To All Who Can Hear

Zen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

We’re at an amazing time in human as well as cosmic history. What we do with it is up to each of us individually, as well as the inescapable collective of which we are all part. How we each respond individually affects the entire collective. This is our tremendous power. To do right or wrong, bring light or continued ignorance and darkness.

This responsibility is too weighty for most. They feel not just disempowered, but cowed out of their integral self soul expression. The forces are many, but playing the victim is nothing but an escape from personal responsibility. Fear, self-doubt, conditioning and subconscious inertia are difficult but not impossible to overcome. One right decision and exercise in true self affirmation leads to another, and as momentum builds it does become easier, and quite inspiring as well as horizon expanding.

  • All of that is co-conditional on a true willingness to let go – of past programming, false self stories, and external influences. The heart is the key; a love of truth and love itself, and for the ultimate betterment of humanity as we heal ourselves. All great and true energies align with such a spiritual disposition and the river of change and empowerment flows seemingly supernaturally in that zone, apparent parallel realities to what we witness in the external.

    If we’re willing and truly desire to go there.

    Again, the past attachments will fall away. But there’s nothing to fear, as what’s real and true in your life will continue on. Not all will be lost as so many fear. Sincere heart led relationships, the means for peace, contentment and survival, everything is healthily maintained. It is all well taken care of. The dualistic realm of separation here will fight this knowing tooth and tong, but it cannot win. If we are determined.

    We all must remember that this is a training place, a proving ground, with wonderful soul lessons we came here to learn. That is the purpose of life on this very challenging yet bountiful and beautiful planet. Many say that is why we chose to come here, to learn and grow. But the amnesia we experience upon re-entry and immediate psycho-social conditioning fight our waking up and remembering quite comprehensively. By design.. And it’s not “bad” like we think. That too is an “allowed” construct to give us contrast and clarity, as well as soul strengthening during our adventure and lesson learning time.

    Yet we are up to the challenge, otherwise we would not be here. That deep soul-sucking sense of futility we all run into and apparent meaninglessness is just a construct. It’s a lie of the first order. We know that in our hearts, yet so many waver and weaken and fall back into the victim mentality in a resignation to just get by and avoid conflict and pain. But as we’ve all experienced, that never works. The overwhelming external, all in escape mode, keep the amusements and distractions amply offered front and center to numb the deep inner pain and longing, all the while knowing that there is something else we are here for.

    Enter Religions and Belief Systems

    Sublimation is an interesting concept. One definition says “Sublimation is the transformation of unwanted impulses into something less harmful. This can simply be a distracting release or may be a constructive and valuable piece of work. When we are faced with the dissonance of uncomfortable thoughts, we create psychic energy. This has to go somewhere. Sublimation channels this energy away from destructive acts and into something that is socially acceptable and/or creatively effective.”

    This is basically a replacement or camouflage dynamic. It is prevalent in our unconscious as we maneuver through life. It’s quite stealthy until we begin to recognize it. It’s sort of a “find and replace” program to help us not face the raw truth about our real selves and condition.

    Religion is a perfect example. We have an innate knowing there is so much more to this life here. We sense it strongly. Society gives us labels for these feelings such as “faith” in something unseen, for which they have a ready explanation. This lower dimensional construct we live in is quick to fill in this sensation and need with religion – “faith” in the unknown, “trust” the hierarchy of those that know more than you, etc etc. A very clever design. That or sincerely relate to us “outside” formal religions and then direct or shunt humanity into one of the myriad religious practices and “alternative” belief systems of this world.

    Belief systems are a bit more subtle, as they claim independence from the mainstream religions, so there’s that added element of spiritual and mental pride that “I’m not going for that – I’m going for this!” An amazingly clever “catch all, clean up” dynamic, but it’s just another manifestation of ignorance and pride. We’ve all fallen for one form or another of this. After all, throughout all this that shallow, false egoic self wants to survive no matter what. And that belief thing is fully hooked up to the veil, the matrix; i.e. the illusory testing system. But I digress, a bit.

    If this is too abstract or esoteric for some, I apologize, Hence the title. I will close with something of a summary of this particular exercise:

    1. We are way more than we can even imagine and we need to tap into it.
    2. We need to be willing to do so at any cost. Any.
    3. Doing so will solve any and every personal as well as global issue or problem.
    4. Understand that limitation devices are in place for a good reason – to help us recognize false ego driven attachments – – in order to let them go.
    5. The challenge is subtle yet plain as day. Beliefs are just that: temporal non-real constructs that offer convenience, excuses cloaked in ritual ego-based offerings based in superstition, and in most cases justifying what we want.
    6. Reality is reality. Find it, face it, embrace it.
    7. The illusory matrix we’ve encountered here is purely fear driven. When we let go of fear every door opens and the love, beauty and simplicity of true creation and who we truly are pours through.

    We are the light of the world. Let it shine.

    Read More Articles by Zen Gardner.

  • About the Author

    Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst entrenched alternative pundits. His book “You Are The Awakening” has met rave reviews and is available on

    This article (To All Who Can Hear) was originally created and published by Waking Timesand is printed here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Zen Gardner and

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