As It Is, So Are We

Zen Gardner, Contributor
Waking Times

Mankind is an experiment. No experiment can go wrong as they are simply experiments. We exist in a conscious universe, one of innumerable coexisting universes. Since the creative universe is conscious we know intention is involved. A sequence of choices or agreements were made of some fashion to bring this world and our habitation of it into being. This includes our own willing agreement since we too are fractals of eternal consciousness in a loving Universe.

The experiment on our planet and perhaps others in our Universe is to see what would happen when an infinitely gifted awareness with free will was dropped into a lower density existence where it experiences limitation and a temporary forgetfulness of its true state. What would this race respond to? How would it react? What would it do, with the added gift of Gaia as its beautiful home?

  • This wasn’t an accident or trick by any means. We were given the choice whether to take on this challenge or not. We’re here by free will, despite our having temporarily forgotten that element. Had we remembered from the outset it would not have been a pure experiment, nor real test. We took on this adventure willingly, knowing it would lead to greater growth and understanding for our eternal selves as well as that of others and all of creation. The later waves of us also knew this was something of a rescue mission to see if we could turn things around, as humanity up to then as well as now had made a right mess of things and not developed as they could have.

    Universe is continually expanding. As its nature is consciousness, so awareness of itself is continually expanding through its various creations, be they planets or beings of any kind. Newness, new creations, new realms are continually being born. Creation never stops. Expansion is what every level of vibration or energetic frequency seeks, even the lower, dark ones. It’s the nature-al process of being. This is why inspiration and creativity are intrinsically connected, as well as happiness and true fulfillment in the moment, which is timeless.

    Fear is the false awareness of separation. It creates its own frequency fence that self reinforces the lower density structure. It manifests in many forms from survival concerns to psychological and spiritual mechanisms that induce paralysis and constraint. That illusion is strong and one of the main hurdles to overcome during our tenure here. Learning to manage our emotions and what drives them is another as they can so easily be misguided and energetically as well as socially manipulated.

    Data Receivers and Retrievers

    Notice how learning, experiencing and even consuming are natural to our form of being. We’re continually processing. Sometimes in futile loops without learning the true nature of things, but very often in an effort to understand how everything works, and why. This is why. We’re contributing to the Universe discovering itself energetically, from the simplest things to what we might consider breakthrough concepts and ideas. The irony is that they’re all already there to simply be dis-covered. Our hunger and thirst for true knowledge is seemingly insatiable due to its infinite, open ended potential, making our experience a thrill when we’re on the right track.

    As we all experience, we receive information in many forms. Some is purely mental input as a form of natural science mechanism discoveries, while other data comes via intuition and other senses we are waking up to the nature of more and more. Either way, we’re continually processing what we receive, while at the same time we’re sending data back to Source like transceivers as Universe expands. We’re like roving landing vehicles in and on a strange land constantly analyzing information which is continually relayed back to where we originated. There is a vast amount of knowledge we have yet to gain regarding this process, but that’s enough to remind us why we’re here, amongst other things.

    Dark and Light

    It’s all the nature of the expansion of all things. The negative oriented forces do the same, seeking expansion in a misguided form by dominion over others to capture their energy for themselves. It’s part of the process that is allowed due to free will and a choice an apparent few make, for whatever reason. Some may not be of us and from other dimensions and part of the test here, yet it’s the same energetic principle.  Nothing is inherently evil in that sense. All is energy seeking expansion. But what choice is made will determine if that energetic force will reach back to Source voluntarily or force itself to be recycled and miss the ecstasy of true energetic growth.

    This is why fixating on the negative that has been allowed to propagate is only giving that energy more sustenance. The only answer to the negative is to not feed it with attention or intention but to increase the positive, raising the standard high by energetic influence and example to others. The lower density field is one of conflict and draws anything it can into it, however well meaning, thereby reinforcing polarity which increases its energetic influence. The dualistic field of contest and conflict throughout society is a clear manifestation of this.


    Darkness is a form of shadow energy. It copies natural energy laws, but only in lower dimensions. It cannot even grasp higher dimensional existence never mind do anything about it. All it can do is try to prevent others from tuning into and eventually moving into those higher frequencies by its very low dimensional, dense vibratory nature.

    The dark cannot coexist with light – it simply ceases to exist where there is true light. This is why that energetic level manifests fear which gives a heightened sense of separation from our true source, which in turn disempowers in order to contain what it needs to reinforce itself. Attachment to these dark mechanisms, either with or against them, only feeds this cycle. Once we realize this simple truth the game changes – drastically – individually and collectively.

    We’re simply becoming aware of what always has been. And it’s amazingly wonderful!

    Love, Zen

    About the Author

    Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book “You Are The Awakening” has met rave reviews and is available on

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