TAG: human condition

Advancements in Consciousness and the Human Condition

Blake Brown, Contributor Waking Times A little while ago, we published a post in which we compared the human experience to computer science. In our analogy our bodies and brains are our hardware but the things that make us (our beliefs, emotions, thoughts, etc) are like software. We talked about the importance of doing regular

Valentine’s and a Rose for Emily

Julian Wash, Contributor  Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that words can hardly express. It’s a path that leads to a place euphemistically referred to as nowhere. It’s a journey of still reflection and quiet repose that entwines the shadows of yesterday with

Human Race, Take Your Power Back

Stephen Parato, Contributor Waking Times Don’t externalize your inherent power. Stop giving your power away. That’s how people devolve from unique individuals to automatons. From vibrant beings, to dull shadows. From freethinkers, to brainwashed sheeple. From healthy and passionate, to fat and apathetic. From fun-loving and imaginative, to just plain bland. These stark contrasts are

Language – The Dawn of Thought

Peter Russell, Spirit of Now Waking Times Man is nothing but evolution become conscious of itself. – Julian Huxley To the casual observer the most noticeable difference between human beings and the great apes is not our larger brains, but the uses to which we put them. Unlike chimpanzees or gorillas — and unlike any

Inner Security is What We’re Going For Here

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Have you claimed the authority to take a seat within your inner self and be that which you are? Inner security is what we’re going for here, and to get to the inner, we’ll need to start with outer security, move on through insecurity, and arrive at inner security. I

Mistakes and Being Human

Rene Descartes, Contributor Waking Times We are here to make all the mistakes we want, because, it is through our mistakes that we learn. As long as we try to do what we know to be right, we will be on the right path. If we make a mistake, we should fully recognize it as

The End of Entropy: A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change This

Entropy. That measure of disorder that increases as energy is dissipated into unusable forms effects many aspects of our present human condition. It is easy to grasp the principle as it pertains directly to heat. We see the energy of a fire heat our food, but we also can see a great deal of heat going out unused and unusable. This extra heat can be seen as increasing the disorder, as the molecules affected move more rapidly and more disordered.

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