The Dichotomy of Mainstream Media vs. the Alternative Media

Flickr-mainstream media-surian soosayMichael T. Winter, Contributor
Waking Times

What is truth? Not a simple question. Is it as you feel it to be? (Subjective truth). Is it based on what you perceive to be facts, uninfluenced by your feelings? (Objective truth). Is it only what your five senses confirm to be real? (Empirical truth). Even within these three very basic concepts of truth, there rests a plethora of subtleties upon the definition of truth – correspondence, coherence, constructivist, consensus, and many more. It is within these subtleties we find a foundational dichotomy between the ‘truth’ of MSM and the ‘truth’ of the alternative press (Alt. P).

Within the varying theories on truth, the MSM (as the faces, voices and words of the global elite cartel) embrace two of the weakest theories, the first being consensus theory. Consensus theory holds that truth is whatever is agreed upon, or in some versions, might come to be agreed upon, by some specified group. Such a group might include all human beings, or a subset thereof consisting of more than one person. 1. A prime example of this is found in a statement by Joseph Goebbels; chillingly insightful, coming from a Nazi.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state.

  • Another truth subset found in the MSM, acting as an extension of globalist shapers over the centuries, is constructivist truth theory. Social constructivism holds that truth is constructed by social processes, is historically and culturally specific, and that it is in part shaped through the power struggles within a community. Constructivism views all of our knowledge as “constructed,” because it does not reflect any external “transcendent” realities (as a pure correspondence theory might hold). Rather, perceptions of truth are viewed as contingent on convention, human perception, and social experience. 2. This theory is evidenced most notably in school books from K – PhD., and can best be expressed in the saying “History is written by the victors”. This is why we were taught Columbus discovered America, and not the Vikings, hundreds of years prior; reams of historical data notwithstanding. Social constructivist truth reigns supreme in history and social science departments of most major universities, stamping out clones to perpetuate the dissemination of falsities to coming generations of scholars and students, and so on and so on.

    Discovery and The History Channel are two of the worst television perpetrators of this truth theory. Over generations, we accept certain things as ‘true’, simply because we have heard it our entire lives from various sources – but who actually says anything happened a particular way?

    We watch a Network show, (fictionally) called “Bin Laden – the Life and Times”. It would consists of the constructivist theory of truth, as it embraces previously published documents and testimony, vetted, in support of the constructivist lie being built, (they are a brick in this wall). The more firmly the lie takes root in our collective psyche, the greater chance becomes that this original lie will become a consensus truth. It is in this fashion we accept so much.

    The alternative press, however, embraces distinctly different truth theorems. The primary theory employed by the alternative press, by necessity, is empirical truth. If MSM is Goliath, the Alt. P. is David. Being the underdog in this dichotomy, it is incumbent upon the Alt. P. to provide this form of proof, as what is being posited on Alt. P sites (the key word here being ‘alternative’ [to the accepted, or prevalent norm]) is in direct contravention to the consensus theory of truth, which reigns supreme in North America at this moment in time.

    To use the phrase again, “History is written by the victors”, with MSM representing the victors (at this point in time); if we hold a pair of sevens in black jack, then they are sitting on a pair of kings. The MSM has the power system in place to foist blatant falsehoods on the public, beating it into our heads 24/7 via CNN, FOX, etc. The Alt. P. has the Internet, which is a mighty, mighty tool. One can paint with a broad swath in stating that television is the realm of deception and the Internet is the realm of truth. (The brush is very wide). It is therefore unremarkable to understand that, for the most part, almost every single television network and channel can ultimately be traced through corporate threads to be in the holding and control of only five global media conglomerates. 5. It is chilling to realize that ultimately, (very simplistically stated) five corporate chairmen decide what the world will see, hear about and read about. Anything different from this consensus truth construct is relegated to the ‘alternative’ media.

    The Internet, while still being a creature of the US military*, has morphed beyond their control, having grown into a truth spewing beast they can no longer contain, short of complete destruction of same. This is not out of the realm of reason. When one considers, as did Goebbels, that “…a lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie”. If the Internet is the primary means of disseminating the truth, it is by proximity a mortal enemy of the globalists, as they are the primary espouser of lies. And of course, one realizes when one says ‘globalists’ one is also saying ‘military’.

    * There is strong support in both camps that the military either did or did not create the Internet. Whether Berners-Lee or Arpanet genius sparked the concept of the Internet, it stands to logic (for funding reasons, for the enormous scope of authoritative geographical cooperation required of such an infrastructure, and the simple fact such a marvelous capacity for both weapons evolution and social programming and monitoring capabilities could breathe life), that government involvement is almost unavoidably certain.

    At the end of the day, if one wants a person to believe a newly presented truth, in their heart, one must offer that person empirical truth – sensory evidence . . . video, pictures, credible testimonials, contravening documentation from the very parties being sought to divorce them from. Nothing else will work. Anything less is a seed planted in rocky soil. Doubt flourishes for lack of evidence. This conception of empirical truth (physical evidence) was, after all, a cornerstone in a U.S. Court of Law criminal trial, though for a different America than we know today.

    The Alt. P. also embraces the correspondence theory of truth; not as demanding as empirical truth, but a younger sibling to be sure. The correspondence theory of truth states that the truth or falsity of a statement is determined only by how it relates to the world and whether it accurately describes (i.e., corresponds with) that world. The theory is opposed to the coherence theory of truth (a mainstay of MSM…news programs especially so), which holds that the truth or falsity of a statement is determined by its relations to other statements rather than its relation to the world. 3.

    Mass spectrometer readings of melted beams of the twin towers indicating the presence of thermite, with said publishing by reputable, credible, non-government scientists 4.that do so at peril, is empirical evidence. Science is a cornerstone of empirical evidence. One must logically acknowledge forthcoming scientists stand to gain nothing beyond complacency of soul, and stand to lose much in social and professional standing. One cans aught but conclude there is but one goal in their presentation of facts contrary to the consensus theory of truth espoused by the MSM, and that is to make known the truth of empirical, irrefutable truth. One may find the reports themselves suspect, (as ultimately, anyone can, at any time, suspect the truth of anything), but one cannot deny the career jeopardy these scientists place themselves in, and (will hopefully) examine the scientists premise for action.

    Ayn Rand, vilified and praised with equal fervor, wrote, “Check your premises”. Good advice, in relation to this topic. We must examine the agendas of the parties as relates to the content of the news or media content promulgated.

    MSM, through the tentacle that is Hollywood, promotes the consensual truth that Satanism is vogue 6., that casual sex is mentally healthy, that men are bumbling fools while women are empowered; stronger mentally, morally and logically. In the entertainment industry, Satanism is epidemic. To be rattled by oodles of empirical evidence go here.

    A recent single episode of Two and Half Men included references and jokes alluding to threesomes, incestuous threesomes, drug use, alcohol abuse and very casual sexual trysts. (I had better hopes for you, Ashton). Ah, just another evening on prime time network family entertainment. No cultural manipulation going on here! No Sir!

    Remember please that the primary target audience for the pervasive Luciferian references 10. is young children, and the younger the better. It’s called indoctrination. One must understand, and realize for and when your children do not, a simple truism, phrased here in the form of a question.

    “If we embrace the concept of empirical evidence; what we see and here, in other words, then is it not highly probable; inevitable, even, that if an impressionable child (impressionability being the yeast of formative mental and emotional growth in every human child ever born) is inundated daily with satanic images and physical manifestations (in the form of concerts, music awards, etc.) of devil worship, vulgar displays of wanton promiscuity, 8., satanic symbols and mentally divergent themes and song lyrics, that they will embrace, to greater and lesser degrees, the essence of that evil agenda?”

    It is not the symbols themselves, but the moral decay which the performances and symbols endorse and promote. This is the danger.

    The premise, or foundational reason for this Hollywood agenda is to erode the family unit. They have done a marvelous job of it. The US is a world leader in divorce rates. A destroyed family (and does a divorce do nothing else if not destroy the family?) acerbates the division of the family unit, and with the loss of the family unit, a populace is that much easier to control, lacking the strength of conviction that only a nuclear family unit can inspire the average Joe to heroic acts of defense. The broken man, bitter woman, disenfranchised and neglected child . . . what will they fight for at risk of life? Beyond the animal defense instinct that kicks in for everyone faced with immediate death, most rudderless citizens will sweep to the oars of a globalists controlled current.

    The tame elder brother to Hollywood’s insidious evil, but a brother nonetheless, is network news, and their lesser viewed cousins found in cable news. One can logically concede that the ‘big five’ media heads are safely in the realm of the globalist elite; each being a Minister of Propaganda rendering a Goebbels to the skill level of a small market slickster. If one here can concede there is a globalists cabal with a specific agenda of global domination, then one must also agree there are those standing in opposition to such designs. You probably agree, shills withstanding. To accomplish the foul deeds required to see global domination realized, a few eggs must be cracked.

    A summation of agreement in a room of global elites, “These actions must be covered up, lest the masses realize what we are up to!” Enter the ‘big five’, in unison; “No problem. We’ll have Miley strip to near nude and crotch hump a dude on national television….Syria? Where’s that?” Problem solved…for now.

    On a scale of 1-100, Google tracks the search interest of certain terms. After Miley Cyrus’ performance, her Google rating went from 67 to 100 in less than 24 hours, while “Syria” went from 4 to 3 during the same period. Rerunning the numbers Thursday, CP found Cyrus’ Monday rating 100, with Syria down at 2. On Tuesday, Miley went down to 63, but Syria remained less than one tenth of that, at 6. 9.

    That is a reason, a premise for her needlessly crude performance. Remember, the globalists’ machine is vast and all-encompassing; meshing governments, MSM, weapons, energy and food…essentially every aspect of our existence.

    Hence, the alternative press employs analysis and construction of the truth, based on empirical evidence, because there is no other form of truth as powerful. This is why the truth movement is growing daily and the globalists employed inferior forms of constructive and consensus truth are crumbling in the face of empirical truth, and that is why we will triumph when all is said and done. And that’s the truth!


    6. A PILE of empirical evidence, as well as opinon.
    9. Yes, it’s the Christian Post! Who do you think is going to post this information, TMZ?

    **This article originally appeared on**

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