The Arrogance of Ignorance
Sylvain Lamoureux – How far will the ego go to protect its ignorance?
Sylvain Lamoureux – How far will the ego go to protect its ignorance?
Amy L. Lansky – How to cut the energetic ties that bind you to unhappiness and worry.
Video – A short video about waking up from the illusion of separation and discovering that love is the very fabric that creates you and this universe.
Peter Patrick Barreda – The revered psychiatrist Carl Jung believed the mandala held a special significance as a template for the human psyche.
Charles Bynum – Rather than looking at the things we are clinging to or attempting to avoid, why not turn that perception around and look at the thing that is clinging or avoiding?
Ida Lawrence – “When we go within and restore ourselves, we do increase and strengthen the Light. This is prayer… I Am…”
James C. Wilhelm, Contributor Waking Times Thousands of books have been written about mysticism over thousands of years, and this essay is a mere 1,012 words. Do I really think I can convey the essence, power and bliss of the mystical in a thousand words? I do. That is what I set out to do after recently …
Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Between painful discomfort with self and self-love is love of truth. Some may say… let go, let go, let go of the discomfort… but you know, I’m kind of an owl person: I like to go into the ‘dark’… maybe if we really can see how things come apart, we …
Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times “You are the most valuable project of your life.” -Sifu Florin Szondi For years I would have disagreed with that statement. I would have asserted that it was never about the ‘project’ of me… it was about justice, and righting wrongs, and serving the higher good, and about the truth …
Linda George, Contributor Waking Times Every so often, the Universe, Great Spirit, the Divine… reminds us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. “I am not my body, I am not my mind, I am not my thoughts – nor am I the emotions generated by my thoughts…” I think we all need …
Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Be not of two minds! Now that’s sage advice, and one would think I’d know all about it, having been born a Pisces, but no… in my ‘impressionist’ mode of operation, I have battled myself in a dreamy ocean current. Today I do try to see more clearly. It seems …
Alen Mischael Vukelić, Contributor Waking Times Whatever you say as a vegan, whatever you do as a vegan, is closely monitored by others for one simple reason: will this ‘experiment’ work, or will it fail? You are in breach of the standard, so everything you do puts in a little extra weight to your possible failure. …
Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Facing considerable political, economic, social and ecological crises, the human race is desperate for a transformation and a new direction. Business as usual ensures that we are doomed to run a course of half-conscious self-destruction, as man-made catastrophes multiply and stress mounts in every aspect of life. We must overthrow …
Debbie West, Contributor Waking Times The part of the person that is one’s ego is a construction of self arising from external views or perceptions of who we are. The ego measures us against others and competes for a greater sense of self and fulfillment, bound by ideas of what we have done in the past …
Ida Lawrence and Soren Dreier, Contributors Waking Times People say there’s a thin line between love and hate, good and evil, right and wrong. There may be a thin line…we could call it the everyday decision point. If we look at it that way, the line helps us lay out the coordinates of an inner guidance …
Colin Bondi, Contributor Waking Times Who are you? You might say, I am Mary, or I am John, or whatever your name happens to be. Yet when you were first born, you didn’t have a name much less any of the other ‘stuff’ that gets attached to it. Your parents or guardians selected a name …
Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times This time period offers perhaps the greatest lessons one could ever hope to learn… the power of truth versus the power of illusion, or otherwise said, taking personal responsibility for knowing versus submitting to the control of a deceptive outside force. Why do humans have to do this battle with deception? …
Shamanic Living Waking Times Here are 5 common questions that stir up debate from within the spiritual community. Many discussions I’ve witnessed or been a part of revolve around spiritually inclined people taking differing positions on these questions. Of course the descriptions below are simplifications that don’t do justice to all the considerations behind them. …
Colin Bondi, Contributor Waking Times Most of us think we are individual human beings living in a world that is outside of us, along with billions of other individuals. While from the perspective of consensus reality it certainly does appear that way, it just may be that you are alone in a world of your …
Josh Richardson, Prevent Disease Waking Times Our world of duality is slowly changing. More of us are seeing each other for who we are and why we’re here. Every aspect of our lives revolves around how we think and feel about ourselves and those around us. If we understand what we need to accept in …