Let’s Speak of the Unseen… The Unified Field
Kingsley L. Dennis – It is strange, very odd, that humanity has arrived this far along its journey and yet still clings to such antiquated thinking.
Kingsley L. Dennis – It is strange, very odd, that humanity has arrived this far along its journey and yet still clings to such antiquated thinking.
Julian Rose – We need to redefine the meaning of life and death.
Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Most of us live life half-alive, or half-dead, depending on how you look at it. Quiet desperation tends to rule the day.
Dylan Charles – The exploration of human consciousness is the next frontier in science and spirituality.
Children’s Health Defense Team – The Covid vaccine being rushed out are not without their own unique risks.
Jon Rappoport – A recent study from the Journal of the American Medical Association Network delivers numbers that should make you stop and think.
Elias Marat – Is death the end of the universe?
Steve Taylor – NDE’s are one of the most mysterious and uplifting experiences humans have.
Elva Thompson – We are as a species unplugged from our Source Field.
Jan Engels-Smith – Their view is vastly different from the Western perspective.
Vic Bishop – Is death the end, or is it the beginning?
Anna Hunt – What makes us who we are?
Amy Lansky – Is it death, or some kind of transition?
Julian Rose – To die well, we must live well.
Buck Rogers – Is it possible to manipulate the experience of death with DMT.
M.J. Higby – If today were the last day of your life, would you want to spend it the way that you’re about to?
Media – Anita Moorjani, in a coma ending her four year struggle with cancer, leads to a near-death experience that brings remarkable clarity and understanding of life.
Dylan Charles – The singularity point between science and spirit may be approaching more rapidly than ever.
Video – Does everything about a person disappear at death? The brain? It stops working, then dissolves. But what about awareness? Does our consciousness end forever?
Randi G. Fine – No one can live our lives for us. Each of our souls must essentially travel the eternal journey alone.