How Living Your Best Life Will Save the World

Heal the WorldRandi G. Fine, Contributor
Waking Times

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Ghandi

Many of us feel helpless when we hear about the inhumane atrocities that are occurring around the world. We have witnessed unfathomable cruelty – evil.  We live in terror of the possibility that this evil will soon pervade our own homelands.

We desperately pray to God to save us. We throw our hands up in despair asking, “Where is God when we need him the most?”

We hope that the people of the government we elected and put into power will take the reigns and fix the problems, and then we curse them when they fail us.

Time is of the essence. Too many innocent people are dying senseless deaths.  Each of us must stop passively wringing our hands in despair. We must assume our share of responsibility. We must tap into the power that lies within each of us – the power we have that will change the course of the world.  It all starts with you and I.

Each of our souls have come to this planet to learn and grow. Each of us carefully laid out chosen paths to follow before we arrived here.  As a human beings we may not remember why we came here and what we need to learn, but our souls do.

No one is cursed with their reality; no one is punished by it. God did not bring us here to make us suffer. We each came here of our own accord. We each create our own realities.

  • The hardest things we face in life, the dreaded themes that repeat over and over during our lifetimes, the problems that seem to follow us wherever we go, are the ones we came here to overcome.  Recognize these as indications of your soul’s purpose in this lifetime.

    Only the bravest souls choose to come to Earth School to accelerate their growth. That means that each of us has the strength and power within to push past adversity. Each of us has the capacity to heal ourselves. And each of us carries the love and light of the God spirit within.

    Life is hard, but we are not alone on our journeys. The loving spirit world made a pact with us before we came here to support us. They remain faithfully by our sides. They whisper guidance in our ears. They give us recognizable signposts along the way to assist us in finding the most direct path to all the answers we will ever need.

    We may recognize these signs as coincidences, but they are not. There are no coincidences. They are synchronicities – unexplained phenomena that show us the most direct route toward the fulfillment of our mission. We need only awaken and recognize them.

    When we move past the pain, fear and heartache we came here to overcome we are brought to love and light. This is the love and light that each of us must bring to the world. This is the love and light that will change the course of the world.

    We can no longer distract ourselves from doing the work each of us needs to do. We have to stop complaining about others. We must stop complaining about circumstances and do what is within our own power to fix ourselves. That is all it takes. If each of us did the work on ourselves that we came here to do, the world would radiate with love and light; the light that will crowd out the darkness. Darkness cannot possibly exist where there is light.

    We all wonder what we can do to fix the world; to overcome the darkness that is spreading like wildfire on our planet. Truth be told,  it is must easier to do than we might believe. We must each look within. We must each explore our own existence. We must ask ourselves how we can positively change that which is within our own grasp. That is all it takes. If each of us saved ourselves we could collectively save the world.

    We can no longer rely on the people we elect to represent us. They are human beings just as we are, each with their own agendas. If these beings are overcome by pain and darkness, they cannot possibly bring light and love to the world. Until they each see the light, the problems the world faces, the problems that impact each and every one of us, will not be eradicated.

    The same goes for God. God can only do so much. We are God’s hands and we have been given free will. It all comes down to us.

    Smile at someone today. Share the love. Love is contagious. Let each and every one of us begin the process of infecting our planet with love and light, right here, right now. We can do it. We must do it.

    About the Author

    Randi Fine is a Radio Show Host, author of two books, and Life Issues Counselor living in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Love Your Life is a journal that she writes to connect with others who share in her mission of spreading light, love, and healing to the world. Randi hosts the blog talk-radio show, A Fine Time for Healing: A Sanctuary for Your Emotional Wellbeing.  On her show she discusses self-help and spiritual life-skill topics that heal and enhance the life experiences of others. Randi Fine published her memoir, Fine…ly, in 2010 and her inspirational book, Awaken from Life, in 2012. Randi is a deeply spiritual person, following an enlightened path of her own design. It is a connection she faithfully trusts to guide her in every aspect of her life.

    Please visit: and follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Linked In.

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