TAG: meditation

M=EC2 – The Meditation Equation

Kingsley Dennis – Philosophers, artists, and scientists have been debating for centuries the questions concerning human consciousness: what it is and how it emerges.

Overcoming the Hypnosis of Fear 

Julian Rose – You are a Universal Being. Your body is just a vehicle for the manifestation of this Universal Being here on Earth.

7 Ways To Jumpstart A Dead Life

Gary ‘Z’ McGee – It’s time to shock the system. Here are seven inexhaustible ways to jumpstart a dead life.

Stepping Into Infinity

Elva Thompson – According to occult tradition, the astrological shift of Ages brings the opportunity for a spiritual shift in consciousness.

The Importance of Solitude and Meditation

Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Meditation and solitude are “entrances” into this hunger for the unknown. Indeed, but this is no time for self-pity. This is a time to fill in the blind spot.

The Many Benefits of Meditation

Dr. Mercola – Meditation can give you an energizing boost similar to caffeine, but meditation accomplishes this without adverse effects.

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