from the local well-meaning pediatrician to the government officials all the way down to the school administrators. Even though no school or other agency can force anyone to take a vaccination, policies are written to give the distinct impression that the inoculations are compulsory. Any school administrator who says a student will be refused enrollment without a vaccine is lying.

  • Enrollment at ACC has declined 15 percent since January, cancelling some 500 classes. When asked why, a huge number of the students are citing the institution’s aggressive vaccination policy as their reason to drop out. A similar pattern of this anti vaccine revolt is being seen across the country.

    Meanwhile, back on the legal front

    Queens, NY parents asked a judge to take down a city policy that keeps their un-vaccinated kids out of class if one of their schoolmates comes down with a communicable disease. They say this policy denies their kids the right to a free education because of their religious objections to vaccinations. One mother of two un-vaccinated children stated; “We’d rather rely on our natural immune system and our faith in God. This is about my children’s rights.”

    Of course, this is way too big of an issue for city officials so the lawsuits were passed on to Brooklyn Federal Court. Christian Scientists, Amish and other religious groups all over the United States have exemptions for children simply by citing religious objections. Other non-religious groups and individuals claim philosophical exemptions to refuse vaccines also claiming links between vaccination and neurological diseases like autism.

    Down Under, the New South Wales Supreme Court struck down the state’s Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) when they wrongly issued a public warning against the anti-vaccination group, the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN). The HCCC warning stated that the AVN failed to disclose on its website that the group’s purpose was to provide anti-vaccination information.

    Vaccinations have been a controversial subject for over 200 years. Statistics show that almost all reduction in infectious diseases occurred before widespread vaccines for those illnesses. The same reductions in disease also occurred in countries where there were no widespread vaccination programs of any kind, and in the same time period for diseases that never had vaccines introduced.

    The side effects of vaccinations are actually far more serious and widespread and affect far more people than vaccine manufacturers want to admit.

    Informed consent

    Informed consent comes with the implied option to be able to refuse a medical treatment. If laws mandate vaccines and doctors still require the legal “consent form” (that holds them blameless for the poisons they are injecting) then, how is this informed consent?

    The tenets of informed consent has roots in 2,000 year-old medical ethics, and are now codified as law. Federal regulations require that doctors tell patients in advance the nature of the medical treatment they recommend, risks involved, whether or not there are alternative methods of treatment, and give the patient an opportunity to ask questions.

    Unfortunately, the proper level of informed consent for vaccines is never given. If it was, there would be far less vaccine injured children and adults out there. Instead, parents are bullied, browbeaten, pressured and even threatened into harmful vaccinations and not even given a right of refusal – all this outside of a knowledge of their legal rights. By law, if any medical official is pressuring you to vaccinate they have the legal obligation to inform you of all risks of treatment and the alternatives without you having to ask. When does that happen?

    Sources for this article:
    Kirby, David (2006) Martin’s Press. Evidence of Harm; Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy

    About the author:
    Craig Stellpflug is a Cancer Nutrition Specialist, Lifestyle Coach and Neuro Development Consultant at Healing Pathways Medical Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ. With 17 years of clinical experience working with both brain disorders and cancer, Craig has seen first-hand the devastating effects of vaccines and pharmaceuticals on the human body and has come to the conclusion that a natural lifestyle and natural remedies are the true answers to health and vibrant living. You can find his daily health blog at and his articles and radio show archives at

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