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The Future – The Next Transitions in the Technium

What kinds of developmental thresholds would any planet of sentient beings pass through? The creation of writing would be a huge one. The unleashing of cheap non-biological energy is another. The invention of the scientific method is a giant leap. And the fine control of energy (as in electricity) for long-distant communications is significant as well, enabling all kinds of other achievements. Our civilization has passed through all these stages; what are some future transitions we can expect — no matter the fashions and fads of the day?

We Are Star Stuff (Video)

The imminent Carl Sagan reminds us just how incredible it is to be human, and how magnificent it is to ponder the idea that we are all created from particles that once were the substance of stars. And the chances of the cosmos creating you in this moment were remarkably vast. Chance or a gift? Either way, life is incredibly beautiful. Carl Sagan’s warning about the crossroads of our planet and civilization is more timely than ever.

Images of the Revolution in Greece

Below are recent images from the riots presently taking place in Greece. No comments are needed. They are people of all ages, in almost all conditions (naturally lacking much power) that want to defend Greece against the plunder taking place.

Zap Your Brain Into the Zone: Fast Track to Pure Focus

The first is an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time. The second is what is known as autotelicity, the sense that the activity you are engaged in is rewarding for its own sake. The third is finding the “sweet spot”, a feeling that your skills are perfectly matched to the task at hand, leaving you neither frustrated nor bored. And finally, flow is characterised by automaticity, the sense that “the piano is playing itself”, for example.

Game Over: Tyranny Revealed

When the dust settles and the sky clears — perhaps a few or many years off — we might do well to remember our folly for ever having entered the bunker in the first place. Because, while the bunker was constructed with our needs in mind; we entered of our own free will. And only through our free will can we ever emerge to seek the sunlight again.

Anarchism Is Not What You Think It Is — And There’s a Whole Lot We Can Learn from It

He spent the rest of his life promoting that concept and the theory of social structure known as anarchism. To Americans anarchism is synonymous with a lack of order. But to Kropotkin anarchist societies don’t lack order but the order emerges from rules designed by those who feel their impact, rules that encourage humanly scaled production systems and maximize individual freedom and social cohesion.

Occupy Valentine’s Day (Video)

What kind of world do we want to live in? And who gets the final say? Fear less. Love more. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Out of Sight, Out of Mind – Investigation Into Georgia Chicken Farming (Video)

For the urban Georgian, it’s not obvious that Georgia is home to this massive industry, but hit the road to the north of the state, gaze at the rolling landscape and you might just glimpse the top of a shed or a feed bin, which more often than not will be the start of a mega farm, with countless sheds, housing as many as 300,000 chickens.

Voluntaryism: The Non-Aggression Principle (Video)

Using violence to get what you want is the foundation of modern society. So is violence good, or is violence bad? Is it really the best way to solve the most complex social problems? A must watch explanation of the Non-Aggression Principle by Stefan Molyneux.

Pattern Interruptions

If you ask people who behave in those ways if they could do something else, typically the answer will be something like, “It’s just what I do” or “I know better, but I can’t seem to make myself do anything else”, or “When I’m in the situation the consequences just don’t seem to matter. It’s later that I give myself hell for doing it AGAIN”.

Run From the Cure (Video)

Canadian Hemp oil crusader Rick Simpson shares the story of his challenging work to heal the sick with his home grown plants. More evidence that the natural medicine of Cannabis is prohibited and controlled for dubious purposes rather than for the betterment of human health.

The Chosen People of Iboga: A Conversation with Dimitri Mobengo Mugianis

Dimitri’s line of argument runs even deeper though. His idea of healing is fundamentally different than that of the mainstream medical establishment, and based in an entirely different weltanschauung. “The psychiatrist and the scientist want to measure everything, but they cannot measure love. That is not quantifiable.”

A Modern Definition of Qi

It is understood now that the human body is constructed of many different electrically conductive materials, and that it forms a living electromagnetic field and circuit. Electromagnetic energy is continuously being generated in the human body through the biochemical reaction in food and air assimilation, and circulated by the electromotive forces (EMF) generated within the body.

Raw Milk in Poland — Interview With a Polish Raw Milk Vending Machine Maker

Polish raw milk vending machine manufacturer Konrad Pszowski came to our attention through comments he posted on the Bovine. We thought, as a maker of raw milk automats, he could fill us in a little on the under-reported raw milk scene in Europe. So we contacted him. He wrote back, and we sent him some questions. And now we are pleased to present his answers in the form of this exclusive interview…


It is only fear that holds us back now. We have already entered the age of Aquarius. The time for change has arrived. Once we are able to accept that the universe is far more beautiful and complex than we could ever imagine, we will begin to understand why we would want to keep incarnating again and again in this world of apparent suffering.

media break

Taking a Media Break

You don’t have to be a Facebook addict to benefit from taking a media break. The trade-off can be quite rewarding and fun.

Proof You Went Psychotic Last Night… Plus Why You Should Ask Your Boss for Naptime

I’ve always been taught that naps are for lazy people, something you only get to do if you’re feeling sick or have a lot of time on your hands. Sleep, however, appears to be a far more complex and integral phenomenon than we give it credit for. A thirty-minute cat nap can help consolidate memory, enhance cognitive skills, and support the integration of emotional experiences.

Deepak Chopra on Higher Health (Part 2)

In short, holistic health has become inevitable. A piecemeal approach to wellness doesn’t fit how your body works. It is no longer “alternative” medicine that concerns itself with broad issues of holistic wellness. The need is universal, and the sooner we begin to lay down practical guidelines for living holistically, the closer we will come to higher health. In the next post I’ll cover some proposed guidelines.

The Era of Entanglement: Humanity Is ‘Back to the Jungle’ (Video)

Danny Hillis, co-chairman of the technology and design firm Applied Minds, characterizes the present day as a “post-Enlightenment” point in time in which people no longer understand the technology that surrounds them. Branding it “the Entanglement Era,” Hillis compares humanity’s current relationship to the technological environment to its relationship to the natural environment, such as a jungle.

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