In Support of the 270,000 Organic Farmers Who Lost Court Battle to Monsanto

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Jack Adam Weber
Wake Up World

This is an open (hearted) letter to the approximately 270,000 farmers challenging Monsanto’s patents on genetically modified seed, who today, after suffering through months of deliberation, tediousness and preparation, had their case against Monsanto dismissed by Judge Naomi Buchwald in Federal District Court in Manhattan. The details are here.

We want to send this letter from all of us to the farmers. Please sign on here to join as one voice, one heart.


Dear Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association,

Today we also heard the bad news. We read of your case being thrown out by Judge Naomi Buchwald. We know the system is broken. And we know that you are trying, however desperately, to stitch a portion of democracy and justice back together again, with us. So, really, this is our case—sane America’s lawsuit. We are writing today to let you know that we feel the pain of today’s decision. We too are saddened and outraged. But our sadness will not last long as we hope yours too will lift soon, with your passion reinvigorated. Far from disengage and extinguish our hope, the decision by Judge Buchwald bolsters our determination, our urgency to do everything in our power to dismantle the Biotech monster machine.

With each blow to our justice, to our health, to our peace of mind, to our children’s future, we will grow stronger, more united, and determined. And with each subsequent act of corruption we will come thundering back to take back our lives, our wealth, which we believe can still be free. Count on it. It’s a promise from all of us to you, fellow farmers. And it’s our promise to Monsanto, the soulless politicians who enable them, and to all Big Business Bullies.

At this very hour know that we are organizing in large and small groups all across the country to rid ourselves of GMO. We are networking via the internet, telephone, over dinner and around campfires in every state. Like you, we are motivated by a deep care for life on Earth, for the future of our children and for nature itself. Know that we will continue to purchase and say grace over your organic products.

If the day comes when there is no more organic food, we will be here to mourn with you. But we will work hard with you so that no one ever has to see that day. Know that we are deeply grateful for your blood, sweat, and tears to grow food the way it was meant to be, to choose organics even though many times you could easily have turned and followed the way of selfishness, corruption, and convenience. Thank you for enduring the hassles with Biotech, for your efforts in and before trial. For this we honor you. For this, we, the American people and sane people all over the world, who are paying attention and who make the time for what matters most, will step up to a new level of activism, of participation in our future, for which you have worked so hard to protect. We honor you for growing our food the right way, without poisons, without fake fertilizers. We are indebted to you for our good health, for the peace of mind we still have, for a portion of the vitality that remains in Nature today. And we will be working side by side with you, in newfound solidarity, to return this good Earth to integrity.

Know that on this day we support you as we never have before. Let your pain and disappointment rest on all of our shoulders. We are holding you. We offer ourselves to this cause—in support of our trial, the people who rely on good farmers that have taken on the challenge to represent our hopes and fight for our dreams. Perhaps one day soon all Americans will file a class action suit for being poisoned and hoodwinked into engineered malevolence, and for Biotech’s usurping of the government. Maybe then this revolution will sprout the wings we need.

Until then, we will plant gardens. We will tell everyone we know the dangers of GMO foods. We will work extra hard, as you have, to stand in the face of adversity for justice and decency. We will be more prudent than ever not to purchase GMO foods at any cost. We will pass out flyers, we will educate and support one another, we will call the companies that carry GMO foods and demand otherwise. We will stand in the streets, in the parks, in the face of our corrupt system and demand no more GMO.

Like you, none of us wants to see the day when farming is foolhardy and but a farcical health risk. In the courtroom today our hearts broke with you. When you return to appeal, as you well should, know that all across this nation, all decent people will be standing with you, against the monsters taking down our world. We will have your back because we too have found sustenance and reason in the ground under our feet, in our strong bodies. So, take heart, all is not lost. We are not deterred and neither should you be. We wish you Godspeed through your disappointment and to emerge with greater conviction. This is only another beginning, and with each setback we grow stronger and closer to one another, to the land that gives us sustenance. With adversity, the things we truly love come more alive.  So grows our appreciation today for organic food, thanks to you. We are with you. Onward.

With Deep Gratitude,

The Sane People of the World

A copy of Judge Buchwalds ruling can be found here

About the Author

Jack Adam Weber is a licensed acupuncturist, master herbalist, author, organic farmer, celebrated poet, and activist for Earth-centered spirituality. He integrates poetry, ancient wisdom, holistic medicine, and depth psychology into passionate presentations for personal fulfillment as a path to planetary transformation. His books, artwork, and provocative poems can be found at his website  Jack can be reached at
