All Eyes on the Pacific Ring of Fire as Major Geological Events Trigger Concern

Terence Newton, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

It’s well-known that the world’s billionaires are spending a good chunk of their loot on preparations for the end of the world as we know it. They’re building luxury underground bunkers, stocking up on military-style hardware, buying up the world’s most precious farmland, and banking seeds to restart society after an inevitable and severe civilization crash.

Given recent events catastrophic events including three devastating Atlantic hurricanes, serious earthquakes in Mexico, and apocalyptic wildfires in Western United States, it would be a matter of basic prudence for the common person to consider putting in at least basic provisions to weather a natural disaster.

  • The earth is a living organism, and it appears to be making some shifts at present. And all eyes are on the Pacific ring of fire, as a growing list of volcanic eruptions and tectonic tremors are pointing to a potentially major event in the near future.

    The ring of fire is a massive circle of volcanoes along the perimeter of the Pacific ocean basin. Made up of 452 volcanoes, the ring of fire marks the edges of a tectonic zone where the Pacific ocean floor rises to form the western edge of North and South America and the islands along the eastern edge of Asia and Australia. It spans nearly 25,000 miles in distance and is the world’s primary source of earthquakes and volcanic activity.

    Just today, some 11,000 people were ordered to evacuate an island in Vanuatu as Mt. Manaro Volcano finally began serious eruptions. Vanuatu is on the far South Western perimeter of the ring of fire. Mt. Agung volcano in Bali is expected to erupt soon which would trigger the evacuation of up to 120,000 people on the tiny island.

    In the Americas, two major earthquakes in Mexico have caused widespread damage, followed by an eruption of the nearby Popocatépetl volcano.

    “As if the earthquake wasn’t enough to handle, the earthquake was soon after followed by the eruption of Popocatépetl volcano, located southeast of Mexico City. The volcanic eruption caused a church to collapse during mass at the foot of the mountain, killing 15 worshippers.” [Source] 

    These events have been followed by a series of smaller earthquakes off the coast of California, including a magnitude 5.7 just days after the most recent Mexico quake. Experts are pointing out that significant pressure has been building up along the San Andreas fault for decades now, as most of California’s largest quakes were recorded prior to the 1960’s, going all the way back to the major Fort Tejon quake of 1857, which was a magnitude 7.9.

    Swarms of quakes have been detected in Yellowstone, including a cluster of some 1500 tremors, causing serious concern about the possibility of the eruption of a super volcano which would cause a cataclysm. While not precisely along the ring of fire, increased geological activity in Yellowstone is part of an overall rise in potentially destructive natural events.

    Additionally, volcanoes in Central and South America have been becoming active, with three major volcanoes erupting in Costa Rica alone in the last year or so. All of this has been accompanied with ongoing minor earthquakes along the coastline.

    Of particular note in recent events are activity along the Cascadia subduction zone. While most people are familiar with the San Andreas fault, there is much more potentially destructive energy locked in Cascadia subduction zone, which could produce a mega-thrust earthquake of magnitude 9 or higher along the coast of Washington State, Oregon and British Colombia.

    Megathrust earthquakes are the most powerful earthquakes known to occur, and can exceed magnitude 9.0. They occur when enough energy (stress) has accumulated in the “locked” zone of the fault to cause a rupture known as a megathrust earthquake. The magnitude of a megathrust earthquake is proportional to length of the rupture along the fault. The Cascadia Subduction Zone, which forms the boundary between the Juan de Fuca and North American plates, is a very long sloping fault that stretches from mid-Vancouver Island to Northern California.[10] ” [Source]

    An earthquake along this fault line would be catastrophic for the heavily populated regions of the Pacific Northwest, so much so, that the largest preparedness drill ever carried out by U.S. authorities was focused on this very possibility.

    Final Thoughts

    All of this is occurring against the backdrop of increased solar activity, a solar eclipse, and noticeable changes in global temperatures, rainfall and weather patterns.

    The earth is a living being. It’s lifespan is eons longer than the tiny speck of time humans have been here. While many believe that the earth punishes humans with catastrophic events, this is merely a projection of our own neurosis onto something that doesn’t concern itself too much with the goings-on of all the little people here toiling about. Never-the-less, if more people were prepared with basic emergency essentials, we would be less dependent on government to rescue us from the fallout of natural disasters.

    Read more articles from Terence Newton.

  • About the Author

    Terence Newton is a staff writer for, interested primarily with issues related to science, the human mind, and human consciousness.

    This article (All Eyes on the Pacific Ring of Fire as Major Geological Events Trigger Concern) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Terence Newton and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement. 

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