18 Signs of High Emotional Intelligence
Travis Bradberry – Emotional intelligence is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible.
Travis Bradberry – Emotional intelligence is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible.
Megan Redshaw – Chemicals like phthalates and another class of chemicals called PFAS are known hormone disruptors.
Dr. Mercola – Now more than ever it is important that you are using the tools to control your emotional state and thoughts.
Dr. Mercola – “Everyone will wear them, because people have shown that they’re quite willing to give up privacy for convenience;” a prototype could be here in the next decade.
Justin MacLachlan – The structures of the perceptible universe, they say, are astonishingly comparable to the neuronal networks of the human brain.
Dr. Mercola – Meditation can give you an energizing boost similar to caffeine, but meditation accomplishes this without adverse effects.
Dr. Mercola – According to a British researcher, without aluminum in the brain, Alzheimer’s does not develop.
Dr. Mercola – Your protection may be increased by evaluating your risk of heart disease, understanding your cholesterol numbers and analyzing your iron levels and overall diet.
Dr. Mercola – Excessive sugar consumption underpins the obesity epidemic by eliciting addiction-like cravings reminiscent of other drugs of abuse.
GMI Research Group – Contraceptive pills and shots, prescribed with casual frequency, have known side effects that are little-discussed.
Manuel Garcia Aguilar – Strobe lights and a low pitched buzz can be used to recreate brain waves lost in the disease.
John Vibes – A study led by a team of researchers at the Centre for Psychedelic Research at Imperial College London demonstrated that people under the influence of DMT (or dimethyltryptamine) show brain wave patterns similar to a dreaming state while they are awake.
Kelly Brogan, M.D. – The medical field is developing some new insights that just might help us understand depression better.
Kingsley L. Dennis – There’s something fundamentally wrong with how the world is right now.
Anna Hunt – Research shows that Internet access creates an environment conducive to sleep deprivation.
Anna Hunt – Come to find out, your brain actually makes some of its own decisions while you sleep.
Dylan Charles – If you want to radically transform your life for the better, pay attention.
Dylan Charles – Antidepressants alone are unlikely to bring you lasting happiness.
Christina Sarich – Silence is much more important to our brains than we’ve previously thought.
Anna Hunt – Is society moving too fast for the brain to understand truth?