The Winter Solstice – A Time to Shift Perspective and Choose Love


Elva Thompson, Guest
Waking Times

The Winter Solstice is approaching; a time of dark sleep and mystery… where life seems to die in the frigid waste of winter … then magically re-invents itself into the living Green of Spring.

‘The half wise, recognising the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine they may defy its laws–such are vain and preposterous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly. The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower; and by the art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph. Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower–escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master.- The Kybalion.

Earth: our 90% un-coded DNA.

Science tells us that we can only access 10% of our DNA information, our original blueprint, and because most scientists have a materialistic mindset, they have labelled our un-coded, unavailable 90% DNA as junk.

In Nature nothing is junk, and everything has a purpose.

Our ‘so called’ junk DNA is electromagnetic, it is raw energy; energy cannot be destroyed, so where is it? Could the answer be that our non accessible DNA is our multi-dimensional consciousness, and due to the limitations of our bodies, our computer software cannot be utilised in inner space and therefore is projected into outer space?…in line with duality/polarity?

  • If this is the case, which rings true in my heart, the planet and its creatures are aspects of our energetic Self, the other 90% of our being…the forgotten That Art Thou of our closed off DNA.

    Quantum physics is showing that our perceived world is an illusion and when we pay attention to it; investigate it, observe it, we find it is a contrived world made of fractal geometry based on the Fibonacci spiral and the Golden Mean. Is the energy of our un-coded DNA powering the geometric matrix…the outside world of Nature?

    The in-breath

    Our forgotten and neglected self: the Earth… breathes once a year: the in-breath takes place over the four days of the Winter Solstice-Dec 19-22nd, and the out-breath at the Summer Solstice-June 19-22. The collective resonance of human awareness at the Winter Solstice[in-breath] is critical to the well being of life on Earth… for ‘inner is outer’ and the ‘state’ of our planet is a mirror image of our collective consciousness. If the Earth breathes in hate, fear and service to self, she will breathe out the ‘enhanced’ same energies at the Summer Solstice.

    Consciousness is like a field…it doesn’t care what seeds [thoughts] you plant in the soil, but it will return what you sow because that is the Law.

    We as a species fail to realise that the physical world is a mirror image, a reflection of our violent, divisive state of consciousness, and as our collective negativity, our predilection for violence and selfishness accumulates within the energetic matrix of our planet, it will reach critical mass, and we as a species will hurtle like a train with no brakes off the life-cliff to extinction….or end up being ‘trans-human’, more machine like, more mechanical than we already are.

    Being responsible for self

    The mirror operates on a personal as well as collective level, and if our lives are miserable, unfulfilling and a revel of self pity, we only have ourselves to blame. Being responsible for the state of self, is a hard one to swallow for the fragile ego of Impostor Consciousness….it looks to place the blame for its condition at another’s door…and forgets the matrix Law of Correspondence: ‘as within…so without’ and ‘as above so below’.

    The overseers of the Loosh Rote: the human farm

    The handlers of the Loosh farm are well versed in Natural Law…they know how things work and use it to their advantage. The more stress, suffering, fear and death they can create for their satanic masters at the time of the in-breath …the better.

    Sorcery-and the Power points of Earth – The modus operandi of  control

    Earth’s electromagnetic grid is covered with power points. These are energetic acupuncture meridians in the body of our planet where the electromagnetic pulse is strongest and most vibrant. Ancient sites, castles situated on leys, temples of the sun, standing stones and indigenous sacred sites mark these points of power. Satanists use these electro-magnetic power houses at the solstices; new and full moons; eclipses and transits; celestial alignments, the quarters and eighths of the year for satanic festivals of ritual, torture/terror and sacrifice of children. The poisonous frequencies created by demonic rituals flood Earth’s electromagnetic spectrum, bathing all life in an energy matrix of stress and fear.

    Millions of missing children

    It is a sad fact that rampant paedophilia and child sacrifice amongst the elite is so carefully hidden from the public, and if a whiff of stench does escape from the cess pool of power and privilege, a complicit media with self righteous brooms, immediately sweep the truth under the dark, airless carpet of satanic  ritualised abuse and murder. A scapegoat is normally chosen to keep the public happy; but they are usually a minor cog in the paedo wheel; or deceased as in the case of Jimmy Saville and Cyril Smith- or too senile to answer charges.

    The matrix of fear

    The matrix of fear created by the managers of the farm makes it easier to control the minds of the masses; to create chaos through colour revolutions, false flags, staged ‘cruelty events’ etc, that are all designed with one purpose: to shock and awe, and most of all, to whet the appetite of the unthinking and gullible herd for war…. the blood rite: the energetic fundamental of our sacrificial reality.

    The reset Dec 21 2012-Dec 21st 2016

    We are at the end of a Grand Cosmic Year…twenty six thousand years of incarnations on this plane, and we are ready to take part in the ‘evolution of our life wave’: the Shift of Ages. But we have an adversary that is hell bent on stopping us. Through the constant release of energetic terror into the grid via war, animal misery and satanic sacrifice, the cabal keeps the world fearful and enslaved…most of humanity are broken creatures, a mirror of a cow, pig or sheep on its way to slaughter.

    Stepping up the violence

    During the first three years of the reset, Dec 2012-15, we have seen a dramatic increase in suffering on this plane. War and atrocities of the most hideous nature abound and we are kept up to date by the shock troops of our bought and paid for media…so we don’t miss a trick of the specially calculated fear porn that is projected at us on a daily basis. The horrors, the devil’s elite perpetrate on mankind and the planet are designed to get us down; to destroy our immune systems with stress; and hurt out hearts with outrageous cruelties. The handlers of ‘the loosh farm’ play us like a fiddle knowing just what self-serving, fearful and divisive tune to play for the furtherance of the matrix game… ‘me versus you’ and ‘us versus them’.

    2016: the last year of the reset

    The cabal and their sheepdogs are stepping up the action for 2016 the last year of the reset. They are deliberately sabotaging our evolutionary shift through their distortion of the web of life. Many of us are aware of what’s going on….desperate farmers do desperate things and the cabal have thrown down the only card they have left: the Ace of Spades. The spectre of WW3 is ravening for release; civil war rages in Africa and the Middle East…and millions of desperate people are fleeing from their homes; the engineered droughts/floods; starvation, electronic surveillance and oppression, poison in our food and water, and the destruction of the animal and plant nations goes on unabated. And all the while the herd is caught fast within the serpent’s spell…lusting for everything, and trampling one another for a cheap TV.

    Afraid humanity will unite

    The truth is…the satanic elite are afraid of us, afraid the human family will unite, embrace love and through frequency modulation escape the farm. They are, therefore, hell bent on keeping us apart. They are throwing everything our way at the present time that is hurtful to the soul, and have brought, and are bringing millions of people to their knees.


    The collectors of the ‘loosh’ are desperate….desperate to keep us in their electro-magnetic reality game for another cycle of twenty-six thousand years. And, as long as we succumb to their fear porn; divisive rhetoric that turns brother against brother; as long as we use intellect versus heart, as long as we are ego bound, instinct and pleasure driven, we will remain in the ‘loosh farm’ for another round.

    The time is upon us….we’re here at the end of a Cosmic Year, we can either shift our perspective and choose love… or go down with the boat of ‘life after life’ upon the farm.

    Sacred obligation

    When we understand the sacrificial, blood soaked nature of our world, and wish to evolve into a different reality frame… a calmer panorama, the Winter Solstice and all propitious dates take on a deeper meaning. Our participation in energy modulation is especially important at these times and becomes a spiritual obligation….a personal and sacred responsibility to collective human consciousness, the planet, the creatures and ourselves. We can with mental vigilance and spiritual intent mitigate the effects of the satanic energy plot against us by reclaiming our own minds…choosing to live love not hate.

    “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Choose your company wisely in the coming days, guard your thoughts, avoid conflict and, above all else, to thine own self be true. Breathe in love, joy and happiness, for every laugh and every loving word and deed, is a nail in the coffin of the beast of Separation.

    Stay in love with life and let the magic of the Winter Solstice re-invent you. Breathe in ‘The Key made of Air’ and join the fourth dimensional rebellion.

    About the Author

    Elva Thompson was born in England 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota Rez in 1987. Elva is a medical intuitive, sonic re-patterner, and her interests are organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sacred geometry, sonic sound, and their application in the healing arts. Elva is the author of the occult novel HeartStar: Book One: The Key made of Air.

    **This article was featured at ZenGardner.**

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