Facebook Fake News Flagging System Gives Orwell a Lesson in Censorship

Brendan D. Murphy, Guest
Waking Times

“Hold on a second, citizen. Before you have that thought, you should consider this other thought we prepared earlier for you.”

It would be hard to conceive of a more partisan or rigged social media platform than Facebook, but that clearly isn’t enough for Facebook, because it has just outdone itself, introducing a tool that allows users to flag any story they may dislike or disagree with as “fake news.” Welcome to the Facebook fake news flagging system.

One can just picture the armies of Establishment trolls and shills salivating at the prospect of being able to dispute any and every item that shows upon Facebook which they don’t like as “fake news,” making it even harder than it already is for independent news outlets to be seen and heard by the people who need to be reached the most (the people who need waking up so they can become part of the solution).

But wait, can’t intelligent, well-researched individuals in turn report outlets they would consider to be sources of bogus information, like the Washington Post, New York Times, and other Establishment-approved sources? Why, no, of course not, this is a one way street. As NBC (an Establishment outlet) notes, “legitimate news outlets won’t be able to be flagged.

Er, so who occupies the mighty throne of Arbiter of Truth to determine what is a “legitimate” outlet and what is not?

Why, a legion of Establishment outlets of course!

  • Here’s what will happen: flagged stories – any viewpoint a Facebooker happens to dislike – will be reviewed by Facebook “researchers” and sent on to third-party “fact-checking” organizations for further “verification” — or simply marked as fake. The post, after being “assessed” by the third-party “checkers” will show up as “disputed” should they deign to make it so.

    Rest easy, citizen, it will be “respectable” entities like Snopes (hard not to laugh out loud here), Politifact, and Factcheck.org who will be doing your thinking for you from now on. You can definitely trust them to sort the wheat from the chaff. Go back to sleeeeeep…

    There, doesn’t that feel better without all that naughty brain-hurty “thinky” stuff going on?

    A group of Facebook researchers will initially have the responsibility of sifting through flagged stories and determining which ones to send to the fact-checking organizations. If it’s determined to be fake, the story will be flagged as disputed and include a link explaining why.

    These stories can still be shared, but you’ll be warned before you do and they’ll be more likely to appear lower in News Feed. These stories also won’t be able to be promoted or turned into advertisements.1 [emphasis added]

    Facebook’s algorithm that decides what gets the most prominence in News Feed, is also to be tweaked. It doesn’t take a genius to realise that any such “tweaks” made will be to the benefit of the Establishment outlets, and to the detriment (reduced visibility) of the truly independent news media outlets (like us, for instance) that aren’t massively funded by Big Pharma and/or totally on board with enabling/protecting the global Satanic pedophile network (have you been following the Podesta situation and PizzaGate?).

    The hypocrisy on the point of funding is staggering. Facebook’s VP claims that they want to hit “fake news” sites in the pocket1 because, after all, they have ads on them and stuff, mmkay? Mainstream media receives its funding HOW, exactly? Donations from unicorns?

    To continue putting this in perspective…

    That’s right, not only will the pedophile protectors be given prominence in Facebook’s news feed, but only the “legitimate news outlets” bearing the Establishment’s seal of approval will be immune to flagging.

    Everyone else is fair game.

    That means that any site trying to protect or assist the victims by exposing the global pedophile/Satanic ritual abuse network is particularly vulnerable to Facebook’s Orwellian “fake news” flagging system, while those who actively shield those abhorrent networks of imbalanced and psychopathic people by pretending it’s not happening, or publishing F-grade “debunking” articles will be rewarded with immunity and increased visibility.

    But then, what else would we expect from an organization whose founder is openly aligned with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which so aggressively pursues the global depopulation agenda under the guise of bringing “medicine” to countries in the developing world, while Gates himself devotedly funds a multitude of the most reprehensible companies on earth, while pretending to be environmentally concerned.

    More on the motive for the fake news flagging system

    Zuckerburg’s comments are revealing:

    Days after Donald Trump was elected president, Zuckerberg said it was “pretty crazy” to think fake news could have influenced the election… (nbcnews.com)

    So, we wonder who has been in Mr Z’s ear whispering not-so-sweet nothings about the problem of alternative media, especially given that the Establishment/pedophile network’s selected puppet Hillary Clinton didn’t get in over Trump. That must have stung a bit. In case you’re wondering, Podesta is firmly connected in to the Clinton network, so it is no coincidence that the news outlets most loudly promoting her were also the same ones downplaying, debunking, or ignoring the Podesta/PizzaGate scandal.

    Facebook’s reputation is deservedly going to the dogs with increasing alacrity.1 Censoring news media outlets such as Wikileaks and Anonymous (to name but two) who are trying to dismantle a global criminal enterprise says a lot about where Facebook’s allegiance lies.

    Get ready for the next level of censorship, folks – that is, unless you solve it once and for all by doing the one thing Facebook doesn’t want you to do:


    If legions of conscientious people were to abandon the social media behemoth, it would lose massive revenue, and if the situation were serious enough, it may even need to reconsider such openly biased and repugnant censorship strategies and opt for something more subtle, and perhaps bearable for those of us who may yet still find some use or value in this platform which so many view as a “necessary evil” (for now). (But before you deactivate, you’ll want to see what we’re cooking up for January. Or just subscribe at the very top of the page. ???? )

    Facebook’s arrogance and contempt for its users may yet be its undoing.


    About the Author

    Brendan D. Murphy – Co-founder of Global Freedom Movement and host of GFM RadioBrendan DMurphy is a leading Australian author, researcher, activist, and musician. His acclaimed non-fiction epic The Grand Illusion: A Synthesis of Science & Spirituality – Book 1 is out now! Come and get your mind blown at www.brendandmurphy.net

    “What a wonderful job of collating and integrating you have done! Every person in the field of ‘paranormal’ psychology or related topics should have this book as a major reference.” – Dr. Buryl Payne

    “A masterpiece…The Grand Illusion is mind-blowing.” – Sol Luckman, author of Potentiate Your DNA.

    “You’ve written the best synthesis of modern science and esoteric science that I’ve seen in 40 years of study in that area. Brilliant!”  – Michael K. Wade

    Please visit – www.globalfreedommovement.org

    Sources: http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/facebook-putting-fake-news-fight-your-hands-n696241?cid=sm_tw

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    This article (Facebook Fake News Flagging System Gives Orwell a Lesson in Censorship) was originally  published and is copyrighted by Global Freedom Movement and is published here with permission.

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