10 Ways to Improve Your Psychic Ability

Flickr - h.koppdelaney - consciousnessJill Lowy, Guest Writer
Waking Times

Ten: Learn to Meditate

Learning to meditate is not only one of the most important things you can do to improve your psychic ability, but it will help you to be more happy and at peace. There are a number of meditations that you can do to help develop your psychic ability. I would recommend contacting a good yoga center to learn some basic meditation techniques. This will help you to become more aware of your mental states, and learn to differentiate between your normal everyday thoughts and your psychic intuition.

Nine: Pray

Believe it or not, prayer is very effective in helping you to get in touch with your psychic ability. Pray in the language of your own heart or religion to help guide you in developing your psychic ability. Every night before you retire for bed, pray to the Divine to guide you in developing your psychic ability. Pray in earnest with the words from your own heart; do not pray like a parrot, repeating the same prayer, over and over. God knows your heart and mind!

Eight: Affirmations

Affirm each day that you want to improve your psychic ability. Affirmations are like self-suggestions that key into your subconscious to help bring about a desired effect. I am sure everyone has heard of the affirmation “With each day, I will feel more peaceful and happy.” These work! Phrase your affirmation in the present tense. In other words, “With each day, I am becoming more psychic.”

  • Seven: Ritual

    Rituals are basically specific actions on the physical plane that produce a corresponding effect on the inner planes. Rituals can have a huge effect on your inner being. They work because there is a correspondence between our inner world and our outer world: “As above, so below; as within, so without” to quote the great mystic, Hermes Tremegistos. A ritual can be as simple as folding your hands in prayer or lighting a candle, to a complicated ritual, such as a Catholic mass or wedding ceremony. You can make up your own ritual; just remember that at the crux of the ritual is your goal to improve your psychic ability.

    Six: Talismans

    Talismans are any sacred objects that hold a psychic charge. You can use any stone or jewelry as a talisman to help improve your psychic ability. Now some crystals or semi-precious stones are helpful in themselves to improve your psychic ability. For example, amethyst, rose quartz and crystals will naturally help to develop one’s psychic ability. But you can charge any object or metal, such as gold or silver, to carry your wish to develop your psychic ability. To make a simple talisman, cleanse the item first in salt water to remove any impurity, then transfer your desire: which is, to improve your psychic ability, to the object. Afterwards, make sure you see that object on a daily basis or wear it next to your skin, like a ring or jewelry.

    Five: Knowledge

    Learn more about psychic ability by reading a variety of books on the subject. The more you read about psychic ability, the more you will learn about it. This is important because knowledge is power. The more your read about psychic ability, the more energy you will put into your endeavor to improving your psychic ability. When I first wanted to develop my psychic ability, I read everything I could about the subject. This helped me tremendously and my psychic ability soon began to manifest.

    Four: Be with other psychics

    It is important to be with other people who are psychic and interested in psychic ability. Attend lectures or workshops about psychic development. Meet other people who are psychic or become involved with spiritual groups at your church or temple. This will help you to tune into other people’s vibrations who may be very psychic, and help to improve your own psychic ability.

    Three: Journal

    Keep a journal of your psychic ability. Everyday write down your experiences about your psychic ability. Do this daily, even if you do not have any psychic experiences. Just write about a special experience for the day and how it may relate to psychic development. By writing about your psychic ability or experiences, you are focusing on them. This will help to develop them as you are becoming more aware of them. It is also helpful to write down your dreams as they can bring you insight, and guidance to your psychic development.

    Two: Receptivity

    It is important to be receptive to psychic development. If you do not believe that you can develop your psychic ability, than you will not develop any ability. Why? Because you will have closed yourself off from any possibility of psychic development. If your mind is closed, then your potential is closed. Ask any coach! If you close your mind to a possibility, you will not be able to do it. If you say that mountain is too high, you will not be able to climb it. You have to open yourself to the prospect that you do have psychic ability and that you can improve it.

    I once was visiting my friend who claimed he had a special cat that would sit up on his command. I was very skeptical of this, as I had never saw a cat do this before. Dogs yes; cats no. They are too independent! So while I was there, he asked the cat to sit up. Well the cat would not do it and I looked at my friend and said, “I told you so.” My friend said to me that I was being negative and stopping the cat from doing his trick. He said to me “just accept the possibility that my cat can do this.” I said “all right” and opened my mind. The cat instantly sat up to his command. I was really dumbfounded, but it taught me a valuable lesson. If your mind is closed, it will stop you from realizing your true potential.

    One: Practice, practice, and practice!

    Developing your psychic ability is like developing any other ability. You have to practice it. We all have psychic ability, but you have to develop it. Some people are naturally more psychic than others, just as some people are better at playing football than others. But everyone has psychic ability and it can be improved through practice. There are different ways to practice psychic ability. You can practice your telepathy by sending thought forms to your friends to see if they respond to them. You can practice dowsing to get in touch with your psychic ability. I once visited Edgar Cayce’s (who was a very famous psychic) foundation in Virginia where they have many practical psychic exercises. There are a myriad of psychic awareness exercises in Franz Bardon’s Initiation to Hermetics and in my book Yoga and The Art of Astral Projection.

    About the Author

    Jill Lowy was born near Chicago, Illinois. She received her BA Degree from Wisconsin University, MA Degree in Psychology from Illinois Institute of Technology and a Master’s Degree in Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School. She was initiated into the Spiritual and Esoteric Arts at Lotus Temple. She was also initiated into Kriya Yoga under the lineage of Paramahansa Yogananda. Jill has been practicing and teaching Yoga and Spirituality for many years. She has given many lectures and workshops. Her recent book To Jill with Love, Memoirs of a Modern Day Mystic contains stories of spiritual inspiration after being initiated into the mystical arts. Her first book Yoga and the Art of Astral Projection is about how the discipline of Yoga can help one to experience astral projection and expand one’s consciousness towards self- realization Jill currently resides near Denver, Colorado with her boyfriend, Paul in the Rocky Mountains. She works as a Counselor and her hobbies include: hiking, motorcycle riding, traveling, skiing, swimming, scuba-diving, and Tai Chi.

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