3 City States that Control the World

Waking Times

Video – An interesting short film about three sovereign, corporate “city states” that are not part of the countries they are located in. They have their own laws, and identities, as indicated by their respective flags that clearly control the whole world. This film poses the idea that these city states control the world, and here are their rolls:

City of London – FINANCE: Receives taxes from their subjects (slaves) in Canada and the United States. They design and control our financial and banking systems.

Vatican City – RELIGION: The Pope wants to merge all the religions into one, which is absolute nonsense. The Pope broke off from the truth (confusingly referred to as The ‘Eastern Church’ or ‘Eastern Orthodox Church’ or ‘Orthodox Church’ or ‘Orthodox’) about 1000 years ago.

Washington DC – MILITARY: Death camps and stacks of black plastic coffins that can hold six to ten bodies each, are piled high in a long train-like fashion, as far as the eye can see, in the United States, today.

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