TAG: palm oil

The 4 Biggest Mistakes In Dietary Advice That Even Doctors Now Admit Must Be Corrected

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times There is no more doubting long-standing myths that mainstream nutrition adopted as truths due to poorly designed and corrupt scientific studies. On behalf of public health regulators — doctors, nutritionists and many other health experts have relied on this misinformation to guide millions with false dietary advice which we

How Palm Oil Ravages Rainforests, Endangers Wildlife and Destroys Communities

Travis McKnight, EcoWatch Waking Times Agriculture plays a massive role in today’s global economy. It’s easy to not realize that your salad’s fresh tomatoes are likely flown in from the Netherlands, its asparagus is picked by a Peruvian farmer and the dressing has palm oil harvested in Indonesia. Our complicity in an agricultural system that ships food

How Food With Palm Oil Is Wiping Out Orangutans and Enslaving Workers

Piper Hoffman, Nation of Change Waking Times “Adam,” a poor 19-year-old Indonesian, found a job driving trucks for a palm oil plantation that paid $6 a day. The foreman picked him up for a three-week, two-thousand mile journey to the worksite in Borneo. Along the way the terms of employment changed: Adam wouldn’t be paid for two

Palm Oil Health Craze May Push Animals to Extinction While Destroying the Environment

Carolanne Wright, Natural News Waking Times Red palm oil has burst onto the health scene as a miracle food, helping to heal everything from cardiovascular disease to Alzheimer’s to cancer. However, as it becomes more popular worldwide, a dark secret has come to light. Due to its lucrative value, rainforests in Malaysia and Indonesia are

Palm Oil and Our Future

LeAnn Fox and Jean-Pierre Ruiz, Guest Writers Waking Times  Palm oil is used on a wide variety of products, including foods. One of these companies is Kellogg’s, maker of a wide variety of food products and best known for its cereals. While Kellogg’s touts its environmentally-friendly practices, its actual practices are far from being so.

Green – An Orangutan’s Journey (Video)

This important documentary was filmed in the fast disappearing Indonesian rainforest and is not narrated, however, its message is clear and frightening. The home of the Orangutan and many other wildlife species in Indonesia is being decimated at an alarming rate by consumer need and greed.

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