TAG: awareness

The Disappearance of Silence

Edward Curtin – Silence is a word pregnant with multiple meanings, and to some it is a threat.

Not All We See

Ida Lawrence – Intuition is a ‘direct knowing’ of what is, and it operates best when the obstacles are removed.

MC Xander: Sick of the Lies

Video – Phantastic performance by MC Xander. I’m definitely sick of the lies and sick of the war.

Three Solutions to the Death Problem

Video – Discussion of Ernest Becker’s three main solutions to the death problem: the religious solution, the romantic solution, and the acceptance that death is inevitable.

Meditation: The Easiest Way to Do It

Video – Struggling to learn how to meditate? This free video from Roy Masters teaches his basic observation exercise and describes his secret to meditating.

Mindful Living 101

Infographic – A great overview of why mindful awareness is a healthy skill and how to get started.

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