TAG: personal change

Healthy Spirituality vs Broken Spirits, Broken Hearts and Shattered Egos

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Waking Times A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Proverbs 17:22. How big is the difference between a broken heart, a broken spirit and a crushed ego? From the health perspective – what is ‘Spirit’? What is spirituality? How can we recognize or measure the healthiness

Sustainability is Mainly a Spiritual Crisis, Not a Material One

Caroline Savery, Sust Enable Waking Times The more godlike he becomes, the less godly Homo economicus behaves.” – Andrew Nikiforuk When I started out as a sustainability activist, I firmly believed that “sustainability” meant finding better, more efficient ways for humans to live within the means of our resources.  I considered the problem of sustainability as a problem



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