Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix

Zen Gardner, Contributor
Waking Times


Hey Z, I don’t know if it has occurred to you as well, but the reaction to Trump’s support and presidency is divided by such polar opposites as to be a possible indication of alternative timelines among us.

His vulgarity, misogynist, and racist tendencies have been on full display for everyone to see. Yet, there are those who still think that his populist rhetoric will circumvent all that and keep him on a pedestal of acclaim. I just don’t get it. I think he’s bordering on insanity.

What’s your take on it? – Mark


Hi Mark. Great to hear from you. Great points.

I warned people this Trump thing would go sideways right out of the gate. Those pinning hopes of any kind on some new demagogue in the hierarchy of the matrix are incredibly naive and ungrounded. Besides, the system has to fail for the ground to be tilled to bring new life. The old has to go. Why people keep trying to prop it up or fix it or have any faith in it escapes me. The whole paradigm is the problem, giving our sovereignty away to supposed authorities is their cornerstone. It has to be yanked out, as well as the entire foundation. Not politically, but in our own hearts. That’s where the real problems are rooted.

  • It’s a very peculiar phenomenon that’s happening now. It was brilliant to bring Trump on, no way it was just a groundswell, that’s just part of the narrative. He has that populist crap going on keeping everyone blinded and jacked up and wide open to absolute fascist control, which they’ll never see coming. Mind you, he could put the whole alt press and media on hold like he did immigration, then feel justified for more repression with the outcry. His war agenda is completely berserk as is his abject Zionism, giving Israel carte blanche support. It takes a psychopath to support a psychopath. He’s just another blind corporate mogul thinking he’s getting stuff done when no one else had the balls, completely deluded and very easy for the deep state to steer and to blame things on when they go haywire. A total set up as usual, even if a few things have perhaps gone off the rails for them.

    The Unraveling Accelerates – Good!

    But I’m amazed how fast it’s unraveling. He’s barely 10 days in and has galvanized public outcry nationally and internationally like no else has, and in an extremely fragile and volatile, fully interconnected, interdependent world. We know it was set up for this but wow, it’s happening fast. Someone said he’s aligning with Russia and perhaps even China to bring on the NWO which could slip into place before anyone knew what happened. It’s totally unhinged and weird so read between the lines as to what’s really going on, but we know who’s behind it and what the end game is. The ramping up of fear and chaos is their signature. And it will get worse and more confusing to the unwary.

    Even more impactful for me is the intense spiritual strangeness that’s being unleashed, which is off the charts. I don’t know about you, but it has me reeling. I’m sure any spiritual sensitive will agree. We knew this storm was coming but man, it’s ramping up fast and a lot of strange stuff is swirling around. I’ll be writing something about this soon, very important to identify as it’s throwing people into a tizzy and it can feel very dark and scary, but needn’t be.

    Timelines and the Shearing of the Veil – A Total Opportunity

    Timeline splits and that kind of stuff? Perhaps. It sure feels that way if you’re a conscious observer to all this madness. There’s definitely a shear in the fabric. This is a massive year of opportunity when this type of foundational disarray happens and people are more open, if the internet stays free. Otherwise it’s going to have to be local and one on one, which is ultimately more effective anyway, again showing this all works for good. Whatever, the physical manifestation we’re witnessing has everyone hopping and in the reactive mode, never a good place to be and extremely manipulatable as these outcroppings of pent-up frustrations surface.

    But there’s definitely a huge crack in the psycho-social construct. But again, opportunity knocks as that’s where the truth gets in. A lot of people are going to be trying to make sense of all this and be more willing to shift perspectives and start asking questions and will find the treasure trove of the pre-digested research materials and analyses waiting to be tapped into.

    The would-be controllers could be making a big move now seeing how the trend towards waking up is continually accelerating. That’s very feasible but it always backfires. It’s amazing how people thought he was hope and change #2, this time middle Americans that Obama et al crushed and those fed up with political correctness etc., but he’s clearly stacking the deck for the oligarchy and with complete abandon. Remarkable. He’s an extremely dumbed down nut case, already a deluded, basically gambling capitalist real estate jackal cum beauty pageant and game show host awash in and intoxicated with money and influence, not unlike most of the other parasitic charlatans. Great credentials for leadership, wouldn’t you say?

    But now that he’s got this apparent power he’s going berserk with it so expect some real shit to hit the fan. And his handlers are having a field day! Nothing like a good crisis – talk about a crisis actor, ha. They’re ringing their hands with glee right now. By the way, as you know this is what the troops on US soil and armed police are for – and if they can get middle Americans to help police whatever draconian jingoist programs he calls for, slam dunk. We could easily see the mirror reflection of the very political correctness they decry with the rise of the reactionary right. They’re all the same as we know, but that’s how the Fabian/Sabbateans play it. Very clever bastards.

    But it’s just going to be a mess as everything breaks down. He’s plowing blindfolded into thousands of dominoes and they’re flying all over and about to run their course in expected as well as unexpected, nor always obvious, ways. It will be wild.

    Again, a time of opportunity for people to wake up.

    Anyway, he’s certainly the man of the hour., ha. You can’t make this stuff up. Trump couldn’t be a more fitting name, gambling and hailing back to the trumps of apocalypse, or a sound of alarm. Should be interesting how this rolls out, but we’ve been seeing this coming for a long time. The mountain range is clear from a distance, but you start venturing in and through the foothills and those big old mountains start towering over you. Perspective is everything. “Stay conscious, my friend”- to paraphrase that Dos Equis beer commercial guy. Ha!

    Stay in the Spaces – You Can Move Freely and Hear from Source

    “You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” – Jeannette Rankin

    The key is to move in the spaces opening up. Penetrate every opportunity like rain on the cracks of a thirsty desert. And hook up with people locally now. Don’t wait for the shutdown. You’ll be glad you did, now, and then.

    They’ve shut these natural conscious “space” channels down completely with tech now. On phones and computers, busy with work and amusements. No time to just be still and listen and learn or do any self work where the real issues lie that are causing all this external projection. That’s why I’m so thankful for this shift in my life. Off the treadmill is the place to be, in every sense.

    But all this we’re witnessing is insane, in a nutshell – it always has been, but at least it’s coming out and shaking people up. Hang in there. The fun’s only beginning.

    Like Mark Twain said, “When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.”

    Read More Articles by Zen Gardner.

    About the Author

    Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst entrenched alternative pundits. His book “You Are The Awakening” has met rave reviews and is available on

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    This article (Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix) was originally created and published by Waking Times and is printed here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Zen Gardner and

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