Monthly Archives

Antidepressants Could Cause Harm to Heart, Brain, and Bones

Did you know that roughly 10% of the American population suffers from depression? It isn’t exactly a coincidence, with the FDA approving a wide variety of damaging foods and drugs that many millions of Americans consume each day. The FDA isn’t helping the population with their approval of the dozens of antidepressant medications on the market – it in fact is doing the exact opposite.

Top Scientist: Fluoride Already Shown to Cause 10,000 Cancer Deaths

Water fluoridation is a highly controversial topic, with many individuals voicing massive concern over the practice. In contrast, some stick to the concept that there isn’t any association between fluoride and any real negative effects. Fluoride, however, is indeed a toxic substance, and has been tied with numerous health complications in well-established research.

Iceland Forgives Mortgage Debt for the Population (Video)

In a move that makes more sense than the Federal Reserve can create out of thin air, the government of Iceland has cancelled the mortgage debt of the population. Listening to the population, rather than choosing to further enslave with debt like American and the EU are doing, Iceland’s government sets the example for the world in how to navigate this phony financial crisis that will affect us all.

The Truth About Alkalizing Your Blood

Is it true that the foods and beverages you consume cause your blood to become more alkaline or acidic? Contrary to popular hype, the answer is: not to any significant degree. Here’s why.

The Rush to Prohibit Kratom

Kratom was first documented as an opiate substitute—a kind of herbal methadone—in Asia in the early 1800s. It’s often used by people who want an alternative to opiates, either because they’re trying to break an addiction or because they want some way to manage chronic pain without opiate-based drugs.

Sacred Economics (Video)

Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. Today, these trends have reached their extreme – but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and sustainable way of being.

Top 7 Sources of Plant-Based Protein

Despite deeply ingrained but misleading conventional wisdom, the truth is that you can survive without meat, eggs and dairy. Believe it or not, you can actually thrive, and never suffer a protein deficiency. Because no matter how active your lifestyle, a well-rounded whole food plant-based diet provides more than enough protein to satisfy the body’s needs without all the artery-clogging saturated fats that dominate the typical American diet.

5 Secrets to a ‘No-work’ Garden

It took over 20 years of gardening to realize that I didn’t have to work so hard to achieve a fruitful harvest. As the limitless energy of my youth gradually gave way to the physical realities of mid-life, the slow accretion of experience eventually led to an awareness that less work can result in greater crop yields.

A Day in the Life of a Banned Canadian: Conversing with Kevin Annett

I have indeed met someone I can genuinely claim is a man of god: banned from our midst, to be where he is meant to be, as one despised and feared by those who know him not, and shunned by those who should know better, and yet beloved by the lost and neglected ones; and thus, by all of who and what he is, making a new chance for the rest of us possible.

5 Food-Medicines That Could Possibly Save Your Life

Some of the most powerful medicines on the planet are masquerading around as foods and spices. While they do not lend themselves to being patented, nor will multi-billion dollar human clinical trials ever be funded to prove them efficacious, they have been used since time immemorial to both nourish our bodies, and to prevent and treat disease.

Art Heals You

Art History is a valid account of our past and culture, as insightful as the written word. Creating is fundamental to being alive. Art making is a communication skill, one that some believe defines our being human. There are heights to the intellect that cannot be achieved through logical reasoning alone, nothing can replace the knowledge one gains from exploring the imagination.

The Secret Life of Plants (Video)

Through a series of experiments that measure the electrical activity in plants, scientists have discovered that plants are indeed connected to the events surrounding them and are capable of exhibiting emotional reactions to events and people. This will change the way you look at the natural world around you.

Why Young Americans Are Driving So Much Less Than Their Parents

“Unfortunately for car companies,” Jordan Weissmann noted at a couple weeks back, “today’s teens and twenty-somethings don’t seem all that interested in buying a set of wheels. They’re not even particularly keen on driving.”

The Study of the Life of Bees from the Standpoint of the Soul

In this pivotal time when life on earth is in transition on so many levels, the bees enter our awareness worldwide through their struggles. They can become an inspiration for a change in our cultural, emotional, and agricultural landscape.

The Map Makers: Evolution of Consciousness (Video)

Is evolution really as complicated as we make it out to be? This video suggests that despite our differences – perhaps we are much more united across this planet than we choose to acknowledge. Our ability to create something or not create something together is merely a choice. It’s time we see our differences as a postive thing & realize we are more united than we may think…

Is Cosmic Music Unlocking The Matrix?

Music is amazing. The right combinations of vibrational sounds can open the spirit and unlock moods and emotions and stir thought and action. Discordant sounds close the heart and cause discomfort and annoyance.

The World of False Appearances

The dissolving world age has been so dysfunctional and violent because it has been based on an incomplete and erroneous view of the self and surrounding universe. In the Tarot, the Devil stands for the world of appearance and the distorted perception resulting from seeing the the world only at the surface level. This is the essential flaw of materialism, taking the world of the five senses as the only reality. Appearances are, necessarily, deceiving as the saying goes.

Solar Maximum Ramps Up Earth Cataclysms

More than any other major co-factor, the unprecedented, meteoric and relentless changes taking place throughout Planet Earth are the direct result of exceedingly powerful influences emanating from the presiding star of our solar system. The sun, and especially its recent and extraordinary activity, is at the very heart of every major geophysical and meteorological event taking place around the globe today.

The Right to Self-Defense

We have a moral right to defend ourselves against violation; there’s no doubt in my mind about that. Persons and groups have boundaries for a reason, and integrity generally requires that we defend them. Gandhi said that this is an obligation that trumped his call to experiment with nonviolent action; if you can’t think of a way to defend yourself nonviolently, he said, use violence.

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