False Freedom and Free Will

Flickr-freedom-Aimee HeartPersonocratiaContributor
Waking Times 

Canadian citizens are guaranteed rights and privileges that the inhabitants of many other countries envy. Yet, with worsening working conditions, increasing taxation, crumbling public services, lowering food quality, and an ever-increasing national debt, my old rose-colored glasses cannot hide the truth anymore. Despite the six million laws regulating Canadians, I have never had fewer rights, and my privileges have never been that expensive to hold on to. Is life in Canada that perfect? Am I as free as I am told?

False Freedom

Napoleon talked about freedom in the following way:

Stupid people, cowardly people, since the continuation of oppression does not give you the necessary energy, since you content yourselves with useless complaints when you could be roaring, since you are millions and you let a dozen children armed with little sticks control you as they wish, obey! Walk and do not worry about your wails and, at least, try to be unhappy if you cannot be free.”

  • During the French Revolution, millions of people died in the name of freedom. They vainly believed that the master was the enemy and that, if they killed him, they would become their own masters. What an illusion! Nowadays, the French must follow more laws than ever before. The country does not even exist anymore; it has become an integral part of the European Union. Amazingly, France is still considered as a free and democratic country. Isn’t it strange.

    Two lies are constantly conveyed about freedom. First, it is said that my freedom stops where another person’s freedom starts. That is false, because when another decides to have a bigger freedom than mine, there is no more left for me. Secondly, it is assumed that being free means doing what one wants. That is also false, because the one who wants is the emotional body of desire governed by ego. In both cases, we are talking about false freedom.

    In reality, I live in a cage named ego, where, unconsciously, I act either as a subservient white sheep or a rebellious black sheep. The walls of my cell are built out of a stone called survival; the bars at my window are made of a metal named fear. Only I can create my prison; only I can open its door. The key has the shape of two words: free will. I am ready to believe any lie from the authorities in order to keep my rights and privileges – that don’t even exist.

    In fact, the State can kill me, put me in prison, seize my property, and even my children. As Étienne de la Boétie once said: “They are tall because we are kneeling down.” Why do I become a prostitute, and perform shameful duties and revolting obligations? Because I am afraid of losing what I have or not having what I want.

    Free Will

    Free will represents the faculty to make a choice without any other authority beside individual will, outside any influence by solicitation or external constraint. Inside any human being resides this capacity to decide what to do and what not to do. Freedom of will implies freedom of choice. It is only possible in thinking and conscious living beings. The principle of freedom rests on free will and the power of decision, two aspects that are specific to human beings and none other.

    Free will is not a right imparted by a constitution or a State, neither is it an attribute given by God or nature. It is inherent to a human being and belongs to her. As its owner, she cannot lose it and nobody can steal it away from her. The DECISION is the corner stone on which rests the transformation from slavery to liberty.

    It is at the crossroads of its two fundamental vectors: the choice that can (mind) and the will that wants (emotional/vital). Why do we so often hear “I would like to, but I can’t”, or “yes, baaat…”, or again “I have no choice”? When I pretend that I have no choice, I lower myself to the level of an animal. I choose to behave like one by refusing to take the necessary decision. In fact, I always have a choice! The question to ask is: “Do I want to?” When it is asked, the true answer will come out: “I don’t want to decide because I am afraid of…”

    Free will is manifested when the emotional/vital body puts itself in the service of the mind. Only fear can destroy will and stop me from exercising my power of decision. Either I transcend my fear and express my free will, or I let my fear take control of my body, and I submit to the will of another. I have the power to choose. To do so, I must take the decision to use my free will.

    Here is a concrete example. When Mado says that she owns no driver’s license, many people tell her: “So, you cannot drive anymore?” She then explains that she uses the car regularly. “How do you do it?” She answers: “I use a very simple, three-step procedure. I put the key in the ignition, I push on the gas pedal, and I turn the wheel.” When I decide to live as a Personocratia*, everything becomes possible.

    True Freedom

    When Ghis was brought to prison in 2008, she had to wear handcuffs and shackles. She was placed in a locked cage inside a prison truck. Through the window, she could see people outside driving their cars. That is when she realized that they were slaves while she was free. This awareness is what brought her to say what has become one of her favorite quotes: “True freedom is inside!” Yet, she was being treated like an animal going to the slaughterhouse. [read the full account of her story in her book Madame Ghis, Escape in Prison]

    How could she say that she was free? Simply, true freedom is an internal state of being that is both durable and without reason. It cannot be affected by external conditions. Ghis was conscious of being the creatrix* of her experience and she remained in peace with her creation.

    When I say that I have no choice, I lower myself to the level of animality. In fact, I always have the choice between behaving as an intelligent, unconscious animal, the victim of the State, God, or Nature, or to remember who I am, an unlimited creatrix*, owner of the following attributes: liberty, invincibility, omniscience, pure joy, peace, and love. My prison is internal and the key for the door lies in my hands.

    The Solution: The Transfer of Power

    True freedom is accessible to me when I make the transfer of power from ego to soul, when I stop to behave out of fear and to be attached to results. I do what my soul tells me, even if I am afraid. I concentrate on the means instead of the end. The internal process that I go through during an experience allows me to grow in consciousness. This accelerates the permeation of spirit inside my body and allows me to dissolve the wall of death covering my cells.

    There is a direct relationship between consciousness and action. As soon as I listen to my ego and his unquenchable thirst for security, I remain imprisoned, the slave of needs, habits, desires, beliefs. True freedom and invincibility are the direct result of my listening to my internal authority. This is a new, mysterious path that is deadly for the ego, but it is the only one that does not lead to a dead end. True freedom is not something I can buy; it is an internal state. No law can guarantee it. Nobody can remove it from me. It is already in my possession. All I need to do is “dis-cover” it.

    Before a man can become free, he must choose freedom.” – Jeff Knaebel

    Authors: Ghis and Mado

    Personocratia: word that means “individual governance”. It designates any human being (living and terrestrial) who remembers who she is, Idessa, unlimited creatrix, and who behave as such in daily life.

    Creatrix: feminine word for ‘creator’.

    This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.

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