The Cosmological News Channel

Cosmic Cosmology

Jon Rappoport, Guest
Waking Times

“People are fascinated by ancient cultures and the shamans and magicians who practice in mysterious ways. But along with this fascination, there is a kind of aversion to The New, as if it must be irrevocably tainted, as if nothing new and as yet uncreated could possibly match what once was. This is not only false, it is a form of psychic surrender. The psyche shows no faith in itself or its inherent power. Part of my work is reversing that defeatism.” (The Magician Awakes, Jon Rappoport)

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)

Cosmologies are a dime a dozen.

Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Spinoza, Big Bang, String Theory, the Bible, Vedanta, Olympic gods, Egyptian gods, Norse myths, African creation stories…

Cosmology: a picture of the universe; a story about the origin of life; a tale about the connection between consciousness and the universe.

These cosmologies share a common trait. They purport to explain What Is. And they claim to do it at a “higher level.”

  • There is another thing about cosmology: people are magnetically attracted to it, because they want a story that will settle matters for them, give them final answers.

    Poof. It’s done.

    “The universe knows what I need, and it’ll give it to me when I’m ready. If something I want doesn’t happen, it wasn’t meant to be. Not yet.”

    For many, many people, cosmology is permission to remain passive.

    Of course, for those with great faith in a particular story, it can also provide an opportunity to go on the march and kill unbelievers.

    Cosmology is a content provider. People want content. Cosmology is like the nightly news. “Fill up the empty spaces, please.”

    Cosmology has a degrading effect on the individual when he uses it to stand in for what he might otherwise do, if left to his own devices and inner resources.

    But how many people care about their inner resources?

    Those who do, whoever they are, wherever they are: I’m speaking to them.

    There is a fundamental twist in cosmology. It starts off by connecting the individual to wider, broader, deeper realities. But wait: these realities are not of his own making. They’re imported.

    Sooner or later, the imports convey a hypnotic impact. “This is true, accept me, believe in me, there’s nothing else you need to do…”

    So…what about the free and independent individual? And more importantly, what is freedom for?

    However we might answer that last question, freedom is certainly tuned to the future. It is the basis for The New, whatever that might be.

    The New. People have decidedly mixed reactions to that concept, which is uncharted. There no guarantees.

    But the mind, consciousness, the psyche are not only looking for The New, they want to imagine it, invent it, create it.

    That desire is inherent in the dynamic, electric, restless, wide-ranging, agile nature of consciousness.

    Cut off that desire and watch what happens. Life will then organize itself into little compartments, and energy will leak away.

    Creating The New is the lifeblood of the individual and individual consciousness.

    This has nothing to do with cosmology.

    With enough sustained creation and invention, however, the individual will come to his own cosmological ideas and answers, in a natural way.

    Nikola Tesla:

    Our first endeavors are purely instinctive prompting of an imagination vivid and undisciplined. As we grow older reason asserts itself and we become more and more systematic and designing. But those early [imaginative] impulses, though not immediately productive, are of the greatest moment and may shape our very destinies. Indeed, I feel now that had I understood and cultivated instead of suppressing them, I would have added substantial value to my bequest to the world. But not until I had attained manhood did I realize that I was an inventor.”

    Albert Einstein:

    “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

    The so-called “mysteries of genius” notwithstanding, every individual has something hidden away in his soul: an urge to create and project that creation out into the world.

    There is no way to tell what will come of it, or what substance it contains, until imagination walks through the door, until the process begins, and gets underway…

    No matter what circumstances he lives in, the individual wants to invent The New.

    It is this desire, impulse, force that moves beyond any pre-set cosmology.

    It is this impulse from which Tomorrow wants to be made.

    It is this impulse which shuts down the Cosmological News Channel, and recognizes it for what it is: a second-hand metaphysical media outlet, owned and operated by the Reality Manufacturing Company, a subsidiary of We Create, You Absorb, Inc.

    In 1961, decades before I started to work as a reporter, I was living in New York, I had just begun painting, and I was having conversations with an extraordinary healer, Richard Jenkins. (I write about Richard in my book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies — which is included as a bonus in my collections Exit From The Matrix and Power Outside The Matrix.)

    One day, at my studio, I was asking him about a few Hindu creation myths. He looked at me strangely, and then he said something to this effect: Don’t you realize you’re doing your own creation stories? You’re here every day painting. What do you think that’s about? This isn’t ten thousand years ago. This is now. You’re making the future.

    He was right. He was suggesting I wake up.

    So many people are preoccupied with finding a cosmology in the past. They can root around forever, and still they won’t see the power they themselves have.

    Any story you could invent about the cosmos would, in the long run, serve you better than accepting a burnished story someone else told 5000 years ago.

    The essential quality of The New is that it is not yet created. It is beyond the reach of What Is Already Accepted, and it depends entirely on the individual and his imagination.

    Beyond all programming.

    About the Author

    The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

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