TAG: media

The Top 10 Most-Suppressed News Stories Of 2020

Tyler Durden – Back in the day, when I was managing editor at the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Mont., I enjoyed the end-of-year ritual of voting in the Associated Press’s poll of the Top 10 news stories.

Narrative Is Crumbling

Caitlin Johnstone – We are now, as a species, collectively squeezing ourselves out of our old unhealthy relationship with narrative.

We Are Ruled By Wizards

Caitlin Johnstone – Chomsky once said that “Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the US media.”

The War on Media Comes Home

Jon Rappoport – Specific lies, specific omissions, specific strategies intended to keep the public from knowing the truth about a variety of life and death matters.

How To Defeat The Empire

Caitlin Johnstone – Without an effective propaganda machine, the empire cannot rule.
