Roll Up Your Sleeves Folks: 271 New Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Pipeline

Flu-Vaccination-Tips-770x420Gary Kohls, Green Med Info
Waking Times

As of 2013, Big Pharma has had plans for the development of 271 new vaccines covering an array of diseases.  Into Whose Bodies Will They be Injected?

“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable…for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” – President Ronald Wilson Reagan, as he signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, absolving drug companies from all medico-legal liability when children die, become chronically ill with vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders or are otherwise disabled from vaccine injuries. (That law has led directly to an expected reckless, liability-free development of scores of new, over-priced, potential block-buster vaccines, now numbering over 250. The question that must be asked of Big Medicine’s practitioners: How will the CDC, the AMA, the AAFP and the American Academy of Pediatrics fit any more potentially neurotoxic vaccines into the current well-baby over-vaccination schedule?)

PhRMA (the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America),  the pharmaceutical industry’s trade association and powerful lobbying group, says that 

“today, more than 7,000 medicines are in development globally, all of which have the potential to help patients in the United States and around the world.  According to another data source, there are 3,400 medicines in development today just in the United States, an increase of 40 percent since 2005.” (

  • PhRMA also says that today 

    “the 271 vaccines in development span a wide array of diseases, and employ exciting new scientific strategies and technologies. These potential vaccines – all in human clinical trials or under review by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – include 137 for infectious diseases, 99 for cancer, 15 for allergies and 10 for neurological disorders.” (

    Whenever the FDA signals that it is ready to grant marketing approval for a new vaccine or drug, the first step for the pharmaceutical company’s marketing department is to promote an “educational” advertising campaign designed to instill fear in parents (and their pediatricians) about the horrible illnesses (albeit previously unknown, benign or rare) that even us doctors hadn’t yet recognized as being significant up until recently, most of us physicians have gone along with the fear-mongering that makes our practices busier while it also makes billions of dollars in profits for some unworthy CEO or Wall Street investment banker, hedge fund manager or mutual fund investor – all at the expense of America’s precious and vulnerable children who are at high risk of being sickened along the way.

    The TV commercials, medical journal articles and drug representatives will be trying to educate us about a new, unaffordable vaccine that will somehow be squeezed into an already crowded and potentially deadly group of shots that America’s already at-risk-of-vaccine-injuries infants will now be receiving at their next well-child (perhaps soon to become chronically ill).check-up.

    Recognizing this, and so as not to overload the already over-loaded well-child inoculation schedule, perhaps he CDC (the Big Pharma-subsidized and vaccine cheerleader Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) will be adding shots to the in-hospital and irrational Hepatitis B shot that it recommends be given on day one – when vulnerable mothers are too exhausted and emotionally confused to give truly informed consent.

    Many state legislatures are, as we speak, considering (or have already passed laws) criminalizing the previously legal parental right of refusing vaccinations on the basis of religious or philosophical beliefs. That is happening right now in Wisconsin’s Republican-dominated legislature, Minnesota’s split GOP/DFL legislature, and California’s Democratic Party-dominated legislature – where it is already signed into law by Democrat Jerry Brown. These poorly informed – and heavily bribed politicians don’t realize that their legislative efforts will be blindly forcing unsuspecting patients to submit to every new blockbuster vaccine that successfully emerges from the pipeline. Talk about making decisions on the basis of partial information or propaganda from sociopathic corporate entities! Attention, Senators Al Franken, Amy Klobuchar and other assorted legislators. Are you listening to the real science or to the corrupted, pseudoscience of Big Pharma?

    Below is a list of 146 new vaccines that were in the pipeline as of 2010. The list, PhRMA proudly tells us, is now up to 271 new vaccines as of 2013. For a full listing of these vaccine trials, go to:

    For parents whose infants’ brains and bodies are immunologically and developmentally immature, be aware that your children may be forced to suffer untested-for and therefore unacknowledged long term neurological, autoimmune and chronic illness adverse effects. Parents need to be aware that if their infant dies, is sickened or is made chronically ill by vaccine ingredients, they, as protective parents, will be forbidden to sue the guilty drug company (or the doctor that administered them) for appropriate damages.

    Parents and grandparents of children need to be aware of the fact that many of these newvaccines will be containing contaminants (such as unfilterable viral particles, bacterial particles, monkey kidney cell fragments, human fetal cells, squalene (in anthrax and some experimental swine flu vaccines), peanut oil (a likely cause of the epidemic of peanut allergies), formaldehyde and even foreign DNA fragments) as well as known neurotoxic additives such as formaldehyde and aluminum (and perhaps even mercury), all of which are known genetic toxins and known causes of  (sometimes subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle – but always preventable)brain damage, vaccine-induced epilepsy, autoimmune disorders, the so-called, but erroneously labeled “shaken baby syndrome” (now increasingly understood to represent a vaccine-induced encephalitis), SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), dementia, autism spectrum disorders, mitochondrial toxicity, damage to the brain’s microglial and astroglial cells (the brain’s immune system), etc.

    NOTE: Much of the information in this column is derived from easily accessible books and websites, including Make an Informed Vaccine Decision for the Health of Your Child by Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, MPH; The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is Not Immunization, by Tim O’Shea,  DC; Screening Sandy Hook, Causes and Consequences by Deanna Spingola (an online e-book); the writings and lectures of Russell Blaylock, MD; Immunologist J. Barthelow Classen, MD; Harold E Buttram, MD, Dr Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Suzanne Humphries, Dr Kenneth Stoller, Dr Andrew Wakefield, Dr Mark Geier, and Dr Joseph Mercola, and the following two articles:

    A List of 146 of the 271 Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Developmental Pipeline (as of 2010)

    (NOTE: The corporations that have the largest financial interest in the success of the trials is listed in bold letters.)

    sanofi pasteur prevention of Clostridium difficile

    ACE BioSciences prevention of traveler’s diarrhea caused by Campylobacter jejuni

    ACE BioSciences prevention of traveler’s diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli

    sanofi pasteur diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis Phase III DTP vaccine

    Aeras Global tuberculosis

    Novartis Vaccines prevention of influenza A infection (H5N1 subtype)

    Antigenics treatment of herpes simplex virus

    BioSante Pharmaceuticals anthrax Phase I/II vaccine

    Intercell USA anthrax

    KaloBios Pharmaceuticals Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections

    Aduro BioTech treatment of hepatitis C 

    Emergent BioSolutions anthrax vaccine

    AlphaVax prevention of influenza virus infections in the elderly

    DynPort Vaccine botulism vaccine

    Inviragen Chikungunya virus vaccine

    Celldex Therapeutics cholera vaccine (live attenuated)

    ChronTech Pharma hepatitis C (DNA vaccine)

    Virionics prevention and treatment of hepatitis C

    Vical prevention of cytomegalovirus (DNA vaccine)

    AlphaVax prevention of cytomegalovirus infections

    Hawaii Biotech prevention of dengue fever

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of dengue fever (tetravalent)

    Acambis mild to severe dengue fever

    sanofi pasteur DTP-Hep B

    sanofi pasteur diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis B, polio, Hib

    Dynavax treatment of hepatitis B

    Crucell prevention of Ebola virus infections

    Vical prevention of Ebola virus infections

    GenPhar Ebola virus vaccine

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of infectious mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr virus)

    BioSolutions Escherichia coli infections

    Celldex Therapeutics prevention of cholera, Escherichia coli infections

    Protein Sciences prevention of influenza virus infections in adults and children

    sanofi pasteur influenza virus infections (new mass production method)

    sanofi pasteur prevention of influenza virus (intradermal micro-injection)

    Protein Sciences influenza virus infections

    GlaxoSmithKline rotavirus infections in infants

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of cytomegalovirus (recombinant vaccine)

    GlaxoSmithKline influenza virus (trivalent, thimerosal-free) for children ages 3-17

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of influenza virus

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of Streptococcus pneumoniae

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Haemophilus infections, hepatitis B, meningococcal group C infections, poliomyelitis (infants)

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of Haemophilus and pneumococcal infections

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of Haemophilus and pneumococcal infections

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of influenza virus infection in children

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of influenza A virus (H1N1 subtype) for children and infants

    GlaxoSmithKline staphylococcal infections 

    MedImmune influenza A virus (H5N1 subtype) intranasal

    Novavax prevention of influenza A virus infection

    Hawaii Biotech prevention of West Nile virus infection

    Novartis Vaccines helicobacter pylori

    Pfizer hepatitis B (DNA)

    Emergent BioSolutions hepatitis B

    GenPhar hepatitis B

    Novartis Vaccines treatment of hepatitis C

    GlaxoSmithKline hepatitis E (recombinant)

    Dynavax prevention of hepatitis B

    Pfizer treatment of herpes simplex virus infections (DNA vaccine)

    AuRx prevention and treatment of herpes simplex virus infections

    sanofi pasteur diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, Hib

    Intercell prevention of influenza virus seasonal influenza

    Novartis Vaccines prevention of herpes simplex virus infections

    Acambis prevention of encephalitis virus

    Bavarian Nordic smallpox vaccine

    sanofi pasteur influenza A virus (H1N1 subtype) in adolescents, children and infants

    CSL Behring prevention of influenza A virus (H1N1 subtype) for the elderly

    Baxter Healthcare prevention of influenza A virus (H1N1 subtype)

    Vical prevention of influenza A virus (DNA – H1N1 subtype)

    Baxter Healthcare prevention of influenza A virus (H5N1 subtype)

    DynPort Vaccine influenza virus

    Antigen Express influenza virus infections H5N1 vaccine

    Novavax prevention of influenza virus (particle vaccine)

    Dynavax prevention of influenza virus infections

    Vaxin influenza virus infections (intranasal)

    Abbott Laboratories prevention of influenza virus (cell culture-derived)

    Intercell prevention of Japanese encephalitis in children

    Novartis Vaccines malaria vaccine (U.S. Naval Medical Research Center)

    Vical malaria vaccine

    BioSante Pharmaceuticals prevention of malaria (U.S. Naval Medical Research Center)

    GenVec malaria vaccine (U.S. Naval Medical Research Center)

    Crucell malaria vaccine 

    Sanaria malaria vaccine

    GenPhar Marburg virus (DNA vaccine)

    MedImmune parainfluenza virus infections in children and infants

    MedImmune prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infections in infants

    MedImmune prevention of parainfluenza virus infections in children and infants

    MedImmune prevention of influenza virus (quadrivalent) for adolescents and children

    sanofi pasteur Neisseria meningitidis A, C  in toddlers 9 months-12 months

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of Neisseria meningitidis groups C and Y, Haemophilus influenzae type B, and tetanus toxoid

    sanofi pasteur meningitis in infants

    Novartis Vaccines meningococcal group B infections vaccine group B

    Novartis Vaccines meningococcal group A, C infections in children

    Novartis Vaccines meningococcal group A, C infections in infants

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of malaria (recombinant vaccine)

    NanoBio prevention of influenza virus (intranasal)

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of influenza virus inactivated split-trivalent vaccine

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of Neisseria meningitidis groups A, C in children

    LigoCyte Pharmaceuticals norovirus infections (intranasal)

    Novartis Vaccines prevention of influenza virus

    Protein Sciences prevention of influenza A pandemic (H5N1 subtype)

    Meridian Biosciences parvovirus infections

    Crucell prevention of influenza virus infections

    Pfizer meningococcal group B infections (meningococcal “plague” vaccine)

    DynPort Vaccine Yersinia infections (injectable)

    Baxter Healthcare prevention of seasonal influenza virus

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of influenza A virus (“pre-pandemic”)

    Pfizer prevention of pneumococcal infection in the elderly (Prevnar 13 Adult™)

    sanofi pasteur rabies vaccine

    BioSante Pharmaceuticals ricin poisoning (“biodefense” vaccine)

    Soligenix ricin poisoning

    sanofi pasteur prevention of rotavirus infections

    Bharat Biotech prevention of rotavirus infections

    Emergent BioSolutions anthrax (Fast Track) “protective antigen” vaccine

    Inhibitex staphylococcal infections

    Vical prevention of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus infections

    Emergent BioSolutions shigella infections

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of herpes simplex virus infections

    PharmAthene anthrax (“protective antigen” – rPA)

    BioSante Pharmaceuticals staphylococcal infections (“biodefense” vaccine)

    Nabi Biopharmaceutical prevention of staphylococcal aureus infections

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of staphylococcal aureus infections

    Nabi Biopharmaceutical prevention of streptococcal B infections

    Emergent BioSolutions prevention of streptococcal infections

    Novartis Vaccines prevention of streptococcal infections

    sanofi pasteur prevention of meningitis and pneumonia (tetravalent)

    Inviragen treatment of dengue fever

    Intercell USA prevention of traveler’s diarrhea due to E. coli (“patch” technology)

    GlaxoSmithKline tuberculosis

    Aerus Global TB prevention of tuberculosis in young children

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of  tuberculosis in adults

    sanofi pasteur prevention of tuberculosis

    DynPort Vaccine tularemia

    Emergent BioSolutions prevention of typhoid (live typhoid organisms – oral vaccine)

    Novartis Vaccines prevention of typhoid fever

    Celldex Therapeutics typhoid fever

    Merck prevention of herpes zoster (shingles)

    Merck hepatitis B in infants

    Merck human papillomavirus infections

    Merck staphylococcal infections

    GlaxoSmithKline prevention of varicella zoster virus

    VaxInnate prevention of influenza A virus

    VaxInnate influenza A virus infections in elderly patients

    VaxInnate prevention of influenza A virus (H1N1 subtype)

    Inovio Pharmaceuticals human papillomavirus infections

    Inovio Pharmaceuticals prevention of influenza A virus (H5N1 subtype)

    Xcellerex prevention of yellow fever

    About the Author

    Dr Gary G. Kohls is a retired physician from Duluth, MN, USA. In the decade prior to his retirement from medicine, he had spent the last decade practicing what could best be described as “holistic (non-drug) mental health care”. Dr Kohls has been actively involved in peace, justice and nonviolence issues for much of his adult life and, since he retired, he has written a weekly column for the Duluth Reader, an alternative newsweekly magazine ( His columns mostly deal with the dangers of American fascism, corporatism, militarism, racism, malnutrition, psychiatry and other movements that threaten American democracy and civility.

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